Ninth Generation (Continued)
Charles Kirby BANBURY (Richard8, Mary CORNISH7, Philip6, Mary ADAMS5, John4, Mary NEALE3, John2, Bennett1) 
Born in 1868 in California, USA.
- Charles K. Banbury, our G Grandfather, born California 1868 to Richard and Margaret Daugherty Banbury. Richard returned from California to Knox County, with his family in 1859. Charles K. married Hallie Mansbridge, served in the Ohio 4th Vol. Infantry during the Spanish American War. After that we have lost track of him. Also, his three step-siblings: James Edward Daugherty, born 1860; Mary Daugherty, born 1862; and William Daugherty born 1866. They can be seen as a family in the 1880 US Census and then we lose track of these three Daughertys' also. We have seen an note in 1926 only James Edward reamained living, and that he died before 1930. [2005 information]
- Charles K Banbury was born 1868 in Union, Knox, Ohio and married Hallie Armstrong .
- Charles K., the son of Richard Banbury (son of Richard Banbury and Mary Cornish,) and Margaret Kirby married a very young Hallie Armstrong, (Hallie because she was born on Halloween,) in 1891 when he was about 22. They had two children Auralea and Owen Demont. When Charles K. married Hallie she was not of legal age and her father had to sign a consent form, which was witnessed by William Daugherty. Charles's half brother. Nothing more is known of Charles until he joined a volunteer unit from Mount Vernon, Knox County and this unit went to a training camp not too far south of Missionary Ridge for training. They then embarked on a troop ship in Newport News, VA and sailed to Cuba. The unit the Charles K. was with didn't see action, they were held in reserve in the NW corner of the island and Charles K. was hospitalized. He remained there until his unit was sent home. ... Many were sent home when they got sick but Charlie stayed, perhaps because he was too sick to travel alone. He arrived home about December 1899 and there was a big ceremony where the company was discharged and then the men released… He then filed for a pension. Well, next, the family story is that he got onto his horse and buggy to go to work one day and the horse and buggy come home empty! And that's IT!!!! NOTHING MORE!!!! EVER!!!
- The census reports of 1860-1880 shows the family unit, and then the 1900 census shows Hallie with the children and no Charles K. and we can then follow Hallie to Chicago, and subsequently Owen and Auralea to Madison and NYC.
It was in Hallie’s family bible where she had a letter written by Richard Banbury, (married to Margaret Kirby Daugherty) that he had written to his parents in 1849 that stated that he had safely arrived in California, all those that he had travelled with died along the way. He told his parents that he would remain in California for a specified period of time and then return to Ohio. He returned in 1868 after the birth of Charles K. in California.”
In a short autobiographical sketch by Charles's half brother, William Daugherty, it states at the time it was authored, in 1928, that he is the only survivor of the siblings of Margaret Kirby (Daugherty/ Banbury)... this would include Charles K. Banbury..... So, some knew where Charlie K. went or what happened to him. Also, after mustering out of the Infantry regiment there was a US census taken in 1900 and it lists Hallie with the two children, and she claims to be married but there is no Charles there.....I have been of the opinion that maybe he went back to Cuba because of some cute chick!!!! But, what ever he did, he was a master at hiding" Bill Banbury
- 1900 U.S. Census Mt. Vernon, Knox, Ohio
Hallie Banbury age 26 Oct 1873 married Seamstress 2 children, 2 living
Auralea 8 Sep 1891
Owen D. 6 Dec 1893
- 1910 U.S. Census Chacago Ward 4, Cook, Illinois
Hallie Banbury 37 Demonstrator, Dept. Store
Amalia 18 "
Owen 16 Instructor, Motoring College
On 14 Nov 1889 when Charles Kirby was 21, he married Hallie ARMSTRONG. Born on 31 Oct 1873.
- Hallie was born 31 Oct 1873 [1900 US census, Bill Banbury]
- a very young Hallie Armstrong, (Hallie because she was born on Halloween,) married Charles K Banbury in 1891 when he was about 22. They had two children Auralea and Owen Demont. When Charles K. married Hallie she was not of legal age and her father had to sign a consent form, which was witnessed by William Daugherty. Charles's half brother.
- "Hallie was a very beautiful woman, prim and proper to the extreme!!! A real English Lady. As she grew old, it became apparent that she could not live alone in Chicago. She had a burglar attempt to crawl threw a transom window above her rear entry of her third floor apartment. She went out with her cane and beat the man down to the ground and chased him down the stairs. This was cause for my father to decide to bring her to Madison to live with our family, in 1955. She was NOT happy, and she struggle after being very independent for so many years, and she missed her Chicago…. So she moved back. While she lived with us, we observed that she would never leave the house without hat a gloves, even when she was taking trash to the garbage can. Very precise and articulate person! Never a hair out of place!!! I wish that I had been older and had the chance to talk to her and understand.”
- Hallie did remarry after her children had grown and left home …. She married a William Mansbridge who was a widower and he died in the 1940's. Hallie did not do well after the she lost her only son, her only daughter, and her husband all within about a 5 year period. She struggled the rest of her life and died alone in Chicago.
They had the following children: