Twelfth Generation (Continued)
Nelson Pope COMPTON (Arthur Stanley*11, Hubert George10, Thomas Compton9, Harry Childeroy8, Thomas7, Ann6, John5, John4, Tristram3, John “the Elder”2, Edward1) 
Born on 14 Mar 1911 in St Eleanors, Prince, PEI, Canada. Christened on 14 Jul 1911 in St Johns Anglican Church, St Eleanors, Prince, PEI, Canada. Nelson Pope died in Halifax Infirmary, Halifax, NS, Canada, on 14 Apr 1991; he was 80. Buried on 17 Apr 1991 in St Johns Anglican Cemetery, St Eleanors, Prince, PEI, Canada. Occupation: Mailman.
- 1911 CHRISTENING: T.M. Webster. Sponsors Horace Andrew, Arthur Mills, Elizabeth Howatt
- 1911 - PEI PARO Baptismal Record
Child's Full Name Nelson Pope Compton
Birth Date 14 March 1911
Place of Birth Residence, St. Eleanors
Baptismal Date 14 July 1911
Officiating Clergy F. H Hunt
Father's Name Stanley Compton
Mother's Name Margaret Compton
Church Name St. Mary's Anglican
Church Location Summerside
Record Book Number 2
Record Book Page 32
- 1911 Canada Census, St Eleanors, Lot 17, Prince, PEI
Household #48, page 5 & 6 - all English, Canadian, Anglican; all born PEI
Compton Stanley, head, married, Feb 1867, 43, farmer
Compton Margret, wife, Aug 1885, 25 [2nd wife]
Compton Helen, daughter, single, Mar 1897, 14
Compton May, daughter, single, Mar 1899, 12
Compton, Preston, son, single, Jun 1900, 10
Compton, Arthur, son, single, Jun 1902, 8
Compton Ambrose, son, single, Apr 1904, 7
Compton Nelson, son, single, Mar 1911, 2/12
Compton Mary, mother, May 1836, 75
next page ...
Compton Hubert, father, M, June 1831, 79, PEI, Farmer R
- 1935 PEI PARO Marriage Record
Groom's Name Nelson Pope Compton
Groom's Residence St. Eleanors
Groom's Status Bachelor
Bride's Name Helen Ruth Pickering
Bride's Residence Summerside
Bride's Status Spinster
Source RG19/s3/ss6: Marriage registrations, 1935
From other researchers:
- Nelson and his wife distributed the mail in North St. Eleanor's for 29 years.
- 1953 news clipping, The Guardian, Charlottetown, pg 15, 24 Dec 1953
“Northam and Vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Colwill and family were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Compton, St Eleanors on December 12.”
- Grave photo: Compton / father / Nelson Pope / 1911 - 1991 /
mother / Helen Ruth / 1917 - 1980
In 1935 when Nelson Pope was 23, he married Helen Ruth* PICKERING, daughter of George PICKERING (1872-1939) & Mildred PHILLIPS (-1967), in Summerside, Prince, PEI, Canada. Born on 14 Sep 1917 in Sherbrooke, PEI, Canada. Helen Ruth* died on 20 May 1980; she was 62. Buried on 23 May 1980 in St John’s Anglican Church, St Eleanors, PEI, Canada.
- listed as the late Ruth (Pickerum) Compton in her daughter’s obit in 2010.
- Leonard’s elder brother George [Pickering, neighbor to Alfred and Jane Compton in 1901] married Mildred Phillips and their daughter Ruth Pickering married Nelson Pope Compton.
- 1921 Canada census, living with parents and 1 sister in St Eleanors PEI:
They had one child:
Mildred Ruth “Millie” COMPTON (1942-2010)
Lawrence Richard “Racker” COMPTON (Arthur Stanley*11, Hubert George10, Thomas Compton9, Harry Childeroy8, Thomas7, Ann6, John5, John4, Tristram3, John “the Elder”2, Edward1) 
Born on 13 Jun 1913 in St Eleanors, Prince Co, PEI, Canada. Christened on 15 Sep 1913 in St Johns Anglican Church, St Eleanors, Prince Co., PEI, Canada. Lawrence Richard “Racker” died in Prince County Hospital, Summerside, Prince Co, PEI, Canada, on 7 Mar 1988; he was 74. Buried on 9 Mar 1988 in St Johns Anglican Church, St Eleanors, Prince Co., PEI, Canada. Occupation: Farmer.
- 1913 PEI PARO Baptismal Record
Child's Full Name Lawrence Richard Compton
Birth Date 17 June 1913
Place of Birth Residence, St. Eleanors
Baptismal Date 15 September 1913
Officiating Clergy C. de W White
Father's Name Arthur Stanley Compton
Mother's Name Margaret Emma Compton
Church Name St. Mary's Anglican
Church Location Summerside
Record Book Number 2
Record Book Page 38
- 1936 PEI PARO Marriage Record
Groom's Name Laurence Richard Compton
Groom's Residence St. Eleanor's
Groom's Status Bachelor
Bride's Name Frances Muttart
Bride's Residence Union Corner
Bride's Status Spinster
Source RG19/s3/ss6: Marriage registrations, 1936
From other researchers:
- CHRISTENING: C. de W. White.
- occupation farmer, wracker
- According to his obituary in The Journal Pioneer (Apr-8, 1988, pg.11), "Lawrence was a man with a great love for wild life and will be remembered for his beautiful vegetable gardens."
- He was also known as Wracker Compton.
- see also
- Gravestone: Compton / Lawrence Richard Compton / June 13, 1913 / March 2[?], 1988 /
Frances Jean / Muttart / March 14, 1913 / May 1, 1997.
In 1936 when Lawrence Richard “Racker” was 22, he married Frances Jean “Fanny” MUTTART, daughter of Zenus MUTTART & Elizabeth BEARISTO, in PEI, Canada. Born on 14 Mar 1913 in Union Corner, PEI. Frances Jean “Fanny” died in Prince County Hospital, Summerside, PEI, Canada, on 1 May 1997; she was 84. Buried on 3 May 1997 in St John’s Anglican Church, St Eleanors, PEI, Canada.
- Parents Zenas and Elizabeth (nee Bearisto) Muttart
They had the following children:
Hensley Lorne* COMPTON (Died as Child) (1936-)
Stanley Muttart “Stan” COMPTON (1938-1999)
Eileen Ruth COMPTON (1940-)
Ivan Lawrence COMPTON (1942-)
Wendell Willliam “Winnie” COMPTON (1943-1998)
Shirley Frances COMPTON (1944-)
Arthur Blair* COMPTON (1946-)
Marjorie Irene COMPTON (1948-)
Helen Joyce COMPTON (1949-)
Arthur Keir* COMPTON (1951-)
Victor Preston COMPTON (Arthur Stanley*11, Hubert George10, Thomas Compton9, Harry Childeroy8, Thomas7, Ann6, John5, John4, Tristram3, John “the Elder”2, Edward1) 
Born on 25 Jul 1915 in PEI, Canada. Christened on 17 Dec 1915 in St Johns Anglican Church, St Eleanors, Prince, PEI, Canada. Victor Preston died in St Eleanors, Prince, PEI, Canada, on 4 Jul 1929; he was 13. Buried on 6 Jul 1929 in St Johns Anglican Cemetery, St Eleanors, Prince, PEI, Canada.
- 1915 CHRISTENING: C. de W. White. sponsors Harry Andrew, George Tanton, Helen Compton
- 1915 PEI PARO Baptismal Record
Child's Full Name Victor Preston Compton
Birth Date 25 July 1915
Place of Birth Residence, St. Eleanors
Baptismal Date 17 December 1915
Officiating Clergy C. de W White
Father's Name Stanley Compton
Mother's Name Margaret Compton
Church Name St. Mary's Anglican
Church Location Summerside
Record Book Number 2
Record Book Page 44
- 1929 DEATH: AGE 13 YEARS 8 MONTHS. "Killed by Nick Johnson"; in St. Eleanors on July 3, 1929 as a result of a kick by a horse, Victor, 14 year old son of Mr. & Mrs Stanley Compton, died as a result of the kick, leaving his parents, brothers and sisters. cf. Maple Leaf, July 1930 p252.
- Victor died as the result of a kick by a horse" His half-brother, Hubert Preston, died a month before Victor was baptized; presumably this is why he was given his second name.
- BURIAL: C. de W. White
1929 news coverage of death:
- Compton, Victor
Agriculturist - 4 July 1929, page 5, col. 4
Tragic Accident at St. Eleanors
A tragic accident occurred last night at St. Eleanors, the victim of which was Master Victor Compton, the 14 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Compton. The lad with his mother and his two brothers had just arrived home in their carriage from visiting a neighbor. The horse had just been unhitched and was being turned into a pasture for the night when the animal unexpectedly kicked sideways, striking the lad full force on the chest in the region of the heart. He fell and passed away almost instantaneously. A physician was sent for but his services were not required. The little chap was a fine manly lad who was much esteemed in the home and among his companions. Only last Sunday he had been confirmed by Bishop MacKenly and received his first communion. To his grief-stricken parents, brothers and sisters the deep sympathy of the community is extended.
- Also published in the Charlottetown Guardian 5 July 1929 (see clipping)
- An abbreviated clipping was also publsihed after the funeral (see clipping):
Newspaper: Charlottetown Guardian
Date: Saturday Jul 13, 1929
Page: 11
John Hensley* COMPTON (Arthur Stanley*11, Hubert George10, Thomas Compton9, Harry Childeroy8, Thomas7, Ann6, John5, John4, Tristram3, John “the Elder”2, Edward1) 
Born on 1 Nov 1917 in Residence, St Eleanaors, PEI, Canada. Christened on 10 Mar 1918 in St Johns Anglican Church, St Eleanors, Prince, PEI, Canada. John Hensley* died in PEI, Canada, on 2 May 1939; he was 21. Buried on 4 May 1939 in St Johns Anglican Cemetery, St Eleanors, Prince, PEI, Canada.
- Dominant name may be Hensley
- CHRISTENING: C. de W. White. Sponsors Holden Mills, Frances May Compton
- 1917 - PEI PARO Baptismal Record
Child's Full Name John Hensley Compton
Birth Date 1 November 1917
Place of Birth Residence, St. Eleanors
Baptismal Date 10 March 1918
Officiating Clergy C. de W White
Father's Name Stanley Compton
Mother's Name Margaret Compton
Church Name St. Mary's Anglican
Church Location Summerside
Record Book Number 2
Record Book Page 46
-1939 DEATH: 2 May 1939, age 18 years. That death date of 2 May 1939 belongs to John Hensley who was Lorne's uncle.
- BURIAL: 4 May 1939, St Johns Anglican Church, St Eleanors, G.R. Harrison
Deane/Dean White COMPTON (Arthur Stanley*11, Hubert George10, Thomas Compton9, Harry Childeroy8, Thomas7, Ann6, John5, John4, Tristram3, John “the Elder”2, Edward1) 
Born on 12 Jul 1920 in Residence, North St Eleanors, PEI, Canada. Christened on 14 Jul 1920 in St Johns Anglican Church, St Eleanors, Prince, PEI, Canada. Deane/Dean White died in N St Eleanors, Prince Co, PEI, Canada, on 18 Jul 1920; he was <1. Buried on 18 Jul 1920 in St Johns Anglican Cemetery, St Eleanors, Prince, PEI, Canada.
- 1920 CHRISTENING: C. de W. White. Sponsors Horace Andrew and May Compton
- 1920 PEI PARO Baptismal Record
Child's Full Name Deane White Compton
Birth Date 12 July 1920
Place of Birth Residence, North St. Eleanors
Baptismal Date 14 July 1920
Officiating Clergy C. de W White
Father's Name Stanley Compton
Mother's Name Margaret Compton
Church Name St. Mary's Anglican
Church Location Summerside
Record Book Number 2
Record Book Page 51
- 1920 BURIAL: C. de W. White
- First name Diane or Deane Gravestone says Dean
Marion Mildred COMPTON (Arthur Stanley*11, Hubert George10, Thomas Compton9, Harry Childeroy8, Thomas7, Ann6, John5, John4, Tristram3, John “the Elder”2, Edward1) 
Born on 2 Oct 1921 in St Eleanors, Prince Co, PEI, Canada. Christened on 11 Dec 1921 in St Johns Anglican Church, St Eleanors, Prince Co., PEI, Canada. Marion Mildred died in Wedgewood Manor, Summerside, Prince Co, PEI, Canada, on 26 Mar 2004; she was 82. Buried on 28 Mar 2004 in St John’s Anglican Church, St Eleanors, PEI, Canada.
- 2004 Find A Grave Memorial# 95778212 for Marion Compton Best
Birth: unknown
Death: Mar. 26, 2004
The death occurred at the Wedgewood Manor, Summerside, on Friday, March 26, 2004, of Marion Compton Best, formerly of East Drive, St. Eleanors, aged 82 years. Born at St. Eleanor's, she was the daughter of the late Stanley and Margaret (Mills) Compton. She was the last surviving member of her family. Resting at the Moase Funeral Home, Summerside, until Sunday, then to St. John's Anglican Church, St. Eleanor's, for funeral service at 2:00 p.m. Interment later in the Church Cemetery.
Burial: Saint John's Anglican Church Cemetery, Saint-Eleanors, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Canada
Created by: brknhrt
Record added: Aug 22, 2012 [no image]
From other researchers:
- 1921 CHRISTENING: C. de W. White. Sponsors Mr. & Mrs. Leo compton and May Compton
- 1986 photo: Sharon - On 28 Oct 1982 when Marion Mildred Compton was 61, she married John BEST in Court House, Summerside, PEI, Canada. Born on 18 Nov 1913. John died on 30 Aug 1991_ he was 77. Photo taken 1986. The two people on the right are Marion and her husband John Best. The other person is unknown. [from M Gaudet, from Sharon]
- 1988: Living in St Eleanors at time of brother Lawrence’s death in 1988.
- 2003 - pictured in the paper with her niece Helen Compton, on her weekly visit to her aunt at Wedgewood Manor
- The grape story, making her mentally challenged, she did work for Jenkin's....Marion & John lived on East Drive in St. Eleanor's, PEI
- 2004 - Marion was the last surviving member of her family before she died in 2004. She was survived by special niece Margie Montgomery, Wellington; brother-in-law Louis Bagnall, Charlottetown, and numerous other nieces and nephews. Predeceased by her husband John Best and by a number of brothers and sisters. Funeral at St Johns Anglican St Eleanors at 2pm on Sunday Mar 28 2004, Rev. Ned Henthorn assisted by Marion’s niece Marjorie Montgomery, who also delivered an eulogy. Psalm 23 read by Gertrude Compton. Pall bearers were Brian Mills, Lea Compton and nephews Lorne, Blair, Keir and Ivan Compton. Interment later in the church cemetery.
On 28 Oct 1982 when Marion Mildred was 61, she married John BEST in Court House, Summerside, PEI, Canada. Born on 18 Nov 1913. John died on 30 Aug 1991; he was 77. Buried in St John’s Anglican Church, Duncan, BC, Canada.
Margaret Eileen* COMPTON (Arthur Stanley*11, Hubert George10, Thomas Compton9, Harry Childeroy8, Thomas7, Ann6, John5, John4, Tristram3, John “the Elder”2, Edward1).
Born on 28 Jun 1925 in St Eleanors, Prince Co, PEI, Canada. Christened on 13 Sep 1925 in St Johns Anglican Church, St Eleanors, Prince Co., PEI, Canada. Margaret Eileen* died in Atlantic Baptist Home, Charlottetown, PEI, Canada, on 9 Feb 1995; she was 69. Occupation: Nurse.
- NAME: variations include Elaine Margaret (baptism), Margaret Eileen*...
- CHRISTENING: C. de W. White. Sponsors Benjamin Mills and Elizabeth Compton
- At age of 13 she moved to Charlottetown to live with her half-sisster, Helen Cotton.
- Attended West Kent School and Prince of Wales College.
- In 1946 she graduated from the Prince Co. School of Nursing in Summerside,
- She worked in Charlottetown as a nurse for the next 38 years, retiring from the PEI Hospital in 1982 due to her health.
On 14 Sep 1950 when Margaret Eileen* was 25, she married
Louis R. “Lou” BAGNALL.
Born on 5 May 1921. Louis R. “Lou” died in Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Charlottetown, PEI, Canada, on 2 Mar 2012; he was 90. Buried in 2012 in Floral Hills Memorial Gardens, Pleasant Valley, PEI, Canada.
- 2012 BAGNALL - Louis R. of Charlottetown on Mar 2nd at age 90. Husband of the late Eileen (Compton) Bagnall. Son of the late Merton and Hattie (Taylor) Bagnall. Interment in Floral Hills: --
Louis R. Bagnall
Peacefully at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital on Friday, March 2, 2012 of Louis R. Bagnall of Charlottetown, age 90 years.
Beloved husband of the late Eileen (nee Compton). Loving father of Helen Jane (Michael) Blanchard and Cindy Lou (Stuart) Andrews and special daughter Jean MacKinnon. Grampie to Rebecca, Andrew (Calee), Emma, Louis (Kim) and April (Matthew). Old Grampie to Colby and Carter. Brother of Edith Crabbe. Predeceased by his parents Merton and Hattie (Taylor) Bagnall and sister Helen Cameron.
Resting at MacLean Funeral Home Swan Chapel from where the service will be held on Monday at 10 a.m. Interment later in Floral Hills Memorial Gardens.
If so desired, memorials to the Alzheimers Society or the Cancer Society would be appreciated.
Visiting hours on Sunday from 1 to 4 p.m.
Online condolences may be made at
They had the following children:
Helen Jane BAGNALL (1955-)
Cindy Lou BAGNALL (1957-)
Frederick Earl COMPTON (Arthur Stanley*11, Hubert George10, Thomas Compton9, Harry Childeroy8, Thomas7, Ann6, John5, John4, Tristram3, John “the Elder”2, Edward1) 
Born on 11 Jun 1930 in PEI, Canada. Christened on 12 Jun 1930 in St Johns Anglican Church, St Eleanors, Prince Co., PEI, Canada. Frederick Earl died in St Eleanors, Prince Co, PEI, Canada, on 20 Feb 1931; he was <1. Buried on 21 Feb 1931 in St John’s Anglican Church, St Eleanors, PEI, Canada.
- Dominant name may be Earl; Frederick Earle cf. tombstone.
- CHRISTENING: C. de White.
- DEATH: age 8 months 9 days
- BURIAL: C. de W. White