Ninth Generation (Continued)
Gladys Woodfull BOORMAN (Barham Pratt8, Henry7, Samuel6, Thomas5, Thomas4, William3, Thomas2, William1).
Born on 15 Aug 1892 in Maidstone, Kent, England. Gladys Woodfull died in Tonbridge Reg Dist, Kent, England, in Q4 1953; she was 61.
- 1892 freebmd Births Dec 1892
Boorman Gladys Woodfull Maidstone 2a 701
- 1911 census living with parents, 2 siblings, 1 cousin, 1 visitor and 3 servants at 34 Bower Mount Road, Maidstone Kent.
Gladys Woodhill Boorman 18 - daughter, single, school lessons, born Maidstone Kent
- 1922 freebmd Marriages Jun 1922
BOORMAN Gladys W Robinson Maidstone 2a 2023
HAYWARD Nora E Taylor Maidstone 2a 2023
Robinson John Boorman Maidstone 2a 2023
Taylor Arthur Hayward Maidstone 2a 202
- middle name Woodfull or Woodhill?
- possible death registration although the year and middle initial is slightly off:
1953 freebmd Deaths Sep 1953
ROBINSON Gladys M 63 Ealing 5e 97
The district Ealing spans the boundaries of the counties of Greater London and Middlesex
This is a common name.
- another source says she remarried a John Weir. If so this would be the marriage registration:
1929 Marriages Sep 1929
Robinson Gladys W Weir Maidstone 2a 2818
Weir John Robinson Maidstone 2a 2818
(there are other marriages for a Gladys W Robinson)
And this would be the death registration:
1953 freebmd Deaths Dec 1953
WEIR Gladys W 61 Tonbridge 5b 770
The district Tonbridge spans the boundaries of the counties of Kent and Sussex
On 7 Jun 1922 when Gladys Woodfull was 29, she first married Dr John ROBINSON in Maidstone Reg Dist, Kent, England. Born ca 1890. John died in Apr 1927; he was 37.
On 24 Aug 1929 when Gladys Woodfull was 37, she second married John WEIR in Maidstone Reg Dist, Kent, England. John died in Oct 1948.
Bessie Ruth BOORMAN (Barham Pratt8, Henry7, Samuel6, Thomas5, Thomas4, William3, Thomas2, William1).
Born on 2 Nov 1895 in Maidstone, Kent, England. Bessie Ruth died in Maidstone Reg Dist, Kent, England, in Q2 1969; she was 73.
- 1896 Births Mar 1896
Boorman Bessie Ruth Maidstone 2a 736
- 1911 census living with parents, 2 siblings, 1 cousin, 1 visitor and 3 servants at 34 Bower Mount Road, Maidstone Kent.
Bessie Ruth Boorman 15 - daughter, single, -, born Maidstone Kent
- 1969 Deaths Jun 1969
BOORMAN Bessie Ruth 2No1895 Maidstone 5f 1269
- Could find an exact match for a marriage
Henry Roy Pratt BOORMAN MBE (Barham Pratt8, Henry7, Samuel6, Thomas5, Thomas4, William3, Thomas2, William1) 
Born on 21 Sep 1900 in Maidstone, Kent, England. Henry Roy Pratt died in St Augustine’s Priory, Bilsington, Kent, England, on 22 Jun 1992; he was 91. Buried in Charing, Kent, England. Occupation: Proprietor Of Kent Messenger Newspaper.
- 1900 Births Dec 1900
Boorman Henry Roy P Maidstone 2a 759
- 1911 census living with parents, 2 siblings, 1 cousin, 1 visitor and 3 servants at 34 Bower Mount Road, Maidstone Kent.
Henry Roy Pratt Boorman 10 - son, single, school, born Maidstone Kent
- 1933 Marriages Jun 1933
Boorman Henry R P Starke W.Ham 4a 948
- 1939: granted Arms and a Crest (Grants 105.240) by College of Arms (different from arms granted to Thomas Hugh Boorman in 1829). Included in pedigree on record (Norfolk 50.43)
- 1947 Marriages Jun 1947
Boorman Henry R P Clinch Westminster 5c 1026
- Owner of Kent Messenger newspaper
- from a relative [with edits, comments]:
“Roy (known by his second name) Boorman wrote a book about the family and traced them back to St Thomas a becket, one of them was in the Cathedral but for good or ill? we don't know. [copy not yet found]
“'We had a crest - white horse of kent on the helmet. Roy was editor and proprietor of the Kent Messenger, now amalgamated with the Sevenoaks chronical. His full name is Henry Roy Pratt Boorman. He rowed for Cambridge, successful win, mayor of Maidstone two or 3 times, second cousin of my mother (Rachel May Boorman).
“He went with Queen Elizabeth (queen mother) and George VI to Canada and also went to Russia, he was injected with something like MS and was in hospital. They didn't like newspapermen. Rescued by a visiting general and his driver who recognised him and brought him home. He lived at St Augustines Priory in Bilsington and was an apiarist and farmer. He wrote several books including "Hells corner" about Kent in wartime. He had a son; his wife divorced him. He married the girl driver who rescued him and they had one daughter. She saved his life once when she was 3 or 4, he fell down in a muddy field and couldn't get up and his daughter ran home to tell her mum. He was very interesting to talk to, they were a happy little family.”
- He wrote several books, including "Kent, Our Glorious Heritage" by H. R. Pratt Boorman, MBE, MA, FJI, Editor and Propieter of the "Kent Messenger," the County Paper of Kent, [published by] "Kent Messenger" 1950.”
All his books [so far] found have the crest [coat of arms] with the white horse on. The frontispieces respectively show an indication of the timeline of his awards. FJI - couldn't find it but presumably something linked with journalism, DL is Deputy Lieutenant, MA of course is his degree, he is described as Editor in Chief of the Kent Messenger the County Paper of Kent:
1950 MBE, MA, FJI (Kent Our Glorious Heritage) All the books are photographic, with some descriptive text.
1952 MBE MA FJI (Kentish Pride)
1966 CBE, MA, FJI (Kent a Royal County),
1979 CBE MA, FJL, DL (Kent our County)
- According to, regarding the bells in Canterbury Cathedral (South West or Oxford tower):
The 12th bell, “Trinity” (C sharp, originally 1726) was recast in 1981 …
(coat of arms)
This Bell Was Given
To Mark The 80th Birthday
Henry Roy Pratt Boorman
C.B.E., L.L., M.A., F.J.I.,
By The
Staff and Directors
Of The
Kent Messenger
21 September, 1980
In Honour Of The Blessed Trinity”
- (not dated, viewed 2013):
“[Barham’s] son Henry Roy Pratt Boorman, grandfather of the present chairman, took over. ...
Roy Boorman, universally known as the Guvnor, established the Kent Messenger as the pre-eminent newspaper in the county.
He took over several titles including the Maidstone Gazette and Journal (1936), the Chatham Observer (1937), the Tonbridge Free Press (1958) and the Edenbridge Chronicle (1968).
Circulation rose steadily, thanks in part to Mr Boorman's view that, at a time when few people owned television sets, pictures sold newspapers.
He was a good publicist for the KM, driving all over the county looking for suitable sites for advertising hoardings. One slogan read: "Kent Messenger for Maids and Mistresses" - a risqué slogan for its time!
In the 1930s, the KM published a magazine called "Kent Tells The World", featuring county industry and organisations. Mr Boorman sent it to British embassies all over the world.
The KM operated from premises in Week Street, Maidstone, where the company flourished for more than half a century. The building, which incorporated oast houses, was later demolished after a serious fire. The site is now called Brenchley House.”
See also
See also
- From another researcher:
“Samuel Boorman's descendents includ[ed] famed Henry Roy Pratt Boorman (Kent Messenger Newspaper) who my grandmother Rachel May Boorman knew well.” Samuel was the son of Thomas Boorman and Elizabeth Godden.
- Cremated
- does his MBE stand for “Member of the (Most Excellent Order of the) British Empire”?
On 24 Jun 1933 when Henry Roy Pratt was 32, he first married Margaret Enid STARKE in Woodford Green Congregational Church. Born ca 1900. They were divorced.
According to another researcher, Margaret Enid Starke was married twice:
1) Henry Roy Pratt Boorman, 1933, Woodford Green Congreational
2) Richard C Ashby, 1949
They had one child:
Edwin Roy Pratt BOORMAN OBE DL (1935-2012)
Henry Roy Pratt second married (Private).