Fifth Generation (Continued)
Thomas BOWLES (Sarah BOORMAN4, William3, Thomas2, William1).
Born on 11 Dec 1759 in 1 Bromley Grove, Beckenham, Kent, England. Thomas died in Staplehurst, Kent, England, on 3 Jun 1800; he was 40. Buried on 9 Jun 1800 in Love Lane Graveyard, Headcorn, Kent, England. Religion: Baptist.
- Staplehurst Kent Baptism index:
BOWLES Thomas S son of Thomas and Sarah 11 Dec 1759 twins born - entered end of book. - twin of Sarah
- birth place also listed as 1 Bromley Grove, Beckenham, Kent, England???
- another researcher says : “I found [a will] for the Thomas Bowles married to Ann (named in will) probated 1801. I think as he is from Staplehurst he must be Sarah and Thomas Bowles child?:
Will [transcription of a hand written version from the National Archives UK]
Thomas Bowles, Yeoman of Staplehurst Will probated 19 May 1801
[This will has been transcribed into a ledger which is why it reads in the third person. It is difficult to read at first! Proved in the Court of Canterbury]
Estate under £5,000
Executors William Shirley Jun and John Shirley
Brothers (not named):
??? remaining ?? to my six brothers
Richard Boxer, nephew
Sisters and nephew Richard Boxer equally
Ann Bowles, wife
All his real estate to his wife Ann during her life or widowhood. After her decease or marriage, to his child and children.
Residue of Personal Estate after payment of debts etc to her for life or Widowhood towards Maintenance of herself and children and after her decease or future marriage unto Wm Shirley the Younger and John Shirley both of Sutton Valence in Kent . Upon Trust to lay out and and invest upon Real Securities or parliamentary Funds at ?? and from time to time receive and call in and place out again, and Employ and make use thereof in carrying on his business for the benefit of his children until the youngest attains the age of 21 years. And in the meantime apply the interest etc for their benefit and advantage. And when the youngest child attains that age, Upon further trust that they pay asides transfer and distribute same unto and amongst his said child and children equally, proviso that if any of them die under that age without issue, parts or shares to go to the survivors or survivor etc but if any died before their parts or shares become payable leaving issue then their parts or shares to go to their respective child and children equally.
(Stamp £30)
Thomas married Ann. Born abt 1764. Ann died on 16 Apr 1796; she was 32. Buried abt Apr 1796 in Love Lane Graveyard, Headcorn, Kent, England.
- Did she really have 7 kids before she was age 32?
They had the following children:
Sarah BOWLES (Sarah BOORMAN4, William3, Thomas2, William1).
Born on 11 Dec 1759 in Staplehurst, Kent, England. Sarah died in New York City, New York, USA, on 16 Oct 1847; she was 87. Buried in 1847 in Greenwood Cemetery, New York, USA.
- 1759 Staplehurst Kent Baptism index:
BOWLES Sarah D of Thomas and Sarah 11 Dec 1759 - twins born - entered end of book. - twin of Thomas
- 1780 Source : Staplehurst Marriage 1695 - 1792
Staplehurst All Saints Church Parish Register
Reference : CKS P347 1/4 & 1/10
1780 28 Mar COLGATE Robert, BOWLES Sarah , Lic. G: of Hollingbourn, B: OTP [see also IGI batches I02149-6, I02149-7, I02503-9]
- Ancestral file submission says she was born c1759
- was she born in Staplehurst or Maidstone? Birth entry at the end of the Staplehurst parish register suggests a non-conformist entry after the fact, so perhaps the 5 siblings listed were born elsewhere?
- another Colgate researcher says that the Sarah Bowles (who married a Robert Colegate of Hollingbourn in Staplehurst on 28 Mar1780) was baptised 11 Dec 1759 in Maidstone, daughter of John Bowles & Ann Bagnall
On 28 Mar 1780 when Sarah was 20, she married
, son of John COLGATE & Elizabeth SALE, in Staplehurst, Kent, England.
Born on 11 Sep 1758 in Seven Oaks, Kent, England. Christened on 1 Apr 1777 in Bessels Green Baptist Church, Sevenoaks, Kent, England. Robert died in Andes [Delhi], Delaware, New York, USA, on 26 Jul 1826; he was 67. Buried in 1826 in Fall Clove Cemetery, Andes, Delaware, New York, USA.
- There is a contraversy surrounding which Robert Colgate married Sarah Bowles, narrowed down to 2 top contenders (different in age by 10 years and from different locations in Kent England. (The younger option is only being considered because of a misreading of the birth year on his gravestone - see for more specifics, and for a better photo of the gravestone):
1) Robert Colgate (born 1758 in Sevenoaks/Chevening, Kent), son of John and Elizabeth (Sale) Colgate - as documented in the book Robert Coleman the Immigrant.
"England, Births and Christenings, 1538-1975"
Name: Robert Colgate [see also Family Tree]
Gender: Male
Christening Date:
Christening Place:
Birth Date: 16 Sep 1758
Father's Name: John Colgate
Mother's Name: Elizabeth
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C09853-1
System Origin: England-ODM
GS Film number: 0597065 (RG4 1728)
Burial: Sparta Cemetery, Ossining, Westchester County, New York, USA
…. OR……
2) Robert Colgate (born 1768 in Bexley *)
"England, Births and Christenings, 1538-1975"
Name: Robert Colgate
Gender: Male
Christening Date: 23 Sep 1768
Christening Place: BEXLEY,KENT,ENGLAND
Father's Name: Robert Colgate
Mother's Name: Abigall
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C13092-2
System Origin: England-ODM
GS Film number: 0992672, 0992454
[ * Bexley seems now to be part of London, is NNW of Orpington, and just W of Dartford. It is north of Chevening and Sevenoaks.]
[ Hollingbourne is due east of Maidstone in a different area of Kent ]
It is therefore possible that Sarah (Bowles) Colgate and her husband Robert Colgate were not the ones to immigrate to the USA.
- From another researcher: “Gravestone of Robert Colgate, the Immigrant …Gravestone [appears to] says ‘Robert Colgate, Born Sept. 1st 1768, Died July 26th 1826.’ A note on the slide states that the site is located in Andes, NY, a small town in the Catskills. [If he was really born in 1768 rather than 1758, he would have been too young to father at least Charlotte (1781) and William (1783)] - Mistake on gravestone???”
[No. A better photo of the gravestone discloses that the birth year was really 1758 - see]
- A lengthy biography of Robert and family is published in a book “Robert Colgate the Immigrant” available on To summarize:
>Robert born 11 Sep 1758 Sevenoaks Kent England. He was a university graduate, yeoman farmer and childhoold playmate and lifetime friend of William Pitt (Prime Minister of England in 1783).
>Robert married Sarah Bowles at Staplehurst Kent England on 28 Mar 1780 by Rev Dr Taylor, then lived in Hollingbourne Kent near Maidstone for 9 years. 4 children born there.
>Lived a short time in Turbins Farm in Shorham Mills.
>Moved to Filston Farm, 5 miles north of Sevenoaks Kent (leased from a Tomas Barrett) until 1795. 3 more children born there.
>Due to his strong and vocal liberal politcal opinions, sympathizing with France and Ameerican colonists, he was charged as a traitor, and with the intervention of William PItt, had 1 week to flee to America
>1795: Left Filston Farm on 10 Mar 1795 with wife and 6 living children and sailed on 16 Mar in the ship Eliza from Gravesend for Baltimore Maryland, landing on 28 May 1795.
>For $20,000 he bought a plantation on Deer Creek at Darlington Hartford Maryland where he built a house named Westwood (still standing in 1941). 2 years later his title was challenged and he lost his farm
>1797: bought 3000 acres in Beverly, Randolph, W Virginia on Elk river but he lost money on the property. His business ventures involving coal mining, a grist mill, and making peach brandy didn’t provide him enough money to pay his taxes, so he lost that property too.
>1800: partnership with Ralph Mather in Baltimore - soap and candle manufacturing business - with his son William. Lived in Hampstead Hill outside BAltimore. 1 daughter born and died as an infant
>1802: left his son William in charge of the soap business and went north to join his sister Mary Colgate Boorman at Sing Sing, NY, and he bought a little farm in Mount Pleasant NY.
>1803: took over a large farm in Mamaroneck NY on estate of Peter J Munro. His last son Charles was born there in 1805.
>1805: unjustly accused and sued by employer of underproduction and embezzlement of $1200; he sold all his belongings and borrowed from son William and son-in-law Dr William Boswell Selden in Norfolk.
>1807:moved to small farm in Charlton Saratoga NY, purchased by his son William. Robert opened a school int he village where he taught, although he didn’t like that profession.
>1808: to avoid paying more against his lawsuit he spent 4 months in debtor’s prison in Ballston NY. Returned to Charlton in Aug 1808.
>1809: moved with Mr. Walmsley to a new settlement in Delhi Delaware NY in the wilderness at the forks of the Delaware river. Uncultivated property bought by son William. Lived in an existing 1-room log cabin in great hardship. Sons Bowles, John and George helped clear the land, while Sarah and daughters Maria and Lydia did spinning and weaving, and later made maple sugar. Robert created potash for his son’s business. Robert was also appointed Unitarian preacher in Delhi at their school-house.
>1819: name of Delhi changed to Andes.
>1826: Robert died either 6 July 1826 or 26 July 1826, 5pm at Andes [previously Delhi], Delaware County, New York USA of an apoplectic stroke.
> Marble tombstone errected in Jul 1882 by grandsons Robert Colgate II, James Boorman Colgate and Samuel Colgate.
They had the following children:
Mary BOWLES (Sarah BOORMAN4, William3, Thomas2, William1).
Born on 9 Jan 1763 in Staplehurst, Kent, England. Mary died on 24 May 1827; she was 64. Buried in 1827 in Headcorn Baptist Church Burial Ground, Headcorn, Kent, England.
- Staplehurst Kent baptism index:
BOWLES Mary D Thomas Sarah 9 Jan 1763 Birth date - entered end of book.
- Mary died in 1827, age 64 and was buried at Headcorn
- originally entered Mary Bowles 1762-1827, no sources listed
- there is a christening for Mary Bowles on 12 May 1761 in Snaith, York England - IGI batch I03269-4 - wrong location
- If this marriage is correct, William Boorman is a first cousin of Mary Bowles (her mother Sarah Boorman was the sister of John Boorman, William’s father; both are the granchildren of William Boorman and Sarah Chapman)
- One of the brothers of John Boorman (who married Mary Colgate, sister of Robert Colgate) reportedly married Mary Bowles, sister of Sarah Bowles who married Robert Colgate. John Boorman reportedly had 3 brothers (Thomas, Richard, Robert) but we have this Mary Bowles marrying a William Boorman (who had brothers Thomas, John, Samuel). We have William’s brother John b 1754 (compared to 1748) and marrying a Mary Dence in London (both died in Kent)…. Not everything adds up here, but who is right?
On 1 Jan 1783 when Mary was 19, she married
William BOORMAN (44) , son of
John BOORMAN (18) & Elizabeth MOCKETT, in Staplehurst, Kent, England.
Born in 1757. William died in Dec 1825; he was 68. Buried abt 1825 in Baptis Chapel, Station Road.
- 1783 England Marriages, 1538–1973 for William Boorman
Groom's Name: William Boorman
Bride's Name: Mary Bowles
Marriage Date: 01 Jan 1783
Marriage Place: Staplehurst, Kent, England
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: I02149-7
System Origin: England-EASy
Source Film Number: 1737092
Reference Number: Dcb/BT1/224/199
From another researcher:
- He was a Deacon of the Baptist Chapel in Headcorn
- 1782: Yeoman of Headcorn when he married Mary Bowles age 19 on 12 Dec at All Saints, Maidstone by licence
- 1783: He married Mary again 1 Jan at Staplehurst by licence
- 1782-1813+: He was rated for 2 then 3 properties in Headcorn, all previoiusly in the occupation of his father
- 1786-1800: an overseer of the poor in Headcorn
- 1796: Assessor of the poor rate in Headcorn
- 1800: Co-signatory of a letter to the Dover Baptist church
- 1814-24: a farmer; rated for property in Headcorn, rent £68
- 1824-5: Also rated for the Chapel house in Headcorn, rent £4
- 1822: Farmer of Headcorn, Chantrie farm - 80 acres and three messuages in the occupation of Alfred Boorman & others
- 1825: He died in December, buried at the Baptist Chapel, Station Road, ‘yeoman of this parish’
- 1826: His will was proved at PCC
- Some information from another researcher after visiting Headcorn, England in 2001.
- 16! children listed, 2 with descendants
- There are 2 Willilam Boormans, both born about the same year, both married a Mary:
1) William Boorman (1757-1825) m Mary Bowles (1763-1827), 1 Jan 1783 Staplehurst; 12 children listed; William s/o John boorman (1727-1807) and Elizabeth Mockett (1733-1800)
2) William Boorman (1757-1836) m Mary Copping (1768-1848),2 Oct 1787 Biddenden; 5 children listed; Willliam s/o Thomas Boorman (1722-1797) and Elizabeth Badcock (1723-1801)
- Another source has William #2 who married Copping with 4 children (attributed to #1 above), s/o Thomas Boorman & Elizabeth ???. Parents of father Thomas are different: John Boorman (b Staplehurst) and Ester Meopham (b Sutton Valence) - reportedly married 9 Jul 1695 St Margarets Canterbury) - rather than William Boorman and Sarah Chapman
They had the following children:
Richard BOWLES (Sarah BOORMAN4, William3, Thomas2, William1).
Born on 15 May 1764 in Staplehurst, Kent, England.
- Staplehurst Baptism Index:
BOWLES Richard, S, son of Thomas and Sarah 15 May 1764 Birth date - entered end of book.
Robert BOWLES (Sarah BOORMAN4, William3, Thomas2, William1).
Born on 10 Aug 1765 in Staplehurst, Kent, England.
- Staplehurst Kent Baptism index:
BOWLES Robert S son of Thomas and Sarah 10 Aug 1765 Birth date - entered end of book.