Herbert Randell HIBBS & Froncia Sultana “Tanie” HUNT - Media
Hibbs Corner
Children Sitting: Louise Hibbs, Calvin Slovacek, Frank Slovacek, Leon Hibbs,
Front Row: Mattie Hibbs, Louella Hibbs, Tanie, Hibbs, Opal Hibbs, Delia Hibbs, Eloise Hibbs
Left to Right: Dad, Uncle John ralph P.O. Grandma, Lou, Mama, Opal Me( Not sure who Me is) Leroy Uncle Frank Eloise Aunt Bertha Aunt Lib.
Not sure on the names on the photo. They are wrote kinda random. If something is wrong please let us know.
Comment 1: What corner in Beaver?
Comment 2: It was where Elmwood is now.
Courtesy of Facebook (2014) - Jones & Plummer Trail Museum published an old b&w photo of a large group of people standing in from of an old brick building with sign: “HIBBS CORNER / 1887 1933”
Hibbs Corner (around 1933). Located on the north side of Elmwood, Ok
Courtesy of Jones & Plummer Trail Museum, facebook 2014