Ninth Generation (Continued)
Frank H DENMAN (Ezekiel8, William7, Ann BOORMAN6, William5, William4, William3, Thomas2, William1).
Born on 7 Aug 1856 in California, USA. Frank H died in 1955; he was 98.
- 1860 USA census, living in Petaluma, Sonoma, California with parents and siblings:
Frank Denman 4 - Calif
- 1870 USA census, living in Petaluma, Sonoma, California with father, siblings and 2 others:
Frank H Denman 13 - Cal
- 1880 USA census, living in Petaluma, Sonoma, California with father, siblings, step-mother and 2 step-siblings:
Frank Denman 23, son, farmer, Cala, NY, NY
- 1885 "California, County Marriages, 1850-1952," Frank H. Denman,
name: Frank H. Denman
event: Marriage
event date: 04 Feb 1885
event place: Sonoma, California, United States
gender: Male
age: 28
estimated birth year: 1857
spouse: Charlotte T. Edwards
spouse's age: 23
spouse's gender: Female
spouse's estimated birth year: 1862
film number: 1031225
digital folder number: 004666586
image number: 00130 [no film]
- 1900 United States Federal Census about Frank H Denman
Name: Frank H Denman [Frank H Dennis]
Age: 44
Birth Date: May 1855
Birthplace: California
Home in 1900: Petaluma, Sonoma, California [Sonoma]
Race: White
Gender: Male
Relation to Head of House: Head
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: Charlott Denman
Marriage Year: 1885
Years Married: 15
Father's Birthplace: New York
Mother's Birthplace: New York
Household Members:
Name Age
Frank H Denman 44
Charlott Denman 36
Lillie Bayson 22
- 1910 USA census, living in Petaluma, Sonoma, California [on the same sheet as Catherine D Denman], rooming in the Ch______ household:
Frank K? Denman, roomer, M, W, 53, M, 25, California, NY x 2, English, bank cashier
Charlotte G Denman, roomer, F, W, 44, M, 25, New Jersey x 3, English, none,
- 1920 United States Federal Census about Frank Denman
Name: Frank Denman
Age: 60
Birth Year: abt 1860
Birthplace: California
Home in 1920: Petaluma, Sonoma, California
Race: White
Gender: Male
Relation to Head of House: Head
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: Charlotte Denman
Father's Birthplace: New York
Mother's Birthplace: New York
Home Owned: Own
Able to Read: Yes
Able to Write: Yes
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members:
Name Age
Frank Denman 60
Charlotte Denman 50
Amelia Smith 32
Delbert Smith 10
- 1930 United States Federal Census about Frank H Denman
Name: Frank H Denman
Gender: Male
Birth Year: abt 1857
Birthplace: California
Race: White
Home in 1930: Petaluma, Sonoma, California
Marital Status: Married
Relation to Head of House: Head
Spouse's Name: Charlotte E Denman
Father's Birthplace: New York
Mother's Birthplace: New York
Household Members:
Name Age
Frank H Denman 73 - banker
Charlotte E Denman 63
Aurora Mattei 26
- no children listed
- according to a family tree on, a Frank Hardenbergh Denman was born 1856 Sonoma USA, died Sonoma CA.
- California death record died 1955
On 4 Feb 1885 when Frank H was 28, he married Charlotte T EDWARDS in Sonoma, California, USA. Born in Jul 1863 in New Jersey, USA.
- 1900 census says she didn’t have any children
- there was a Charlotte L Denman died age 58 in Chadler AZ - probably not her.
Nellie L DENMAN (Ezekiel8, William7, Ann BOORMAN6, William5, William4, William3, Thomas2, William1).
Born on 28 Sep 1857 in California, USA.
- 1860 USA census, living in Petaluma, Sonoma, California with parents and siblings:
Nelly Denman 2 - Calif
- 1870 census, living in Petaluma, Sonoma, California with father, siblings and 2 others:
Nellie L Denman 12 - Cal
- 1880 USA census, living in Petaluma, Sonoma, California with father, siblings, step-mother and 2 step-siblings:
Nellie Denman 22. dau, at home, Cala, NY, NY
- 1900 USA census, living in Petaluma, Sonoma, California with step-mother and 1 sister:
Nellie L Denman 42 - step-daughter, W, F, Sept 1857, 42, S, California, NY x 2, capitalist
- 1910 USA census, iving in Petaluma, Sonoma, California with step-mother and 1 sister:
Nellie L Denman 52 - step-daughter, F, W, 52, S, California, New York x 2
- 1920 United States Federal Census
Name: Nellie Denman
[Rosie Deman]
Age: 62
Birth Year: abt 1858
Birthplace: CaLifornia
Home in 1920: Petaluma, Sonoma, California
Race: White
Gender: Female
Relation to Head of House: Boarder
Marital Status: Single
Father's Birthplace: New York
Mother's Birthplace: New York
Able to Read: Yes
Able to Write: Yes
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members:
Name Age
Lyman Green 56
Phoebe Green 46
Josephine Green 7
Rose Rivers 17
Nellie Denman 62
Catherine D Denman 52
Mary Adams 48
Harriet Baxter 28
Ruth Magnusen 22
J D Greene 34
- private submission:
Pedigree Resource File
name: Nellie L. DENMAN
gender: Female
birth: 28 SEP 1857
father: Ezekiel DENMAN (AFN: 4MJG-707 )
mother: Nancy Louise HARDENBURGH (AFN: 4MJH-L3V )
submitter: jwhytrock2748705
submission date: 02 Jul 2002
submission id: MM95-6S5 [includes 66 Denman names]
person count: 5,245
- 1930 United States Federal Census
Name: Nellie Denman
Gender: Female
Birth Year: abt 1858
Birthplace: California
Race: White
Home in 1930: Petaluma, Sonoma, California - 120 4th Street
Marital Status: Single
Relation to Head of House: Boarder
Father's Birthplace: New York
Mother's Birthplace: New York
Household Members:
Name Age
Hedewig Matsen 44
Emma Matzenbach 57
Nellie Denman 72
Catherine Denman 63
Mary I Adams 58
Christian Henrichsen 29
Elsie M Christie 42
Chris Lind 28
Claus Bentzen 20
Inez E Wayne 23
Carl E Hansen 26
Mary A DENMAN (Ezekiel8, William7, Ann BOORMAN6, William5, William4, William3, Thomas2, William1).
Born abt 1859 in California, USA.
- 1860 USA census, living in Petaluma, Sonoma, California with parents and siblings:
Mary D Denman 1 - Mary A, Calif
- 1870 census, living in Petaluma, Sonoma, California with father, siblings and 2 others:
Mary A Denman 11 - Cal
- 1880 not listed in father’s household.
- name listed as both Mary A and Mary D in census - common name.
- ancestry public member lists a Mary A Denman (1860-1918) married to John Massey, perhaps died 8 Dec 1918, 13 Bayard Street, NYC; buried Calvary Cemetery, Woodside NY - Headstone for Massey Family - is this the right Mary Denman? - another? member lists baptism in England!
Ida Belle DENMAN (Ezekiel8, William7, Ann BOORMAN6, William5, William4, William3, Thomas2, William1).
Born on 18 Nov 1859 in California, USA. Ida Belle died in 1949; she was 89. Occupation: School Teacher.
- 1860 USA census, living in Petaluma, Sonoma, California with parents and siblings:
Jan B Denman 4/12 - Ida B, Calif
- 1870 census, living in Petaluma, Sonoma, California with father, siblings and 2 others:
Ida Bell Denman 9 - Cal
- 1880 USA census, living in Petaluma, Sonoma, California with father, siblings, step-mother and 2 step-siblings:
Ida Denman 20, dau, school teacher, Cala, NY, NY
- 1887 "California, County Marriages, 1850-1952," Ida Belle Denman
name: George P. Mcnear
event: Marriage
event date: 02 Jun 1887
event place: Sonoma, California, United States
gender: Male
age: 29
estimated birth year: 1858
spouse: Ida Belle Denman
spouse's age: 27
spouse's gender: Female
spouse's estimated birth year: 1860
film number: 1031225
digital folder number: 004666586
image number: 00472
- 1900 United States Federal Census about Ida Belle Mcnear
Name: Ida Belle Mcnear [Idabelle Mcnear]
Age: 39
Birth Date: Nov 1860
Birthplace: California
Home in 1900: Petaluma, Sonoma, California [Sonoma]
Race: White
Gender: Female
Relation to Head of House: Wife
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: George P Mcnear
Marriage Year: 1887
Years Married: 13
Father's Birthplace: New York
Mother's Birthplace: New York
Mother: number of living children: 4
Mother: How many children: 4
Household Members:
Name Age
George P Mcnear 42 - head, W, M, Jul 1857, 42, M, 13, --, California
Ida Belle Mcnear 39 - wife, F, Nov 1860, 39, M, 13, 4, 4, California
Mirian Mcnear 11 - daughter, W, F, Oct 1888, 11, S, California
Ezekial D Mcnear 10 - son, W, M, Dec 1889, 10, S, California
George P Mcnear 8 - son, W, M, June 1891, 8, S, California
Louise Mcnear 6 - daughter, W, F, May 1894, 6, S, California
Clara Mcnear 19 - daughter, W, F, May 1881, 19, S, California
De?Lia Resfini 25 - Dehlia?, servant, W, F, - 1875, 25, S, California
Alvira Zemmaroni 18, servant, W, F, - 1892, 18, S, California
Manuel Nunes 29, servant, W, M, Jul 1870, 29, S, California
[head George Mcnear listed as the father of 5 children, yet his wife was only the mother of 4; Clara was the oldest and her birth predated their 1887 marriage, so assume that George was previously married]
- 1910 United States Federal Census about Ida B Mcnier
Name: Ida B Mcnier [Ida B Mcnear]
Age in 1910: 51
Birth Year: 1859
Birthplace: California
Home in 1910: Petaluma, Sonoma, California
Race: White
Gender: Female
Relation to Head of House: Wife
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: George P Mcnier
Father's Birthplace: New York
Mother's Birthplace: New York
Household Members:
Name Age
George P Mcnier 53
Ida B Mcnier 51
Miriam Mcnier 21
Denman Mcnier 20
George Mcnier Jr. 18
Louise Mcnier 15
Rose Roderick 26
May Barboni 21
Harry Summerfield 25
Hans Hirneisen 38
- 1920 United States Federal Census about Ida Belle Mcnear
Name: Ida Belle Mcnear[Ida Bell Mcnear]
Age: 60
Birth Year: abt 1860
Birthplace: California
Home in 1920: Petaluma, Sonoma, California - Fm, San Rafael Road
Race: White
Gender: Female
Relation to Head of House: Wife
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: George P Mcnear
Father's Birthplace: New York
Mother's Birthplace: New York
Able to Read: Yes
Able to Write: Yes
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members:
Name Age
George P Mcnear 62
Ida Belle Mcnear 60
E Denman Mcnear 31
Hans H Srencksen 45
Chung Lin 65
- 1930 United States Federal Census about Ida B Mcnear
Name: Ida B Mcnear
Gender: Female
Birth Year: abt 1860
Birthplace: California
Race: White
Home in 1930: Petaluma, Sonoma, California
Marital Status: Married
Relation to Head of House: Wife
Spouse's Name: George P Mcnear
Father's Birthplace: New York
Mother's Birthplace: New York
Household Members:
Name Age
George P Mcnear 72 - merchant, Feed & Grain Est.
Ida B Mcnear 70
Leo V Korbel 48
Miriam Korbel 41
Louise Korbel 13
Mary Korbel 11
Frances Korbel 7
Georgia Korbel 3 [3 11/12]
Jacob A Biri 66
Mary E Berri 23
Jessie Thompson 50
Margaret Webb 19
- 1940 United States Federal Census about Ieda B Mc Near
Name: Ieda B Mc Near
Age: 80
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1860
Gender: Female
Race: White
Birthplace: California
Marital Status: Married
Relation to Head of House: Wife
Home in 1940: Petaluma, Sonoma, California
View Map
Street: Rt 3
House Number: 1089
Inferred Residence in 1935: Petaluma, Sonoma, California
Residence in 1935: Same House
Sheet Number: 16A
Household Members:
Name Age
George P Mc Near 82
Ieda B Mc Near 80
- 1949 Ida Belle McNear died ( index)
On 2 Jun 1887 when Ida Belle was 27, she married George P McNEAR in Sonoma, California, USA. Born in Jul 1857 in California, USA.
They had the following children:
Ezekial D McNEAR (1889-)
George P McNEAR (1891-)
Louise McNEAR (1894-)
Carrie E DENMAN (Ezekiel8, William7, Ann BOORMAN6, William5, William4, William3, Thomas2, William1) 
Born on 27 Jul 1861 in California, USA. Carrie E died in California, USA, on 1 May 1962; she was 100. Buried ca 1962 in Cypress Hill Memorial Park, Petaluma, Sonoma, CA, USA.
- 1870 census, living in Petaluma, Sonoma, California with father, siblings and 2 others:
Carrie E Denman 8 - Cal
- 1880 USA census, living in Petaluma, Sonoma, California with father, siblings, step-mother and 2 step-siblings:
Carrie Denman 18, dau, at school, Cala, NY, NY
- 1887 "California, Marriages, 1850-1945,"
groom's name: James E. Allen
bride's name: Carrie E. Denman
marriage date: 23 Mar 1887
marriage place: Sonoma,California
indexing project (batch) number: M58705-1
system origin: California-ODM
source film number: 873933
- 1900 United States Federal Census about Carrie E Allen
Name: Carrie E Allen
Age: 38
Birth Date: Jul 1861
Birthplace: California
Home in 1900: Adams, Parke, Indiana [Parke]
Race: White
Gender: Female
Relation to Head of House: Wife
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: James E Allen
Marriage Year: 1887
Years Married: 13
Father's Birthplace: New York
Mother's Birthplace: New York
Mother: number of living children: 0
Mother: How many children: 0
Occupation: View on Image
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members:
Name Age
James E Allen 37 [39, Dec 1860 Indiana, farmer, owns farm]
Carrie E Allen 38
- 1910 United States Federal Census about Carrie E Allen
Name: Carrie E Allen
Age in 1910: 48
Birth Year: 1862
Birthplace: California
Home in 1910: Adams, Parke, Indiana
Race: White
Gender: Female
Relation to Head of House: Wife
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: James E Allen
Father's Birthplace: New York
Mother's Birthplace: New York
Household Members:
Name Age
James E Allen 49
Carrie E Allen 48
Mary J Allen 70 - widowed mother, born Virginia, 5 children, 3 living
Clara Harney 24 - servant
- 1920 United States Federal Census about Carrie Allen
Name: Carrie Allen
Age: 58
Birth Year: abt 1862
Birthplace: California
Home in 1920: Petaluma, Sonoma, California - 707 D Street
Race: White
Gender: Female
Relation to Head of House: Wife
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: James E Allen
Father's Birthplace: New York
Mother's Birthplace: New York
Able to Read: Yes
Able to Write: Yes
Household Members:
Name Age
James E Allen 59 - insurance, own place
Carrie Allen 58
- 1930 United States Federal Census about Carrie E Allen
Name: Carrie E Allen
Gender: Female
Birth Year: abt 1862
Birthplace: California
Race: White
Home in 1930: Petaluma, Sonoma, California
Marital Status: Married
Relation to Head of House: Wife
Spouse's Name: J Edgar Allen
Father's Birthplace: New York
Mother's Birthplace: New York
Household Members:
Name Age
J Edgar Allen 69
Carrie E Allen 68
Catherine Duggan 32
- California Find a Grave Index:
JULY 27, 1861
MAY 1, 1962
AUG. 29, 1865
JAN. 11, 1954
FEB. 12, 1867
SEPT. 16, 1950
Note: All three inscriptions are children of Ezekiel and Louisa Denman and are on the same stone as their parents
Burial: Cypress Hill Memorial Park, Petaluma Sonoma County, California, USA
Find A Grave Memorial# 50820685
- no children listed
On 23 Mar 1887 when Carrie E was 25, she married James Edgar ALLEN in Sonoma, California, USA. Born in Dec 1860 in Indiana, USA.
John R DENMAN (Ezekiel8, William7, Ann BOORMAN6, William5, William4, William3, Thomas2, William1) 
Born on 29 Aug 1865 in California, USA. John R died in California, USA, on 11 Jan 1954; he was 88. Buried ca 1954 in Cypress Hill Memorial Park, Petaluma, Sonoma, CA, USA.
- 1870 census, living in Petaluma, Sonoma, California with father, siblings and 2 others:
John C Denman 5 - Cal
- 1880 USA census, living in Petaluma, Sonoma, California with father, siblings, step-mother and 2 step-siblings:
John Denman 15, son, at school, Cala, NY, NY
- 1888 "California, Marriages, 1850-1945,"
groom's name: J. R. Denman
bride's name: E. M. Parsons
marriage date: 05 Dec 1888
marriage place: Sonoma,California
indexing project (batch) number: M58705-1
system origin: California-ODM
source film number: 873933
- 1900 United States Federal Census about John R Denmon
Name: John R Denmon [John R Denman]
Age: 34
Birth Date: Apr 1865 [bad handwriting, think it says Aug 1865?]
Birthplace: California
Home in 1900: Vallejo, Sonoma, California [Sonoma]
Race: White
Gender: Male
Relation to Head of House: Head
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: Ella M Denmon
Marriage Year: 1888
Years Married: 12
Father's Birthplace: New York
Mother's Birthplace: New York
Household Members:
Name Age
John R Denmon 34 - head, W, M Aug 1865, 34, M, 12, Callifornia, farmer (owns farm)
Ella M Denmon 33 - wife, W, F, Apr 1867, 33, M 12, 3, 2, California
Charles E Denmon 8 - son, W, M, Aug 1891, 8, S, California
Nellie H Denmon 11/12 - daughter, W, F, June 1899, 11/12, S, Calfornia
George C Parsons 74
Nettie Rockwood 30
Charley Pfn 32
Antonio Mazzuchi 30
Aurthur White 20
Posgale Stefoni 27
- 1910 United States Federal Census
Name: John R Denman
Age in 1910: 44
Birth Year: 1866
Birthplace: California
Home in 1910: Vallejo, Sonoma, California
Race: White
Gender: Male
Relation to Head of House: Head
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: Ells M Denman
Father's Birthplace: New York
Mother's Birthplace: New York
Household Members:
Name Age
John R Denman 44
Ells M Denman 43
Charles E Denman 18
Nellie A Denman 10
Mary Biaggi 25
Jas Pantone 20
Edward J Guinan 21
Antone Micholaisen 29
Antone Silva 21
William Mckim 32
- 1920 United States Federal Census
Name: John R Denman
Age: 55
Birth Year: abt 1865
Birthplace: California
Home in 1920: Vallejo, Sonoma, California
Race: White
Gender: Male
Relation to Head of House: Head
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: Ella M Denman [Anna J Neilsen]
Father's Birthplace: New York
Mother's Birthplace: New York
Home Owned: Own
Able to Read: Yes
Able to Write: Yes
Household Members:
Name Age
John R Denman 55
Ella M Denman 53
Nellie A Denman 20
Minerva T Parsons 75
Louis Bachari 35
Neils P Neilsen 36
Anna J Neilsen 34
Harry Neilsen 9
Kain Neilsen 8
Hans Neilsen 6
Viola Neilsen 3 [3 6/12]
Charles Neilsen 1 [1 4/12]
Peter Mastaglio 26
- California Find a Grave Index:
JULY 27, 1861
MAY 1, 1962
AUG. 29, 1865
JAN. 11, 1954
FEB. 12, 1867
SEPT. 16, 1950
Note: All three inscriptions are children of Ezekiel and Louisa Denman and are on the same stone as their parents
Burial: Cypress Hill Memorial Park, Petaluma Sonoma County, California, USA
Find A Grave Memorial# 50820685
- family tree lists a John Rierson Denman born 1865 USA, died Sonoma Calif (remaining details hidden); photo of Denman Family headstone attached to John Rierson Denman (1965-1954) - tombstone lists Carrie E Allen, John R, Catherine D.
On 5 Dec 1888 when John R was 23, he married Ella M PARSONS in Sonoma, California, USA. Born in Apr 1867 in California, USA.
- Both parents born in South Carolina
- burial not found on
They had the following children:
Charles Ezekiel DENMAN (1891-1976)
Nellie A DENMAN (1899-)
Catherine D “Kate” DENMAN (Ezekiel8, William7, Ann BOORMAN6, William5, William4, William3, Thomas2, William1) 
Born on 12 Feb 1867 in California, USA. Catherine D “Kate” died in California, USA, on 16 Sep 1950; she was 83. Buried ca 1950 in Cypress Hill Memorial Park, Petaluma, Sonoma, CA, USA.
- 1870 census, living in Petaluma, Sonoma, California with father, siblings and 2 others:
Katie Denman 3 - Cal
- 1880 USA census, living in Petaluma, Sonoma, California with father, siblings, step-mother and 2 step-siblings:
Kate Denman 13, dau, at school, Cala, NY, NY
- 1900 USA census, living in Petaluma, Sonoma, California with step-mother and 1 sister:
Catherine D Denman 33 - step-daughter, W, F, Apl 1867, 33, S, California, NY x 2, capitalist
- 1910 USA census, iving in Petaluma, Sonoma, California with step-mother and 1 sister:
Catherina D Denman 43 - step-daughter, F, W, 43, S, California, New York x 2
1920 United States Federal Census about Catherine D Denman
Name: Catherine D Denman
[Catherine L Denman]
[Catherine O Deman]
Age: 52
Birth Year: abt 1868
Birthplace: CaLifornia
Home in 1920: Petaluma, Sonoma, California
Race: White
Gender: Female
Relation to Head of House: Boarder
Marital Status: Single
Father's Birthplace: New York
Mother's Birthplace: New York
Able to Read: Yes
Able to Write: Yes
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members:
Name Age
Lyman Green 56
Phoebe Green 46
Josephine Green 7
Rose Rivers 17
Nellie Denman 62
Catherine D Denman 52
Mary Adams 48
Harriet Baxter 28
Ruth Magnusen 22
J D Greene 34
- 1930 United States Federal Census about Catherine Denman
Name: Catherine Denman [Catharine Denman]
Gender: Female
Birth Year: abt 1867
Birthplace: California
Race: White
Home in 1930: Petaluma, Sonoma, California
Marital Status: Single
Relation to Head of House: Boarder
Father's Birthplace: New York
Mother's Birthplace: New York
Household Members:
Name Age
Hedewig Matsen 44
Emma Matzenbach 57
Nellie Denman 72
Catherine Denman 63
Mary I Adams 58
Christian Henrichsen 29
Elsie M Christie 42
Chris Lind 28
Claus Bentzen 20
Inez E Wayne 23
Carl E Hansen 26
- 1940 United States Federal Census about Catherine D Denman
Name: Catherine D Denman
Age: 72
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1868
Gender: Female
Race: White
Birthplace: California
Marital Status: Single
Relation to Head of House: Sister
Home in 1940: Petaluma, Sonoma, California
Street: C
House Number: 610
Inferred Residence in 1935: Petaluma, Sonoma, California
Residence in 1935: Same House
Sheet Number: 61A
Household Members:
Name Age
Nellie L Denman 82
Catherine D Denman 72
- 1940 United States Federal Census
Name: Nellie L Denman
Age: 82
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1858
Gender: Female
Race: White
Birthplace: California
Marital Status: Single
Relation to Head of House: Head
Home in 1940: Petaluma, Sonoma, California
Street: C
House Number: 610
Farm: No
Inferred Residence in 1935: Petaluma, Sonoma, California
Residence in 1935: Same House
Sheet Number: 61A
Number of Household in Order of Visitation: 71
Household Members:
Name Age
Nellie L Denman 82
Catherine D Denman 72
- California Find a Grave Index:
JULY 27, 1861
MAY 1, 1962
AUG. 29, 1865
JAN. 11, 1954
FEB. 12, 1867
SEPT. 16, 1950
Note: All three inscriptions are children of Ezekiel and Louisa Denman and are on the same stone as their parents
Cypress Hill Memorial Park
Petaluma Sonoma County, California, USA
Find A Grave Memorial# 50820685