Ninth Generation (Continued)
William Spencer COMPTON (Edward8, Thomas7, Ann6, John5, John4, Tristram3, John “the Elder”2, Edward1) 
Born abt 1799. William Spencer died in Charlottetown, PEI, Canada, on 6 Nov 1847; he was 48. Buried in 1847 in Old Protestant Cemetery, Elm/University Ave, Charlottetown, PEI, Canada. Occupation: Farmer, Merchant.
- William Spencer Compton was a merchant in Charlottetown and moved there from England, the son of Edward Compton (brother of Col. Harry Compton.)
- resided in Lot 17, PEI . St Eleanors and Charlottetown
- worked as a farmer; gravestone says merchant. Willam was in the fish business for a period of time, selling fish, and advertised in a Charlottetown newspaper. Farmed in St Eleanors.
- 1827 - married in St. John's Church, St Eleanors, PEI
MARRIAGE: HASZARD-COMPTON - This morning, at Belle Vue, by the Rev. L. C. Jenkins, Mr. William Compton, St. Eleanor's, to Harriet Clarissa, eldest daughter of William Haszard, Esq. [Note: Publisher: James Douglas Haszard, weekly publication out of Charlottetown PEI. ISSN: 0839-282X]
- 1836 - Compton fire, Royal Gazette 26 April, 1836 -
“A fire broke out in the house occupied by Mr. William S. Compton in King Street, between the hours of one and two on Wednesday morning last. The fire had gained such an ascendancy before the alarm was given, that the inmates had barely time to escape with their lives. Nearly every article of furniture, together with a considerable quantity of flour, and other provisions, were consumed. The exertions of the Fire Engine Company, and the inhabitants generally, aided by the Military, who promptly attended with the garrison engine, succeeded in saving the adjoining buildings, but the house in which the fire originated was reduced to ashes before three o'clock. No part of the property was insured, so that Mr. Compton's loss must have been considerable. The fire is supposed to have originated from a stove pipe which passed through a wooden partition between the kitchen and the bedroom where the stove was placed, and in which a fire had been recently kindled.”
- died at age 48 in Charlottetown, PEI
- He kept ties to England, as he died on a return voyage from there. The obituary stated he died immediately upon his return to Charolottetown. He may have died on the ship. No mention of cause of death was given.
- 1847: Nov 12, 1847 [publish date in The Islander] Died on the 6th inst., Saturday, William S. Compton, formerly merchant of this town, aged 48 years.
- 1847 Prince Edward Island Death Card Index, 1721-1905
Compton, William Spencer, age 48 - died 1847
& Harriet B Compton - wife of above, age 42 - died 1841
Record from Prot Cem Univ Ave, Ch'Town
- 1847 Prince Edward Island Death Card Index, 1721-1905
Compton, William Spencer, age 48 - died 1847
Died Ch'Town, 6 Nov 1847, age 48
Record from St Pauls' Ang. Church, Ch'Town
- 1847 memorial for William Spencer Compton
Birth: 1799
Death: 6 Nov 1847 (aged 47–48) Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada
Burial: Old Protestant Burying Ground, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada
Plot: K62
Memorial #: 136838104
Inscription: Here lies interredthe Body ofWm. SPENCER COMPTONlate of Charlotte TownMerchant.died Novr. 6th 1847Aged 48 Years.***~*~***
Gravesite Details Date of birth is calculated based on the age and year of death as inscribed on the headstone
Family Members
Harriet Clarissa Haszard Compton 1799-1841
Created by: Linda (47353767)
Added: 5 Oct 2014
Citation: Find A Grave, database and images ( : accessed 27 March 2018), memorial page for William Spencer Compton (1799–6 Nov 1847), Find A Grave Memorial no. 136838104, citing Old Protestant Burying Ground, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada ; Maintained by Linda (contributor 47353767) .
- orginally had date of death as 25 Jul 184 [?] - there was a [different] William Compton of St. Eleanors buried 27-July-1846 in St. John’s Anglican Cemetery Which William is this?:
Prince Edward Island Death Card Index, 1721-1905
Compton, William
Buried 27 Jul 1846, of St Eleanors
Pre-1906 Record from Church of England, Richmond
On 6 Feb 1827 when William Spencer was 28, he married
Harriet Clarissa HASZARD 
, daughter of William HASZARD (1767-1847) & Ann Farrant JONES (1780-1858), in St. Eleanor's, PEI, Canada.
Born on 28 Sep 1798 in Bellevue, PEI, Canada. Christened on 13 Feb 1799 in St Pauls Anglican, Charlottetown, Queens, PEI, Canada. Harriet Clarissa died in Charlottetown, PEI, Canada, on 4 Feb 1841; she was 42. Buried in 1841 in Old Protestant Cemetery, Elm/University Ave, Charlottetown, PEI, Canada.
- 1798/99 PEI PARO Baptismal Record
Child's Full Name Harriot Clarisa Haszard
Birth Date 28 September 1798
Baptismal Date 13 February 1799
Officiating Clergy T Desbrisay
Father's Name William Haszard
Mother's Name Anne Farrant Jines
Church Name St. Paul's Anglican
Church Location Charlottetown
Record Book Number 3
Record Book Page 40
- Harriett: eldest daughter of William Haszard and Ann Farrant Jones.
- Harriet and her sister Sarah Louisa were given a mulatto girl named Catherine, about 5 years of age, by their grandfather in Nov 1802 (cf. Island Refuge, p.328).
- previously married, lived on Lot 19, PEI
- married W.S. Compton, merchant, as per gravestones
- died when George was "the baby"
- died age 42, buried beside husband
- 1841 name in death record given as Harriet Clara
Prince Edward Island Death Card Index, 1721-1905
Compton, Harriet Clara, wife of Wm.
Died 4 Feb 1841 - age 42
Record from St Pauls Ang. Church, Ch'Town.
Notes: Wife of William, pre-1906 death index
- 1841 findagrave memorial for Harriet Clarissa Haszard Compton
Birth: 1799
Death: 4 Feb 1841 (aged 41–42) Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada
Burial: Old Protestant Burying Ground, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada
Plot: K63
Memorial #: 136838102
Inscription: Sacred
To the Memory
Wife of W.S. COMPTON
who departed this life on
the 4th Febry. 1841 Aged
42 years.~*~
Gravesite Details Date of birth is calculated based on the age and year of death as inscribed on the headstone
Family Members
William Spencer Compton* 1799-1847
Created by: Linda (47353767)
Added: 5 Oct 2014
Citation: Find A Grave, database and images ( : accessed 27 March 2018), memorial page for Harriet Clarissa Haszard Compton (1799–4 Feb 1841), Find A Grave Memorial no. 136838102, citing Old Protestant Burying Ground, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada ; Maintained by Linda (contributor 47353767) .
They had the following children:
Catherine COMPTON (Edward8, Thomas7, Ann6, John5, John4, Tristram3, John “the Elder”2, Edward1).
Born abt 1801 in Amport, Hampshire, England. Christened on 19 Dec 1801 in Amport, Hampshire, England. Catherine died in St Eleanors, PEI, Canada, on 5 Jul 1872; she was 71. Buried in 1872 in St Johns Anglican Church, St Eleanors, Prince Co., PEI, Canada.
- 1801 Catharine Compton, Female, Baptism 19 Dec 1801 in Amport, Hampshire, England, daughter of Edward Compton and Sarah Spencer, Indexing Project (Batch) Number: K13652-1. System Origin: England-ODM, Source Film Number: 1041196
- 1826 Catherine married Robert Craswell (as they seemed to spell it then, though my direct ancestors changed the spelling to Creswell) on September 19,1826 in Lot 17, PEI.
- 1872 reportedly age 68 when she died 5 Jul 1872 [doesn’t exactly match birthdate]
- 1872 memorial for Catherine Compton Creswell
Birth: 1801
Death: Jul. 5, 1872 Saint-Eleanors, Prince Edward Island, Canada
Robert Creswell (1796 - 1876)
Sarah Mary Craswell Schurman (1835 - 1889)*
Harry Compton Creswell (1845 - 1932)*
*Calculated relationship
Burial: Saint John's Anglican Church Cemetery, Saint-Eleanors, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada
Created by: Remember
Record added: Dec 21, 2013
Find A Grave Memorial# 122009893
On 19 Sep 1826 when Catherine was 25, she married
Robert CRESWELL, son of William CRESWELL (~1762-1826) & Mary JEWELL (~1758-1848), in Lot 17, PEI, Canada.
Born abt 1796 in Portsea, Hampshire, England. Christened on 17 Feb 1796 in St Marys, Portsea, Hampshire, England. Robert died in PEI, Canada, on 17 Mar 1876; he was 80. Buried in 1876 in St Johns Anglican Cemetary, St Eleanors, Prince, PEI, Canada. Occupation: farmer.
- From an installment of a a series of articles written by Hubert G Compton titled “A Short Sketch of North St. Eleanors", this one published in the Charlottetown Guardian 16 Dec 1906:
“The writer in his last omitted mentioning, Robert, the youngest of the Craswell family. He settled on part of the last purchase a little beyond the Post Office. He became a very prosperous farmer and at his death bequeathed this valuable property to his youngest son Harry. This farm did not extend to Richmond Bay, as the burying place of the first settlers in Lot 17 intervened between it and the Bay.
The ground in use for burials was enclosed by a substantial stone wall and a cross erected in the centre of the enclosure. Father Poirier P.P. of Mischouche had the cross placed there in the year 1840 or about that time. The same priest had the remains taken up and place in Miscouche cemetery many years since, but those who cultivate this field at the present day are strangers to these facts.”
- A comment about this aricle from a descendant:: “[this article] specifically mentions my great-grandfather Harry Compton Creswell (he seems to have been the one who changed the ‘a’ to ‘e’) and my g-g- grandfather Robert, and their property with the house I was able to find on my first visit to PEI. It’s interesting that the farm did not extend to Richmond Bay, because I always understood it did and that’s want [what] the 1880’s atlas showed. Sounds like the original situation may have changed when the graves were moved - and, more interesting, this does sound like it was the French cemetery.”
- 1876 memorial for Robert Creswell
Birth: 1796 Portsea, Hampshire, England
Death: Mar. 17, 1876 Prince Edward Island, Canada
Robert Creswell/Craswell married Catherine Compton on 19 Sept 1826 at St. Eleanors, Prince Edward Island.
They had 10 known children.
William Creswell (____ - 1826)
Mary Jewell Creswell (1758 - 1848)
Catherine Compton Creswell (1801 - 1872)
Sarah Mary Craswell Schurman (1835 - 1889)*
Harry Compton Creswell (1845 - 1932)*
Charles Craswell (1791 - 1869)*
James Craswell (1793 - 1865)*
Robert Creswell (1796 - 1876)
Anthony Craswell (1798 - 1886)*
Jane Creswell (1800 - 1875)*
*Calculated relationship
Burial: Saint John's Anglican Church Cemetery, Saint-Eleanors, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, CanadaCreated by: Remember
Record added: Dec 20, 2013
Find A Grave Memorial# 121977388
- From a descendant: “Robert Craswell (as they seemed to spell it then, though my direct ancestors changed the spelling to Creswell) was the son of William Craswell who purchased land in the St. Eleanor's area from Colonel Harry Compton in 1809.”
From other researchers
- born/baptised 1795 or 1796? Another researcher originally said Robert Baptised 17 Dec 1796, but then corrected it: Robert baptised 17 Feb 1796 (Couldn’t read my writing sorry I said December but it’s February)
- First viewing of the Craswell Descendants on Island Register contains discrepancies:
5. Robert Craswell #14516 (1.William1) born Abt. 1795, Baptised: 17 Feb 1795, Saint Marys Portsea Hampshire England, married Catherine Compton #14523, Occ./Title: Homemaker. Robert died 17 Mar 1876, Religion: Church' England.
i Horatio Craswell #70255.
ii Catherine "Kate" Craswell #70256.
25. iii Harry Compton Creswell #37088.
iv Gertrude Craswell #70257.
26. v William `Rufus' Craswell #15081.
vi Frederick "Fred" Craswell #70259.
27. vii Sarah Mary Craswell #15080 born 15 May 1835.
UPDATED VERSION shows 10 children - Descendants of James Craswell (viewed Oct 2010, updated 2008):
7. Robert Craswell #14516 (2.William2, 1.James1) b. ___ 1796, Portsea Hampshire England, Baptised: 17 Feb 1795, Saint Marys Portsea Hampshire England, Occ./Title: ?, m. 19 Sep 1826, By/At: St. Eleanors Prince PEI BNA, Catherine Compton #14523, b. ___ 1801, (daughter of Edward Compton #121402 and Sarah Spencer #121403) Occ./Title: Homemaker, d. 5 Jul 1872, St. Eleanors Prince PEI BNA. Robert died 17 Mar 1876, Religion: Church' England.
i Horatio "Harry" Compton Craswell #70255 b. 19 Aug 1827, Egmont Bay Prince Edward Island, Occ./Title: ?, d. about 1840.
30. ii William `Rufus' Craswell #15081 b. 19 Aug 1827.
31. iii Arthur Spencer Craswell #111644 b. 16 Sep 1829.
iv Catherine "Kate" Sarah Craswell #70256 Occ./Title: ?.
v Francis Craswell #111651 Occ./Title: ?.
32. vi Sarah Mary Craswell #15080 b. 15 May 1834.
vii Helen Adriana "Annie" Craswell #111653 b. 11 Mar 1837, Lot # 17 Prince Prince Edward Is BNA, Occ./Title: Spinster dsp, d. living 1880, Kansas USA.
viii Robert Frederick "Fred" Craswell #70259 b. 9 Feb 1840, North St. Eleanors Prince PEI BNA, Occ./Title: ?.
33. ix Harry Compton Craswell/Creswell #37088 b. 5 Jul 1845.
x Gertrude Craswell #70257 Occ./Title: ?.
Regarding iv Catherine “Kate” Sarah Craswell - found a baptism for Catherine Sarah Craswell in the next generation 21 Dec 1864, dau of Arthur and Sarah Craswell, St Eleanors. Not in this gen. Another daugher is named Sarah Mary.
Regarding x Gertrude Craswell - there are 4 PEI baptisms which include the name of Gertrude, none of which are for these parents (although one is for Robert A and Margaret in 1889), nor are they in the right timeframe.
- NAME: Previously entered as ? Cresswell, also spelled Craswell
- 1876 memorial - see
They had the following children: