Eleventh Generation (Continued)
Lt Colonel Maillard NOAKE (Robert Compton10, Frances Mount COMPTON9, Thomas8, Thomas7, Ann6, John5, John4, Tristram3, John “the Elder”2, Edward1) 
Born in 1830 in England. Christened on 7 Mar 1830 in Manchester, Lancaster, England. Maillard died in Epsom, Auckland, New Zealand, on 10 Jan 1914; he was 84.
- 1830 Manchester, England, Births and Baptisms, 1813-1901 (Cathedral)
Name: Maillard Noake
Baptism Date: 7 Mar 1830
Parish: Manchester, St Mary, St Denys and St George
Father's name: Robert Noake
Mother's name: Mary Ann Noake
Archive Roll: 760
Page 96, No 764, Parish Church of Manchester, Lancaster County, 1830
Seems to have been a mass baptism on 1830 March seventh
Maillard son of Robert and Mary Ann Noake, Manch’r, Serjeant Major in the first Dragoons.
- 1857 UK, Hart's Annual Army List, 1908
Name: Maillard Noake
Regiment: 15 Dragoons
Military Date: 20 Feb 1857
Publication Year: 1908
Publication Place: London, England
1043-4 Riding Masters. Not in the Reserve.
Noake, Maillar, * 15 Dragoons, Riding Master 20 Feb 57
* Riding Master Noake served in the Eastern campaign with the Royal Dragoons and was present at the battle of Balaklava and at the siege of Sebastopol (Medal with two Clasps, and Turkish Medal). Has also the Medall for Distinguished Conduct in the Field.
- 1859 England, Select Marriages, 1538–1973 [first wife]
Name: Maillard Noake
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Marriage Date: 12 May 1859
Marriage Place: Heath, Derbyshire, England
Father: Robert Compton Noake
Spouse: Elizabeth Sarah Denham
FHL Film Number: 1785837
Reference ID: it 16 p 20 no 40 - no image
- 1861 England Census
Name: Maillard Noake
Age: 31
Estimated Birth Year: 1830
Relation: Son-in-law (Son)
Spouse's Name: Elizabeth S Noake
Gender: Male
Where born: Manchester, Lancashire, England
Civil Parish: Heath
Ecclesiastical parish: Litchfield
Town: Heath
County/Island: Derbyshire
Country: England
Street address:
Registration district: Chesterfield
Sub-registration district: Bolsover
ED, institution, or vessel: 6
Household schedule number: 16
Piece: 2533
Folio: 62
Page Number: 3
Household Members:
Name Age
Job Denham 56 - head, mar, 56, farmer of 220? acres imeploy 1 lab & 3 boys, Derbyshire Heath
Betsy Denham 65 - wife, mar, 65 farmers wife, Derbyshire Heath
Maillard Noake 31 - son-in-law, Mar, 31, Officer (Riding Master, Lancashire Manchester
Elizabeth S Noake 25 - daur, mar, 35, Officers Wife, Derbyshire Heath
Elizabeth Galloway 16 - visitor, un, 16, scholar, Lancashire Manchester
Sarah W Matha 20 - servant, dairy maid
Kezia Cutts 18 - servand, house servant
Joseph Cook 40 - servant, carter
Charles Taylor 18 - servant farm servant
next page ...
John Kirkham 15 - farm servant
Daniel Brett [Butt?] 23 - officers servant, Sussex Brighton
Class: RG 9; Piece: 2533; Folio: 62; Page: 3; GSU roll: 542985
- 1905-06 New Zealand, Electoral Rolls, 1853-1981 - page 52
Name: Robert Compton Noake
Electoral Year: 1905-1906
District: Bay of Islands
Region or Province: Northland
2904 Noake, Elizabeth B, Rawene, dometic duties
2905 Noake, Francis Louisa, Rawene, domestic duties
2906 Noake, Mabel Elizabeth, Rawene, domestic duties
2907 Noake, Mailard, Rawene, settle
2908 Noake, Robert Compton, Rawene, farmer [see also other years]
- Studio portrait of Lieutenant Colonel Maillard Noake c1900, pictured in military uniform and is holding his cap, gloves and a cane in one hand. He is leaning against a studio prop. The photograph is included on page 2 of William Francis Robert Gordon's album [Taranaki, New Zealand] - "Some "Soldiers of the Queen" who served in the Maori Wars and Other Notable Persons Connected Herewith". - http://vernon.npdc.govt.nz/search.do;jsessionid=VK...ge=1&view=detail
From other researchers:
- married lady with same last name (Elizabeth Browning Noake)
- married twice: Elizabeth Sarah Denham (12 May 1859) and Elizabeth Browning Noake (17 Dec 1867)
- At least some of his children were born in Wanganui NZ. So it this article about him?
- 1887 news clipping, New Zealand
Thames Star, Volume XIX, Issue 5599, 8 January 1887, Page 2
“WANGANUI - This Day.
Colonel Noake’s house at Matarawa was burned down yesterday morning. Nothing was saved.”
- 1890 news clipping, New Zealand
Marlborough Express, Volume XXVI, Issue 320, 27 November 1890, Page 2
Colonel Noake ... was at Balaclava, and though not actually one of the 600, received a big wound that day which has troubled him ever since. During the Maori war he took an active part in the management of affairs, and during all the years he has been connected with volunteering he has earned the esteem of all who have served under him as a gentleman and an officer. He is about to leave the Wanganui district for the North and he writes:-
I am going to that part of New Zealand in which its earliest and most interesting history was made - Hokianga. I have possessed myself of the property where Old New Zealand was written by the owner - Judge Manning - where he lived his life, and make memorable by his graphic description of his first introduction to the country, in the chapter headed Beef and Melons. All who know him, or who appreciate a good solder, and a man who can ride straight will join us in wishing him success.
On 12 May 1859 when Maillard was 29, he first married Elizabeth Sarah DENHAM in Heath, Derbyshire, England. Born ca 1830. Elizabeth Sarah died in Chesterfield Reg Dist, Derbyshire, England, in Q3 1861; she was 31.
- 1861 England & Wales, FreeBMD Death Index, 1837-1915
Name: Elizabeth Sarah Noake
Registration Year: 1861
Registration Quarter: Jul-Aug-Sep
Registration district: Chesterfield
Inferred County: Derbyshire
Volume: 7b
Page: 319
On 17 Dec 1867 when Maillard was 37, he second married
Elizabeth Browning NOAKE 
, daughter of Isaac NOAKE (1802-1860) & Elizabeth BROWNING (ca1805-1885), in Longford, Tasmania, Australia.
Born on 17 Dec 1838 in Longford, Tasmania, Australia. Elizabeth Browning died in Onoke, Hokianga, New Zealand, on 26 Jun 1910; she was 71.
- 1905-06 New Zealand, Electoral Rolls, 1853-1981 - page 52
Name: Robert Compton Noake
Electoral Year: 1905-1906
District: Bay of Islands
Region or Province: Northland
2904 Noake, Elizabeth B, Rawene, dometic duties
2905 Noake, Francis Louisa, Rawene, domestic duties
2906 Noake, Mabel Elizabeth, Rawene, domestic duties
2907 Noake, Mailard, Rawene, settle
2908 Noake, Robert Compton, Rawene, farmer
From other researchers:
- Elizabeth Noake’s family was from Longford, Tasmania.
They had the following children:
Frances Louisa NOAKE (Robert Compton10, Frances Mount COMPTON9, Thomas8, Thomas7, Ann6, John5, John4, Tristram3, John “the Elder”2, Edward1).
Born in 1835 in Ireland. Frances Louisa died in New Zealand, on 10 Mar 1910; she was 75.
- 1861 Scotland Census, living at Milnhead, Kirkmahoe, Dumfriesshire
Name Age
Robert Compton Noake 56 - head, b 1805 England, Captn Adgntant of Militia
Mary Noake 53 - wife, b 1808, F, born England, Captn Wife,
France Louisa Noake 26 - daughter, b abt 1835, F, born Ireland, Captn Daughter
James Crawford 21 - servant (Employee), M b 1840 Dryfesdale Dumfriesshire, groom
Margaret Hunter 22 - servant (employee), F, b 1839 Morton, Dumfriesshire, Domestic Serv
Helen Menzies 25 - servant (employee), F, b 1836 Morton, Dumfriesshire, Domestic Serv
Parish: Kirkmahoe; ED: 1; Page: 10; Line: 1; Roll: CSSCT1861_144 - no image
Robert Douglas NOAKE (Robert Compton10, Frances Mount COMPTON9, Thomas8, Thomas7, Ann6, John5, John4, Tristram3, John “the Elder”2, Edward1).
Born in 1840 in Sheffield, Yorkshire, England. Robert Douglas died in Cheltenham Reg Dist, Glouchestershire, England, in Q1 1925; he was 85.
- 1840 England & Wales, FreeBMD Birth Index, 1837-1915
Name: Robert Douglas Noake
Registration Year: 1840
Registration Quarter: Jan-Feb-Mar
Registration district: Ecclesall Bierlow
Inferred County: Yorkshire West Riding
Volume: 22
Page: 127
- 1851 Scotland census, living in Milnhead House, Kirkmahoe, Dumfriesshire
Name Age
Robert C Noake 46 -head, abt 1805 Symmington Hants, captain & Adjutant of militia, farming 93 acres employing 5 labourers
Margaret Noake 40 - wife, abt 1811, F, b Manchester Lancs, officer’s wife
Robert D Noake 11 - son, abt 1840, b Sheffield Yorks, scholar
Margaret Cochrane 10 - niece, abt 1841 Manchester Lancs, merchants daughter
Agness Craig 39 - servant/employee, abt 1812 Dumfire Dumfries, house servant
Isabella Kerr 22 - servant/employee,abt 1829 Dumfires dumfries, house servant
Mary Duff 21 - servant/employee, abt 130 Penpont Dumfries, house servant
Robert Farish 14 - servant/employee, abt 1837 Kirkmahoe Dumfires, farm servant
Parish: Kirkmahoe; ED: 1; Page: 17; Line: 1; Roll: CSSCT1851_208; Year: 1851 - no image
- 1871 England Census
Name: Robert D Noske
Age: 30
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1841
Relation: Officer (Military)
Gender: Male
Where born: Sheffield, Yorkshire, England
Civil Parish: Woolwich
Ecclesiastical parish: St Mary
Town: Woolwich
County/Island: Kent
Country: England
Registration district: Woolwich
Sub-registration district: Woolwich Arsenal
ED, institution, or vessel: Army Service Corps Barracks and Royal Military Academy
Household schedule number: 1
Piece: 786
Folio: 84
Page Number: 2
Household Members:
Name Age,
Robert D Noske [Noake or Nonke] 30 - officer, unmarried, 30, Dep’y Commissary as Corps active, Yorks Sheffield
- 1873 England & Wales, FreeBMD Marriage Index, 1837-1915
Name: Robert Douglas Noake
Registration Year: 1873
Registration Quarter: Oct-Nov-Dec
Registration district: Hastings
Inferred County: Sussex
Volume: 2b
Page: 41
Names on Page:
Arthur Goodwin
Robert Douglas Noake
Catherine Annie Stratford
Caroline Weeks
- 1896 London, England, Electoral Registers, 1832-1965
Name: Robert Douglas Noake
Year: 1896
County or Borough: Westminster
Ward or Division/Constituency: City of Westminster
page 161, Div 2, Woolwich Mid Dtrict occupiers
4759 Noake Robert Douglas, “R” House, R.A. barracks, house
- 1917/18 administrator of son Basil’s will. It was Basil lwho died 12 Oct 1917 at sea.
- 1925 Deaths Mar 1925
Noake Robert D 85 Cheltenham 6a 604
From other researchers:
- he had 2 sons: Arthur Noake (no dates or sources) and Basil Shatford Noake (died 1917) - from Smith Family Tree by Pete Smith on ancestry.com. [Perhaps assumed from the 1881 census his father’s household lists a 1-year-old grandson Arthur S Noake.]
In Q4 1873 when Robert Douglas was 33, he married Catherine Annie STRATFORD in Hastings Reg Dist, Sussex, England. Born in Q3 1850 in Kensington Reg Dist, London, England. Catherine Annie died in Cheltenham Reg Dist, Glouchestershire, England, in Q4 1915; she was 65.
- 1850 Births Sep 1850
Stratford Catherine Annie Kensington 3 405
- 1915 Deaths Dec 1915
NOAKE Catherine A 65 Cheltenham 6a 582
- 1917 according to her son’s war memorial, Catherine pre-deceased her son Basil