Twelfth Generation (Continued)
Denis Eastley COMPTON (Horace Melville “Mel”11, Albert Harry*10, Thomas Compton9, Harry Childeroy8, Thomas7, Ann6, John5, John4, Tristram3, John “the Elder”2, Edward1).
Born in 1929 in Westholme, BC, Canada. Occupation: (retired).
NAME: spelled Denis
AGE: teenager in 1945
2009/2010 Chemainus/Crofton phone book lists:
Denis Compton
1839 Cecil Road
Chemainus, BC V0R 1K4
Denis Eastley married Betty ANDREW. Born ca 1930.
They had one child:
Kathy COMPTON (ca1955-)
George Major COMPTON (Horace Melville “Mel”11, Albert Harry*10, Thomas Compton9, Harry Childeroy8, Thomas7, Ann6, John5, John4, Tristram3, John “the Elder”2, Edward1) 
Born in 1935 in Westholme, BC, Canada. Occupation: (retired).
- AGE: teenager in 1945
- Attended Westholme school - see class photo from 1948
- 2010: lives in a double wide mobile home on section of family farm:
George Compton
8790 Cranko Road
Chemainus, BC V0R 1K4
- 2010 - now separated from long time girl friend (don’t think he was ever married). Practically raised her daughter Debbie from about the age of 6, along with his mother Phillis
- 2010 - The farm's silo still stands. George had to help pack it down by stepping on the sileage inside, and when the spouts got plugged up they had to be unplugged manually too. It was quite a job, hot and sweaty and hard to breathe inside. Now the Compton dairy farm has about 156 milking cows, including mostly Holsteins, but some Jerseys too. It takes a B-train of alfalfa (2 cars full) to feed the cows for about 1 _ months. Huge hay bales weigh about 1500 to 1800 pounds. The mower-conditioner puts mown grass into winrows, with the blower sending it into a truck. From there a front end loader shapes it into rows of sileage stored in black plastic sheeting
An electronic system (by de Laval) is used in the milking barn. Monitors pick up the e-chip signal on each cow's collar, to identify the cow, its ideosyncracies (e.g. 3 teats) and any health issues. Milk is temperature regulated and pumped into a 2700 gallon storage tank. A transponder prints out daily records of how much each cow ate, any illness, etc. Breeding is by AI - artificial insemination. Mike Berens is the local Westgen AI representative. Amy Nielsen is one of the 2 dedicated milkers, coming in twice a day.
- From Lorelei Andrew Jan 1, 2006:
George Compton was a boy in the family that Dad [Dean Andrew] stayed with when he first came out west after the war [WWII]. They lived up on a slope of Mt. Sicker, in quite an unfinished house, and had a spare existence according to Dad. He [George] recalls very well Dad's [Dean’s] pronounced limp from injuries, and his stories of the war. Their family, I think, is related via Uncle Mel, and Aunt Harriet [Clark] gave me some of this story over the phone once, but my memory of it is not complete. He [Melville] brought back a sweetheart from England who seems to have been already married to someone there, as he was here, I think. One of their sons married the milkmaid on the farm, (or her daughter?) From there it gets hazy in my mind! At any rate, Dad bought the homestead from them and fixed up the house (i.e. added door, windows, proper roof, etc!) and [Dean’s 3 siblings:] your mother [Mabel Taylor], Sydney [Andrew] and Eleanor [Jones] came out that winter and stayed with him there ( not sure if this was 1945 or 46). I think Granny [Nell] and Grandpa [Harry Andrew] came later, but I could be wrong. At some point they moved from there, and eventually the Comptons bought back the homestead, and still own it apparently. George and his brother [Horace] attended your mother's [Mabel Taylor’s 2000] funeral, and I think Aunt Harriet [Clark] has kept in touch with them the most. I think they may still be involved in farming, which would occupy their time and keep them to themselves a good deal. Looking in the phone book, there are two H. Comptons, an Ed and a J. Compton all listed on Mt. Sicker Rd., Chemainus, and George is out that way on [8790] Cranko Rd. George's phone number is: (250) 246-4562. He is now in his seventies of course. His address is: Box 13 Westholme, Westholme BC V0R 3C0. His daughter Debbie is about 30 years or so, works at a dentist's office in Chemainus, and her number is 746-1085.
Debbie COMPTON (ca1976-)
Horace Melville COMPTON (Horace Melville “Mel”11, Albert Harry*10, Thomas Compton9, Harry Childeroy8, Thomas7, Ann6, John5, John4, Tristram3, John “the Elder”2, Edward1) 
Born in 1939. Occupation: dairy farmer.
LOCATION: built new house for wife Diane in 2005; farm in Westholme BC near Chemainus Address of old farm house is 3719 Mt. Sicker Road (farm office phone 250-246-9347); new house is across the road and up the hill at 3720 Mt. Sicker Road (phone 250-246-9374) (as per phone conversation with Diane on June 4 2009)
FAMILY: 2 sons, 2 daughters. “The boys went to university and studied farming etc.. They are all 4 very nice kids.” They attended “Nonie Campbell’s ash burying service at St. Peters.”
Oct 2006: Visited by Charlie and Harriet Clark (Duncan), Newman Compton (age 89, Florida) and 3 of his children visiting from out of town (Leslie, Jane, Sarah), Helen Compton (age 102, Chemainus BC, still bright as a button), Robert and Ann Radford (Duncan BC - Ann is Newman’s niece). It had been probably 30 years since Harriet and Charlie had visited Horace (used to visit farm when Phyllis was alive to pick prune plums and apples). Both their daughters attended the ‘reunion’ (both are married, and one daughter just had her first baby 7 weeks ago). Their son Edward also attended (works on the home farm).
- originally had him listed as a teenager in 1945 [this likely refers to his oldest brother Denis]
Horace Melville married
Diane INNIS 
Born abt 1950.
Oct 2006: Same age as Elaine Clark. Now overweight and bent over like Aunt Phyllis was (perhaps with arthritis).
They had the following children:
James COMPTON (ca1975-)
Jennifer COMPTON (ca1978-)
Edward Horace COMPTON (~1979-)
Angela Rose COMPTON (ca1980-)