Ninth Generation (Continued)
Elizabeth “Lizzie” B DENMAN (Amos H8, John7, Ann BOORMAN6, William5, William4, William3, Thomas2, William1) 
Born abt 1870 in Illinois, USA.
- 1880 USA census, living with parents, 2 siblings in Tolono, Champaign, Illinois:
Lizzie B. Denman 10 - Illinois
- PRF family tree submitter jtanner1102443 lists, submission MM7S-PKS:
name: Elizabeth Morgan /Denman/
gender: Female
birth: 10 June 1869 Tolono, Champaigne, Illinois
death: 24 December 1902
father: Amos /Denman/
mother: Anna /Morgan/
spouse: Charles E. /Dickenson/
marriage: 13 June 1894
1 child: Imogene Morgan Dickenson, female born 17 Oct 1895 Leadville, Lake, Colorado
If this connection is valid, then this furthers it [note Anna Denman in 1910]:
- 1900 "United States Census, 1900,"
name: Imogine Dickenson
event: Census
event date: 1900
event place: ED 49 Precinct 15-17 Leadville city Ward 3, Lake, Colorado, United States - 212 E 9th
birth date: Oct 1896
birthplace: Colorado
relationship to head of household: Daughter
father's birthplace: Michigan
mother's birthplace: Kentucky
race or color (standardized): White
gender: Female
marital status: Single
page: 16
sheet letter: A
family number: 369
reference number: 20
film number: 1240125
digital folder number: 004118998
image number: 00481
Household Gender Age Birthplace
head Charles E Dickenson M 46 Michigan - Apr 1854, 46, M 6, both parents born Michigan, lumber dealer
wife Elizabeth Dickenson F 31 Kentucky - May 1869, 31, M 6, 1 child 1 living, both parents born Kentucky,
daughter Imogine Dickenson F 4 Colorado - Oct 1896, 3, S,
servant Harriet V Nicholson F 33 Michigan - Jan 1869, 33, M 13, 0 children, father Ireland, mother Scotland, servant
- 1910 "United States Census, 1910,"
name: M Imogene Dickenson
birthplace: Colorado
relationship to head of household: Daughter
residence: Leadville Ward 3, Lake, Colorado
marital status: Single
race : White
gender: Female
father's birthplace: Michigan
mother's birthplace: Illinois
family number: 50
page number: 7
Household Gender Age Birthplace
self Charles E Dickenson M 53y Michigan
dau M Imogene Dickenson F 14y Colorado
mother-in-law Anna Denman F 64y Kentucky, widowed, both parents born Kentucky
Thomas Collins M 49y Maryland, single
- 1902 "BillionGraves Index," Elizabeth M. Dickinson,
name: Elizabeth M. Dickinson
event: Burial
event date: 1902
event place: Leadville North, Lake, Colorado, United States
cemetery: Evergreen Cemetery
birth date: 1869
marriage date:
death date: 1902
maiden name:
cemetery latitude: 39.2511100769043
cemetery longitude: -106.304443359375
billion graves image id: 2272220 [joint tombstone with CE Dickinson 1856-1917]
billion graves created timestamp: 2012-10-03 16:35:56
Annie B DENMAN (Amos H8, John7, Ann BOORMAN6, William5, William4, William3, Thomas2, William1).
Born abt 1874 in Illinois, USA.
- 1880 USA census, living with parents, 2 siblings in Tolono, Champaign, Illinois:
Annie B. Denman 6 - Illinois
- PRF family tree submitter jtanner1102443 lists, submission MM7S-PKS:
name: Anna Bruce /Denman/
gender: Female
birth: 27 August 1873 Tolona, Champaigne, Illinois
father: Amos /Denman/
mother: Anna /Morgan/
spouse: Richard D. /Allison/ (birth: 18 August 1868 Jamesville, Ohio)
marriage: 14 September 1893 [no children listed]
If this information is valid, then the following may apply:
- 1900 "United States Census, 1900,"
name: Anna W Allison
event: Census
event date: 1900
event place: ED 48 Precinct 6-7 Leadville city Ward 3, Lake, Colorado, - 112 West 6th Street
birth date: Aug 1873
birthplace: Illinois
relationship to head of household: Daughter
father's birthplace: Ohio
mother's birthplace: Kentucky
race or color (standardized): White
gender: Female
marital status: Married
years married: 7
estimated marriage year: 1893
mother how many children: 0
number living children: 0
immigration year:
page: 6
sheet letter: B
family number: 115
reference number: 67
film number: 1240125
digital folder number: 004118998
image number: 00424
Household Gender Age Birthplace
head Hannah Denman F 55 Kentucky - Dec 1845, 54, Wd, 4 children 3 living, parents Kentucky, landlady H
son-in-law Richard Allison M 32 Ohio - Aug 1868, 31, M 7, parents Ohio, mg’s telegraph Co.
daughter Anna W Allison F 27 Illinois - Aug 1873, 26, M 7, 0 children, father Ohio, mother Kentucky,
lodger James P Stratton M 30 New Jersey
lodger Georgia Stratton F 28 Maine
lodger Done Curtis M 30 Maine
lodger Gertrude Curtis F 26 Pennsylvania
lodger Warren A Moore M 32 Missouri
lodger Bertha L Moore F 33 Ohio
lodger Wilson Curtis F 3 Colorado
lodger Howard Radcliff F 27 Maine
lodger Henry D Mitlon M 38 Arkansas
lodger Arthur R Milks M 37 New York
lodger Matilda Milks F 30 New York
lodger J Elizabeth Milks F 9 New York
lodger Arthur R Milks M 7 New York
lodger Joseph H Fiske M 43 Michigan
lodger Katherine Fiske F 27 Illinois
cook Thos Collins M 39 Maryland
waitress Martha Smith F 20 Illinois
In the 1920 and 1930 census, there is a Richard Allison married to a Bruce D Allison (born Illinois) living in Colorado:
- 1920 "United States Census, 1920,"
name: Richard D Allison
residence: , Lake, Colorado
estimated birth year: 1869
age: 51
birthplace: Ohio
relationship to head of household: Self
gender: Male
race: White
marital status: Married
film number: 1820165
digital folder number: 4294435
image number: 00473
sheet number: 5
Household Gender Age Birthplace
self Richard D Allison M 51y Ohio
wife Bruce D Allison F 46y Illinois
dau Helen Bruce Allison F 16y Colorado
son William M Allison M 11y Colorado
- 1930 United States Census, 1930,"
name: Richard Allison
event: Census
event date: 1930
event place: Leadville, Lake, Colorado
gender: Male
age: 61
marital status: Married
race: White
birthplace: Ohio
estimated birth year: 1869
relationship to head of household: Head
father's birthplace: Ohio
mother's birthplace: Ohio
enumeration district number: 0004
family number: 81
sheet number and letter: 3B
line number: 82
nara publication: T626, roll 244
film number: 2339979
digital folder number: 4532389
image number: 00043
Household Gender Age Birthplace
head Richard Allison M 61 Ohio
wife Bruce D Allison F 56 Illinois
This is the wrong generation, but I wonder if there is a connection:
- 1945 "Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths, 1916-1947,"
name: Marvin Allison
death date: 07 Apr 1945
death place: Adams, Illinois
gender: Male
age: 68
estimated birth year: 1877
father: Richard Allison
mother: Anna
spouse: Elizabeth Allison
digital folder number: 4163888
image number: 1175
film number: 1984183
volume/page/certificate number: cn 11961
Mary “Mamie” DENMAN (Amos H8, John7, Ann BOORMAN6, William5, William4, William3, Thomas2, William1).
Born abt 1877 in Illinois, USA.
- 1880 USA census, living with parents, 2 siblings in Tolono, Champaign, Illinois:
Mamie Denman 3 - Illinois
- PRF family tree submitter jtanner1102443 lists, submission MM7S-PKS:
name: Mary Anderson /Denman/
gender: Female
birth: 13 August 1876 Tolono, Champaigne, Illinois
death: 5 October 1919 Colorado
father: Amos /Denman/
mother: Anna /Morgan/
spouse 1: Justin /Tyler/ (born Noltowa, Michigan)
marriage: 31 March 1902 In Colorado
spouse 2: James /Church/
marriage: 16 August 1923 [no children listed] [if she died in 1919 - ghostly marriage???]
If this is valid information, these might apply:
- 1900 "United States Census, 1900,"
name: Mary A Denman
event: Census
event date: 1900
event place: ED 1037 Precinct 46 Hyde Park Town Chicago city Ward 32, Cook, Illinois - 289 53rd Street
birth date: Aug 1876
birthplace: Illinois
relationship to head of household: Boarder
father's birthplace: Ohio
mother's birthplace: Kentucky
race or color (standardized): White
gender: Female
marital status: Single
page: 4
sheet letter: A
family number: 55
reference number: 9
film number: 1240287
digital folder number: 004113746
image number: 00203
Household Gender Age Birthplace
head Jacob F Sanders M 56 Indiana
wife Lilian M Sanders F 44 New York
servant Christine Johnson F 26 Sweden
boarder Mary A Denman F 24 Illinois - Aug 1876, 23 (24 crossed out), S, music student
- 1910 "United States Census, 1910,"
name: Mary A Tyler
birthplace: Illinois
relationship to head of household: Wife
residence: Leadville Ward 3, Lake, Colorado
marital status: Married
race : White
gender: Female
immigration year:
father's birthplace: Ohio
mother's birthplace: Kentucky
family number: 268
page number: 10
Household Gender Age Birthplace
self Justin R C Tyler M 40y Michigan
wife Mary A Tyler F 33y Illinois
dau Natalie A Tyler F 7y Colorado