Seventh Generation (Continued)
Clement APPS / RICHARDSON (Angelina RICHARDSON-BARNES-APPS6, Thomas Wakeham Ashburnham RICHARDSON5, Thomas4, Henry3, Henry2, Richard1) 
Born on 11 Apr 1851 in Rye Union Workhouse, Rye Reg Distict, East Sussex, England. Christened on 20 May 1851 in St George Church, Brede, East Sussex, England. Clement died in San Francisco, CA, USA, on 24 Feb 1897; he was 45.
- 1851 FreeBMD birth registration Births Jun 1851
Apps Clement Rye 7 500
- 1851 birth certificate No. 422, 1851, Rye Reg Dist, Sussex and Kent
Born 11 Apr 1815, Rye Union, Rye, Clement, Male, [no father listed], mother Jemima Apps living Rye Union Rye [image on tree]
- 1861 census, Clement Richardson, age 10, living with [grand]parents in Brede Sussex.
1861, Scholar, age 10, as Clement Richardson, with grand-parents at Brede Hill, Brede, SSX
- 1861 England census for Brede, Sussex, household number 83, Brede Hill
Thomas W Richardson, 64 - head, mar, 64, Beap? Faunder?& le’r?, Sussex, Dollington
Jamima Richardson, 50 - wife, mar, 50, Sussex Brede
Thomas C Richardson, 32 - son, Un, 22, gardeer, Sussex Brede
Willliam N Richardson, 14 - son, un, 14, scholar, Sussex Brede
Clement Richardson, 10 - son, un, 10, scholar, Sussex Rye [grandson]
Horace Richardson, 8 - son, un, 8, scholar, sussex brede
Mary Richardson, 6 - daur, un, 6, scholar, sussex brede
- 1874 He emigrated to Chicago, Illinois, USA [before 1874] and married there.
- 1874 marriage cert 15571, State of Illinois, Cook County marriage license dated 28 March 1874, Chicago Illiois for
Mr Clement Richardson and Miss Brijet Shean of Cook County
Handwritten not on document says “Married by Cr. R.A. Welsh?, 28th March 1874”
- 1880, Living in USA, as Clement Richardson
United States Census, 1880 for Clement Richardson
Name: Clement Richardson
Residence: San Francisco, San Francisco, California
Birthdate: 1852
Birthplace: England
Relationship to Head: Self
Spouse's Name: Bridget M. Richardson
Spouse's Birthplace: Ireland
Father's Name:
Father's Birthplace: England
Mother's Name:
Mother's Birthplace: England
Race or Color (Expanded): White
Ethnicity (Standardized): American
Gender: Male
Martial Status: Married
Age (Expanded): 28 years
Occupation: Porter On Mail Dock
NARA Film Number: T9-0075
Page: 451
Page Character: A
Entry Number: 2710
Film number: 1254075
Household Gender Age
Head Clement Richardson M 28, born England, both parents for England, married, porter on mail dock
Spouse Bridget M. Richardson F 26, born 1854 Ireland, both parents born Ireland, keeping house
Child Angeline Richardson F 4, born 1876 California, daughter
Child Lawrence Richardson M 2, born 1878 California, son
Child George Richardson M 1, born 1879 California, son
Horace Richardson M 26, born 1854 England, uncle, parents born England
- 1888 California Great Registers
Name: Clements Richardson
Event Type: Voter Registration
Event Date: 18 Oct 1888
Event Place: Cor. Union Av. & Bonts St, San Francisco, California, United States
Age: 37
Birth Year (Estimated): 1851
Birthplace: England
GS Film number: 979475 , Digital Folder Number: 005030319 , Image Number: 00211
- 1890 California Great Registers
Name: Clemens Richardson
Event Type: Voter Registration
Event Date: 1890
Event Place: Union ave and Bank, San Francisco, California, United States
Age: 39
Birth Year (Estimated): 1851
Birthplace: England
GS Film number: 977642 , Digital Folder Number: 005030282 , Image Number: 00195
- 1891 new clipping: Clement Richardson birthday party 15 Apr 1891, San Francisco Call...
“The Richardson Birthday Anniversary. There has seldom, if ever, been a more hapy gathering than that which was celebrated on Saturday evening last, the fortieth anniversary of the birth of Mr. Clement Richardson, for many years prominently connected with the Pacific Mail Steamship Company.
“The reception had been arranged by his wife without his knowlege, so that when his numerous friends had assembled at his charming residence on Cortland avenue, Mr. Richardson was taken completely by surprise, but rising to the occasion, he expressed, in a short and pithy speech, his pleasure and deep gratification at this mark of friendship. Some of his allusions to the days of “Auld Lang Syne” brought tears to the eyes of his old-time friends.
“The house was artistically decorated with palms, ferns and marigolds. The floors had ben canvased for cancing and to the music of the PMSS Wolf orchestra the guests merilly spun around, while during the intervals of dancing an impromptu programme of musical selections was rendered. Among the latter was an allegro vivace movement (Op. 62, Rubinstein) for the pianoforte, executed by Mis Angy Richardson; a fantasia for the Hoehm blute, rendered by Mr. Cecil Chesley Renwick, and a bassoon solo by Mr. H. Foxall Beral.
“At midnight the guests adjourned to the dining room, where supper was served by Te-chaunte. Here champagne flowed as freely as the bright and witty bon mots of the genial host, who was the life of the occasion. It was an early morning hour when the guests finally separated.
“Among the guests were: Mr and Mrs Clement Richardson, Mr and Mrs C Chesley Renwick, Mr and Mrs J P Crane, Mr and Mrs Archibald Cook, Mr and Mrs Sullivan, Mr and Mrs Gill, Mr and Mrs Barry, Mr and Mrs Dunmore, Mrs Fannon, Mrs Palmer, Mrs Elliot, MIss Letty, Miss Lee, Miss Gorman, Miss Dody, MIss Elliot, the Misses Angy and Statia Richardson; Mressrs G Richardson, L Richardson, W, Richardson, F Elliot, William Devlin, E Palmer, Mr and Mrs Arthur Bussel, Mr and MRs Arnold, Miss Eunice Elliott, Miss Lizzie Elliott, Miss Fannie Arnold, Messrs Frank Elliott, Paul Sheehan, J F Center, Joseph JJohnson, John Dunmore, John J Dunmore Jr, John Sullivan, T Palmer, HA Magendle, General Sheehan, Albert Richardon, John Sullivan Jr.”
- 1892 California Great Registers
Name: Clement Richardson
Event Type: Voter Registration
Event Date: 19 Oct 1892
Event Place: S E cor Union & Banks, San Francisco, California, United States
Age: 41
Birth Year (Estimated): 1851
Birthplace: England
GS Film number: 977601 , Digital Folder Number: 005030247 , Image Number: 00223 ,
- 1897 death notice from San Francisco Chronicle (1869-Current File); Mar 10, 1897 (Proquest HIstorical Newspapers):
“Death From a Fall. The death of Clement Richardson was reported to the Coroner yesterday morning. Richardson was a coal dealer at 440 Cortland avenue. On February 24th he was tearing down an old building, which he had bought, on Beale street, near Harrison. The timbers on which he was at work gave way, and he fell twenty-five feet, fracturing his spine, skull and ribs. He was attended by Dr. C.A. Clinton, but died from his injuries. He was an Englishman, 45 years old, and left a family.”
- 1897 death notice clipping [image from an ancestry tree]:
“RICHARDSON - In this city, March 8, 1897; Clement, beloved husband of Mrs B? Richardson, father of Lawrence, George, Albert, Daisy, Walter, Willie and Raymond Richardson, and Mrs. J. F. Millerich? and brother-in-law of Paul Sheehan, a native of Breede, Sussex, England, aged 45 years, 11 months.
“Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral today, Wednesday, at 8:30? o’clock am from this late resience, 440? Corland Avenue, thence to Old St Mary’s College Church, where a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, commencing at 9:30 o’clock am. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery.
“A loving, faithful husband, and an affectionate father.
“Father is gone but not forgotten,
Nor is the good advice he gave;
Sweetest thoughts shall ever linger,
Around our darling father’s grave.
Long days and nights he bor in pain;
To wait for cure was all in vain,
But God along, who thought it bst,
Did ease his pain and give him rest.”
- 1897, , In memory of Clement Richardson [see photo of tassled wall hanging?]
LONGSHORE LUMBERMEN'S PROTECTIVE UNION. Organized Sep 1, 1872. Number of members, 125. Met at 3 Mission St.. Objects were mutual benevolent purposes only, in aiding and assisting its sick members and burying the dead. In memory of CLEMENT RICHARDSON, 1897. - San Francisco. In memory of CLEMENT RICHARDSON, 1897
From other researchers:
-Illegitamate son of Angela Richardson.; Clement Richardson (base born)
- After his mother died (the same year as his birth), Clement lived in his grandparents household - listed in the 1861 census.
- Clement's mother died shortly after he was born and Clement was raised by his grandfather, Thomas Wakeham Richardson (1796-1876).
- “Clement Richardson, an English immigrant, and Bridget Mary Sheehan, an Irish immigrant from County Wexford, were married in Chicago in 1874 and moved to San Francisco where they raised a family of nine children: Angelina, Lawrence, George, Albert, Anastasia, Walter, William, Charles and Raymond. In 1887, they moved in to a large Victorian home at 440 Cortland Ave., otherwise known as BERNAL HEIGHTS. - Good Life Grocery now stands on this site.” - see photo of Richardson Home, 440 Cortland Ave, with 1 man and 2 children standing on front steps
- 1861 Clement appears in the Richardson household as their son at 1861, rather than as grandson. He emigrated to US.
- His birth certificate says he was the illegitimate son of Jemima Apps. Other family researchers believe that that his mother was actually Angelina Apps / Richardson, the illegitimate daughter of Jemima Barnes Apps who married Thomas W Richardson the following year and raised her daughter Angelina as a Richardson. Angelina “Apps” died in the workhouse a month after giving birth to Clement so he was raised by his maternal grandparents as their own - he is listed as a son of Thomas and Jemima Richardson in the 1861 census.
- IGI index - 2 marriages for Clement Richardson in 1874:
Marriage [to Clement Richardson]:
28 MAR 1874 , Cook, Illinois
Extracted marriage record for locality listed in the record. The source records are usually arranged chronologically by the marriage date.
Source Information:
Batch No.: Dates: Source Call No.: Type:
M730702 1874 1030087 Film
b) Individual record for Clement Richardson
Birth: 08 APR 1851 Frede,Es, , , England
Death: 08 MAR 1897
Spouse: Bridget Mary SHEEHAN Family
Marriage: 05 APR 1874 Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Record submitted after 1991 by a member of the LDS Church. No additional information is available. Ancestral File may list the same family and the submitter.
- 1881 census, no matches in US, UK, or Canada under name Clement Apps ( The only Clement Richardson born England in US census is in San Francisco, CA ???
On 28 Mar 1874 when Clement was 22, he married
Bridget Mary SHEEHAN 
in St James RC Church, Chicago, Illinios, USA.
Born on 11 May 1854 in Couty Wexford, Ireland. Bridget Mary died in San Francisco, San Francisco, California, USA, on 13 Jul 1939; she was 85.
- 1900 United States Census for Bridget Richardson
Name: Bridget Richardson
Residence: San Francisco city, San Francisco, California
Birth Date: Jan 1854
Birthplace: Ireland
Relationship to Head-of-Household: Self
Spouse Name:
Spouse Titles:
Spouse Birth Place:
Father Name:
Father Titles:
Father Birthplace: Ireland
Mother Name:
Mother Titles:
Mother Birthplace: Ireland
Race or Color (expanded): White
Head-of-household Name:
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Widowed
Years Married:
Estimated Marriage Year:
Mother How Many Children: 9
Number Living Children: 8
Immigration Year: 1871
Enumeration District: 0119
Sheet Number and Letter: 10A
Household ID: 211
Reference Number: 42
GSU Film Number: 1240103
Image Number: 00217
Household Gender Age
Bridget Richardson F (from film: coal dealer)
Child Lawrence Richardson M, age 22, born Nov 1877, California, son, single, oiler (steamer)
Child George T Richardson M, age 21, born Apr 1879, California, son, single, meat dealer
Child Albert Richardson M, age 19, born Feb 1882, California, son, single, tranester (coal)
Child Anna Richardson F, age 16, born 1884, California, daughter, single, at home
Child Walter J Richardson M, age 13, born Jun 1886, California, son, single,
Child William Richardson M, age 12, born Jan 1888, California, son, single
Child Raymond Richardson M, age 6, born Apr 1894, California, son, single
Orrin F Ryan M, age 26, born May 1874, California, single, no relationship given, father born Ireland, mother born Massachusetts
- 1910 United States Census, 1910
Bridget M Richardson, birth: 1855 —Ireland
residence: 1910 —San Francisco Assembly District 33, San Francisco, California
children: George Thomas Richardson, Walter I Richardson... [trouble accessing details]
- 1910 US census, living in San Franciso City, California
Name Age - all speak English
Bridget M Richardson 55 - head, F, W, 55, wd, Ire English x3, immig 1871, own income, owns Mortg. house
George Thomas Richardson 30 [31] - son, M, W, 30, S, Calif, Eng English, Ire English, butcher, shop OA
Walter I Richardson 27 [37] - son, M, W, 37?, M1, Calif, Eng English, Ire English, Butcher, shop working
William F Richardson 25 - son, M, W, 25, S, Calif, Eng English, Ire English, Butcher, shop working
Raymond R Richardson 15 - son, M, W, 15, S, Calif, Eng English, Ire English, ,driver, butcher wagon working, no school
Year: 1910; Census Place: San Francisco Assembly District 33, San Francisco, California; Roll: T624_97; Page: 17B; Enumeration District: 0062; FHL microfilm: 1374110
From other researchers:
- Bridget Mary Sheehan, an Irish immigrant [in USA].
- Daughter of Peter Sheehan 1811- and Anastasia Comerford 1815-1870; sister of Paul Sheehan 1856-1925, Margaret Sheehan 1859-1925 and Lawrence Sheehan 1860-1912
- Sister Margaret born 20 Oct 1859, Glynn, Barntown, Wexford Ireland
- brother Lawrence Sheehan born 10 Oct 1860, New Ross, Wexford, Ireland
- photos of her brother PAUL SHEEHAN/1856-1925; sister MARGARET SHEEHAN-WOCLEMS/1859-1925; and brother LAWRENCE SHEEHAN/1860-1912
- Letter of Introduction dated Ramsgrange Arthurstown, 10/6/1871 for Bridget Sheehan and signed by Thomas Doyle, P.P. - says she is a “girl of stainless character” [see image]
They had the following children: