Mabel ANDREW’s Family Tree
compiled by Claudia Boorman - last updated 31 Jan 2014

These pages contain relatives and ancestors of Claudia’s mother, Mabel Marion ANDREW in all her known lines.

This type of web format shows the information in two different ways. Click on the "Home" link and you will see the default "family card" for Mabel Marion ANDREW. This format shows 3 generations (central couple, their parents on top, their children below. Click on the name of any child or parent to navigate up or down the generations.

To switch to the "tree" (pedigree chart) view, click on the little tree icon beside a name in the central part of a family card. 5 generations of that person's direct line ancestors are shown on each page. You can switch the focus to another individual on the page by clicking on that name. The names of the spouse and children of that person are sometimes available in a drop down menu below the box.

In either view you have access to the basic information on such cousins, aunts and uncles etc. Further details on many of the people listed can be found in the other reports on this site.

Please contact Claudia (email address below) for more information or to provide updates and feedback. Further details on sources are also available on request.

To return to this page at any time, click on the "contents" link below. Or click on any name on the "index" or "surname" page.

Thank you for visiting.