Ninth Generation (Continued)
Frances Eliza “Lillie” BOORMAN (William Scoons8, Thomas7, Thomas6, William5, William4, William3, Thomas2, William1).
Born on 22 Apr 1866 in 4 St. Ann's Terr, Wandsworth, Surrey, England. Christened on 11 Nov 1866 in Camden, Middlesex, England. Frances Eliza “Lillie” died in Manor Private Hospital, Victoria, BC, Canada, on 25 Oct 1957; she was 91. Buried on 28 Oct 1957 in Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, BC, Canada.
- 1866: Born while parents lived at 4 St. Ann's Terrace, Wandsworth Dist
- NAME: Also called Lil (or Lillie)
- 1866 BAPTISM: London, England, Non-conformist Registers, 1694-1921
Name: Frances Eliza Boorman
Birth Year: abt 1866
Burough: Camden
County: Middlesex
Event Type: baptism
Event Date: 11 Nov 1866
Father: William Scoons Boorman [merchantile clerk]
Mother: Frances Jane Boorman
[from film: born 22 Apr 1866, Wandsworth]
- 1871 England census, living at 2 Cedar Terrace, Fulham, Kensington RD, London
Name Age
William S Boorman 28, head, mar, grocer ‘Master’, Surrey Wandsworth
Frances J Boorman 26, wife, mar, -, Kent Brompton
Frances E Boorman 4, daur, -, -, Surrey WAndsworth
Henrietta E A Boorman 3, daur, -, -, Midx King’s Cross
Amelia A Boorman 1, daur, -, -, Midx Fulham
Daniel F Daley 17, serv, unm, grocer’s assistant, Kent Woolwich
Fanny Edwards 17, serv, unm, general serv, Hay Bricon?
Source Citation: Class: RG10; Piece: 71; Folio: 8; Page: 8; GSU roll: 824579.
- From the "Notes on the Life and the Descendants of Thomas Boorman":
“Lillie had a boarding house in Ventnor when the rest of her family emigrated to Canada. She stayed behind, and didn't joint them in Canada until after both her father William and her brother William had died. She took with her Dorothy Freeman. Was living in Victoria in 1950.” [Ventnor is on the south coast of the Isle of Wight, England]
Note: travel records show that Frances Eliza came to Canada in 1912, but Dorothy Freeman didn’t followed her until 1914.
- 1881 England Census, living with grandfather Thomas and young aunt Sarah at 9 High Street, Wandsworth:
Thomas Boorman 70
Sarah Ellen Boorman 22, daur, unm, b. Surrey Wandsworth [no occupation listed]
Frances Eliza Boorman 14, daur, unm, b. Surrey Wandsworth, pupil teacher [should say granddaughter]
Source Citation: Class: RG11; Piece: 659; Folio: 29; Page: 2; GSU roll: 1341153. (Ref. 0659-29-2).
- 1891 England Census
Name: Frances E Boorman
Age: 24
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1867
Relation: Niece
Gender: Female
Where born: Wandsworth, Surrey, England
Civil parish: West Bromwich
Ecclesiastical parish: Christchurch
County/Island: Staffordshire
Country: England
Street Address: [45 Beeches Rd]
Registration district: West Bromwich
Sub-registration district: West Bromwich North East
ED, institution, or vessel: 23
Piece: 2274
Folio: 91
Page Number: 22
Household Members:
Living at 45 Beeches Rd, West Bromwich, Christchurch, Staffordshire, England
Name Age
Thomas P Hookey 42, head, M, Congregational Minister, Hampshire Alton
Jane H Hookey 40, wife, M, -, Surrey Wandsworth [nee Boorman]
Florence P Hookey 15, daur, S, -, Hampshire, Weldon
Herbert W Hookey 14, son, S, scholar, Lincolnshire Whaplode
Berline M Hookey 11, daur, -, scholar, Hertfordshire Baldock
Alice D Hookey 9, daur, -, scholar, Hertfordshire Baldock
Bessie J Hookey 8, daur, -, scholar, Hertfordshire Baldock
Ethel K B Hookey 6, daur, -, -, Cambridgeshire, Newmarket
Frances E Boorman 24, niece, S, Assistant mistress in Board School,
Source Citation: Class: RG12; Piece: 2274; Folio 91; Page 22; GSU roll: 6097384.
- 1901 England Census
Name: Francis Boorman
Age: 34
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1867
Relation: Head
Gender: Female
Where born: Wandsworth, Surrey, England
Civil parish: Ventnor
Ecclesiastical parish: Ventnor St Catherines Church
Town: Ventnor
County/Island: Hampshire
Country: England
Street Address: [Austria Houise, Hambro Road]
Registration district: Isle of Wight
Sub-registration district: Godshill
ED, institution, or vessel: 5
Household schedule number: 301
Piece: 1031
Folio: 96
Page Number: 46
Household Members:
Name Age
Francis Boorman 34, head, S, Lodging House Keeper, own account, at home, Surrey Wanandsworth, Husband? Blindness
Charlotte Sherbourne 37, Serv, S, Cook Domestic, -, -, Oxford Hailey, -
Frances A Sherbourne 19, Serv, S, Housemaid Domestic, -, -, Oxford Hailey, -
Source Citation: Class: RG13; Piece: 1031; Folio: 96; Page: 46.
- WORK: Had been a school teacher, Isle of Whyte [Wight]
-1907: 3 rather than 4 sisters listed in brother Walter’s obituary, including a “Miss Boorman of the Isle of Wight”
- 1911 England census, living at Austria and Elizabeth House, Hambro Road, Ventnor, Isle of Wight
Name Age
Frances Eliza Boorman 44 - head, 44, single, disabled schoolmistress letting apartments, own account, at home, Surrey Wandsworth
Herbert James Smith 31 - boarder, 31, married 3yrs, none, masseur, OA, at home, Denstone, Staffs.
Mabel Margaret Smith 45 - boarder, 45, married 3yrs, none, Walthamstow Essex
Ruth Florence Gertrude Taylor 44 - cousin, 44, single, campanion help domestic worker, Epsom Surrey
Dorothy Alice Freeman 13 - cousin, 13, at school, Willesden Middlesex
Horace Harvey Read 14 - boarder, 14, at school, New Southgate
Ena Lavell 16 - servant, 16, domestic kitchen maid, Shiplake Oxford
Margaret Chambers 69 - boarder, 69 married 43yrs 9 children 9 living, Southsea, Hants
Frank Drysdale Chambers 73 - boarder 73, married 43yrs, 9 children 9 living, Brixton Surrey
Sarah Norman 23 - servant, 23, -, domestic house maid, Bralton Fleming. Devon
Mackay, Hubert Taylor 33 - boarder, 33, single, bank accountant, banking worker, Durham
not on this page ...
Sophia Greenhalgh 46
Elizabeth Ellen M Dougal 40
- 1912 Canadian Passenger Lists, 1865-1935
Name: Frances Boorman
Gender: Female
Age: 45
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1867
Date of Arrival: 4 Oct 1912
Vessel: Ultonia
Port of arrival: Montreal, Quebec
Port of departure: Southampton, England
Roll: T-4792
[Ticket Number: 2875; single; never been to Canada before; born England; destination: Victoria BC; occupation: schoolmistress; intended occupation in Canada: housekeeper; Wesleyan]
[Film - list is semi-alphabetic so can’t tell travel companions if any; bottom half of page is very faint, very hard to read surnames. Looking for Dorothy Freeman - only 1 starting with F, first names Marguerite L, age 27, single, never been to Canada, destination Montreal Que, was/will be housekeeper]
- 1914: her cousin [1C1R] Dorothy Freeman joined her in Canada to work as “house help”, traveling via Halifax and CPR.
- 1921 Canada census, living in Ward 3, Victoria City, BC
Street or Township: 1871 [1841?] Fern St - rents $25 single wood house, 7?(6?) rooms
[Miss] Borman 53 - head, F S 53, England, parents England, imm 1912, Anglican, Retired, Income [this is likely daughter Frances ELiza “Lillie”]
Frances Borman 72 - mother, F W 72, England, parents England, imm 1895, Anglican, Retired, Income
Dorothy Freeman 23 - Boarder, F S 23, England, imm 1914, Presb. S?????[perhaps Stores] worker Grocer? $900
[Living next door to Hon John Oliver family at 1837 Fern St]
- 1934 Sun British Columbia Directory, Victoria page 2092 [file name say page 016]
Boorman A Ebenezer game warden BC Govt r Royal Oak PO
Boorman A S formn Cameron Lbr R Mt Polmie PO
Boorman Frances r 806 Cook
Boorman Harry E of Boorman Invest h 2431 Currie
Boorman Investment Co Ltd H E Boorman mgr 215, 620 View
Boorman John S fountain disp Terry’s r 2431 Currie
Boorman Ken L clk Royal Trust r 2431 Currie
Boorman Percy carp h ws Shelbourne (Saan)
Boorman Sam elev opr Campbell Bldg h 1628 Chambers
Boorman Wm I slsmn Boorman Invest r 2431 Currie
Boorman Winnifred G sten Great West Life r Earlston Mt Tolmie PO
- 1957 DEATH: Died a spinster. Buried in Ross Bay Cemetery, Block O, Plot 77 -78 (family plot for 8), West of Road O. Cemetery records show death date: Oct 25, 1952 (handwriting?), buried plot 77. Internet data gives Oct 25, 1957 in Victoria at age 90 (b1866). Jack Boorman gives date as Oct 24, 1957. Vital Stats 10.25.1957 (age 90), Reg No.1956-09-010466, BC Archives Microfilm No. B13234, GSU Microfilm No. 2033184.
- British Columbia Death Registrations, 1872-1986
Death Date: 25 Oct 1957
Death Place: Victoria, British Columbia, Canada [Manor Private Hospital]
Name: Frances Boorman
Gender: Female
Age: 91y
Birth Date: Apr 1866 [day not known]
Birthplace: London, England
Marital Status: Single
Father: William Scoones Boorman
Mother: Frances June Robson
Indian Agency:
Indian Band/Tribe:
Film Number: 2033184
Digital Folder Number: 4437678
Image Number: 1236
British Columbia Archives Film Number: B13234
Registration Number: 57 09 011215
[film adds following details: lived in municipality for 30 years, in province for 60 yeas, in Canada for 60 years; Canadian, English, school teacher, stopped working 25 years ago; informant J S Boorman nephew, 2930 Westdowne Road, Victoria BC; burial Oct 28 1957 Ross Bay Cemetery Victoria BC, undertaker McCall Bros. 1400 Vancouver St. [Victoria BC]; COD: cerebral thrombosis, 10 days from onset to death, no other conditions listed; doctor: J B Cupples MD, 1105 Pandora lst saw her alive on Oct 23 1957
Henrietta Emma Avery BOORMAN (William Scoons8, Thomas7, Thomas6, William5, William4, William3, Thomas2, William1) 
Born on 28 Dec 1867 in 34 Argyle Street, Pancras, Middlesex, England. Christened on 27 Dec 1868 in Camden Reg Dist, Middlesex, England. Henrietta Emma Avery died in Lady Minto Gulf Islands Hospital, Ganges, Salt Spring Island, BC, Canada, on 9 Aug 1952; she was 84. Buried on 11 Aug 1952 in Anglican Cemetery, Ganges, Salt Spring Island, BC, Canada.
- NAME: Called Hettie. Middle name Emma found on internet in marriage records. Full name confirmed by record of birth (writing is flowery!).
- 1867 BIRTH: Entry of Birth BXBY 370635, General Register Office.
1881 census has her born in "Euston Square" and 13 years old (Ref. 0651-128-7).
- England & Wales, FreeBMD Birth Index, 1837-1915
Name: Henrietta Emma A Boorman
Date of Registration: Jan-Feb-Mar 1868
Registration district: Pancras
Inferred County: London, Middlesex
Volume: 1b
Page: 67
- 1868 BAPTISM: London, England, Non-conformist Registers, 1694-1921
Name: Henrietta Emma Boorman
Birth Year: abt 1868 [film says 27 Dec 1867 - I year before baptism]
[Place of Birth: 61 Burton Cresent]
Burough: Camden
County: Middlesex
Event Type: baptism
Event Date: 27 Dec 1868
Father: William Boorman [clerk]
Mother: Frances Jane Boorman
- 1871 England census, living at 2 Cedar Terrace, Fulham, Kensington RD, London
Name Age
William S Boorman 28, head, mar, grocer ‘Master’, Surrey Wandsworth
Frances J Boorman 26, wife, mar, -, Kent Brompton
Frances E Boorman 4, daur, -, -, Surrey WAndsworth
Henrietta E A Boorman 3, daur, -, -, Midx King’s Cross
Amelia A Boorman 1, daur, -, -, Midx Fulham
Daniel F Daley 17, serv, unm, grocer’s assistant, Kent Woolwich
Fanny Edwards 17, serv, unm, general serv, Hay Bricon?
Source Citation: Class: RG10; Piece: 71; Folio: 8; Page: 8; GSU roll: 824579.
- 1881 England censusl, living at 31 Ashbury Road, Battersea, Wandsworth RD, London
Name Age
William S. Boorman 38, head, mar, clerk coal merchant, Surrey Wandsworth
Francis J. Boorman 36, wife, mar, -, Kent N.K.
Henrietta E.A. Boorman 13, daur, -, scholar, MIddlesex , Euston Sqts?
Amelia A. Boorman 11, daur, -, scholar, Middlesex Fulham
Walter W. Boorman 9, son, -, scholar, Middlesex Fulham
Albert S. Boorman 4, son, -, -, Middlesex Fulham
Source Citation: Class: RG11; Piece: 651; Folio: 128; Page: 7; GSU roll: 1341151.
- 1891 England census, Battersea No. 4, London, living at 83 St Johns Hill:
William S Boorman, Head, M, 4?, Coal Merchants Clerk, employed, b Wandsworth Surrey
Frances J Boorman, Wife, M, 46, b Brompton Kent
Henrietta E A Boorman, Daur, S, 23, b Euston Rd London
Amelia A Boorman, Daur, S, 21, Board School Teacher, employed, b. Walham Green London
Albert S Boorman, Son, S, 14, Scholar, b Brompton Rd London
Harry E Boorman, Son, S, 9, Scholar, b Battersea London
- 1893 Canadian Passenger Lists, 1865-1935
Name: Henrietta Boorman
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1868
Date of Arrival: 9 Sep 1893
Vessel: Numidian
Port of arrival: Quebec and Montreal, Quebec [Quebec]
Port of departure: Liverpool, England; Londonderry, Ireland
Roll: C-4539
[film: first on page, Ticket No. 22115, spin(ster), destined for Victoria BC (seems to be traveling alone)]
- 1895 Victoria City directory, pg 363:
Boarman, Wm, night clk, Driard htl
Boorman, Albert, cabinet maker, re 26 Beechy
Boorman, Miss H, res 26 Beechy
Boorman, Wm, asst furniture store, Salmon’s, res 26 Beechy
Boorman, Wm, clk, Driard, res 26 Beechy
- 1897 MARRIAGE: Marriage date obtained from internet: May 27, 1897.
Other source gives marriage date May 28, 1897. Married her 1st cousin Jim Robson, (a relative on her Mother's side, from the "Notes on the Life and the Descendants of Thomas Boorman"), and together they ran a dairy farm on Mayne Island. The Harry E. Boorman family used to visit the farm in the early 1920's. They had 4 children, and one still lived at the farm in 1994.
- BC Canada Vital Event Marriage Registration
Groom Name: James John Robson
Bride Name: Henrietta Emma A Boorman
Event Date: 1897 5 27 (Yr/Mo/Day)
Event Place: Victoria
Reg. Number: 1897-09-008218
B.C. Archives Microfilm Number: B11368
GSU Microfilm Number: 1983525
1897 British Columbia Marriage Registrations, 1859-1932"
Name: James John Robson
Event Type: Marriage
Event Date: 27 May 1897
Event Place: Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Age: 29
Birth Year (Estimated): 1868
Birthplace: Kent, England
Marital Status: Bachelor
Residence Place:
Father's Name: Wm Matthew Robson
Mother's Name: Ann Robson
Spouse's Name: Henrietta Emma Avery Boorman
Spouse's Age: 29
Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated): 1868
Spouse's Birthplace: London, England
Spouse's Marital Status: Spinster
Spouse's Residence Place:
Spouse's Father's Name: Wm Scoons Boorman
Spouse's Mother's Name: Francis Jane Boorman
GS Film number: 1983525
Digital Folder Number: 004401574
Image Number: 00718
Affiliate Film Number: B11368
Reference ID: 97 09 008218
Certificate Type: License
- 1901 Census of Canada
Name: Hereati Robdon
[Hereati Boorman]
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Married
Age: 32
Birth Day & Month: 27 Dec
Birth Year: 1868
Birthplace: England
Relation to Head of House: Daughter
Father's Name: William S Boorman
Mother's name: Francis Boorman
Immigration Year: 1893
Racial or Tribal Origin: English
Nationality: Canadian
Religion: Methodist
Province: British Columbia
District: Victoria
District Number: 4
Sub-District: Victoria (City/Cité)
Sub-District Number: D-1
Household Members:
Name Age
William S Boorman 58
Francis Boorman 46
Alice A Boorman 30
Albert S Boorman 23
Harry E Boorman 18
Hereati Robdon 32
Lillian Robdon 2
Edward C Robdon 11
Robert Hughes 31
Source Citation: Year: 1901; Census Place: Victoria (City/Cité), Victoria, British Columbia. Page 8, Family No: 70.
- 1907 listed as sister “Mrs. Robson of Mayne Island” in brother Walter’s obituary.
- 1911 Canada Census / British Columbia / Nanaimo / 13 Salt Spring Island / page 2 [poor handwriting - amazing they could read the last name as Robson]
35 20 Robson James John M Head M Dec 1869 41 born England, immigrated 188?0, Anglican
36 20 Robson Henrietta F Wife M Dec 1869 41 born England, immigrated 1894, Congregational
37 20 Robson Lilian F Daughter S Nov 1898 12 born BC
38 20 Robson Edward M Son S Dec 1900 10 born BC
39 20 Robson Victoria F Daughter S Jul 1906 4 born BC
40 20 Robson Hanis F Daughter S Dec 1909 1 born BC [film: first name looks more like Jessie]
[Living next door to Frederick James Robson family - surname indexed incorrectly as Tilson - handwriting is poor]
- 1952 DEATH: Internet death records shows death on Aug 9, 1952 in Ganges at age 84 (b abt 1868).
British Columbia Death Registrations, 1872-1986
Death Date: 09 Aug 1952
Death Place: Ganges, British Columbia, Canada [Lady Minto Gulf Islands Hospital - Rural]
Name: Henrietta Emma Avery Robson
Gender: Female
Age: 84y 7m 11d
Birth Date: 28 Dec 1867
Birthplace: London, England
Marital Status: Widow
Spouse: James John Robson
Father: William Scoones Boorman [born England]
Mother: Francis J Robson [born England]
Indian Agency:
Indian Band/Tribe:
Film Number: 2032862
Digital Folder Number: 4437674
Image Number: 177
British Columbia Archives Film Number: B13213
Registration Number: 52 09 008165
[additional info from film: 15 years in municipality, 60 years in province and in Canada; permanent residence Ganges BC (rural); Canadian English, widowed; industry: “at home” last worked 1943, 47 years in this occupation; informant: Gavin C Mouat, son-in-law of Ganges BC; burial Aug 11 1952, Anglican Cemetery Ganges BC, undertaker BC Funeral (Haywards) Ltd, Victoria BC; COD: cerebral vascular accident, antecedent causes: arteriosclerosis; signed D H Bayes(r?) MD, Ganges Aug 9 1952]
On 27 May 1897 when Henrietta Emma Avery was 29, she married
James John “Jim” ROBSON 
, son of William Matthew ROBSON & Annie MUNROE, in Victoria, BC, Canada.
Born on 5 Dec 1867 in Medway Reg Dist, Kent, England. James John “Jim” died in Ganges, Salt Spring Is., BC, Canada, on 28 Mar 1943; he was 75. Buried abt Apr 1943.
- NAME: Internet marriage records give name as James John. One source indicated first name was Fred, another says John. Jack Boorman documents him as "Uncle Jim".
- 1867 BIRTH: From Kent, England (as per Winnifred, Albert's daughter). Census shows him born circa 1867 in England (BC41-FN179), and living in 1881 in Cowichan and Salt Spring Island (BC41-FN179) as a farmer.
- Births Dec 1867
Robson James John Medway 2a 447
- 1897 MARRIAGE: James and Henrietta were cousins. First cousin as well as husband to Hettie, as per Jack Boorman.
1897 BC Marriage Registration 97-09-008218, No. 2988
James John Robson, 29 [or 39], of Mayne Island - Gulf of Georgia BC, born Brampton, Kent, England, bachelor, farmer, parents Wm Mathew & Ann; Henrietta Emma Avery Boorman, age 29 of Victoria, born Kings Cross, London, England, spinster, parents Wm Scoons & Francis Jane; witnesses: Walter Wm Boorman and Alice A Boorman both of Victoria; married May 27 /97, groom Ch of Engd, bride Congl, married by Solomon Cleaver by licence 7889 [or 7884?]
- 1921 Census of Canada
Name: Jas John Robson
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Married
Age: 53
Birth Year: abt 1868
Birth Place: England
Relation to Head of House: Head
Spouse's Name: Henrietta Robson
Father Birth Place: England
Mother Birth Place: England
Year of Immigration: 1880
Racial or Tribal Origin: English
Province or Territory: British Columbia
District: Nanaimo
District Number: 19
Sub-District: Cowichan
Sub-District Number: 21
City, Town or Village: Mayne Island
Street or Township: Mayne Isld
Occupation: Labourer
Income: 700
Household Members:
Name Age
Jas John Robson 53 - head, mar, b England, parents England, immig 1880, labourer, worker, farm labor, $700 - owns single wood 4-room house
Henrietta Robson 53 - wife, mar, b England, parents England, immig 1897, none
Lilian B Robson 22 - daughter, single, b BC, parents England, none
Edward C Robson 21 - son, single, b BC, parents England, none
Winifred T Robson 14 - daughter, single, b BC, parents England, student
Jessie S Robson 11 - daughter, single, b BC, parents England, student
- 1943 DEATH: Vital Event Death Registration
Name: James John Robson
Event Date: 1943 3 28 (Yr/Mo/Day)
Age: 75 [b. abt 1867 or early 1868]
Gender: male
Event Place: Ganges
Reg. Number: 1943-09-622804
B.C. Archives Microfilm Number: B13179
GSU Microfilm Number: 1953639
"British Columbia Death Registrations, 1872-1986"
Name: James John Robson
Event Type: Death
Event Date: 28 Mar 1943
Event Place: Ganges, British Columbia, Canada
Gender: Male
Age: 75
Marital Status: Married
Birth Date: 05 Dec 1867
Birthplace: Kent, England
Father's Name: William Matthew Robson
Mother's Name: Annie Munroe
Spouse's Name: Henrietta Emma Boorman
Tribe or Clan:
Affiliate Film Number: B13179
GS Film number: 1953639
Digital Folder Number: 004437578
Image Number: 00336
Registration Number: 2804
- There was a James Robertson, son of a William Robertson and Anne Munro, who was born 2 Apr 1870 in Scotland, married a Catherine Mcilchere, and died a widower in Vancouver BC on 5 Aug 1950 - NOT the same person (BC Death registration on familysearch)
They had the following children:
Lilian Beatrice ROBSON (1898-)
Edward Charles “Ted” ROBSON (1900-1977)
Victoria “Torrie” ROBSON (1906-1977)
Amelia Alice* BOORMAN (William Scoons8, Thomas7, Thomas6, William5, William4, William3, Thomas2, William1) 
Born on 12 Jul 1869 in Fulham, Kensington, Middlesex, England. Amelia Alice* died in Victoria, BC, Canada, on 13 Jun 1918; she was 48. Buried abt 1918 in Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, BC, Canada. Occupation: Teacher -Domestic Science (Sewing).
- NAME: probably went by Alice, from the "Notes on the Life and the Descendants of Thomas Boorman"
- 1869 BIRTH: Born at 2 Cedar Terrace. (Originally thought born in 1871)
Births Sep 1869
Boorman Amelia Alice Kensington 1a 209
Entry of Birth obtained from General Rester Office, BXBY 372443.
- 1871 England census, living at 2 Cedar Terrace, Fulham, Kensington RD, London
Name Age
William S Boorman 28, head, mar, grocer ‘Master’, Surrey Wandsworth
Frances J Boorman 26, wife, mar, -, Kent Brompton
Frances E Boorman 4, daur, -, -, Surrey WAndsworth
Henrietta E A Boorman 3, daur, -, -, Midx King’s Cross
Amelia A Boorman 1, daur, -, -, Midx Fulham
Daniel F Daley 17, serv, unm, grocer’s assistant, Kent Woolwich
Fanny Edwards 17, serv, unm, general serv, Hay Bricon?
Source Citation: Class: RG10; Piece: 71; Folio: 8; Page: 8; GSU roll: 824579.
- 1881 census states age as 11 years, born in Fulham (Ref.0651-128-7)
- 1881 England censusl, living at 31 Ashbury Road, Battersea, Wandsworth RD, London
Name Age
William S. Boorman 38, head, mar, clerk coal merchant, Surrey Wandsworth
Francis J. Boorman 36, wife, mar, -, Kent N.K.
Henrietta E.A. Boorman 13, daur, -, scholar, MIddlesex , Euston Sqts?
Amelia A. Boorman 11, daur, -, scholar, Middlesex Fulham
Walter W. Boorman 9, son, -, scholar, Middlesex Fulham
Albert S. Boorman 4, son, -, -, Middlesex Fulham
Source Citation: Class: RG11; Piece: 651; Folio: 128; Page: 7; GSU roll: 1341151.
- 1891 England census, Battersea No. 4, London, living at 83 St Johns Hill:
William S Boorman, Head, M, 4?, Coal Merchants Clerk, employed, b Wandsworth Surrey
Frances J Boorman, Wife, M, 46, b Brompton Kent
Henrietta E A Boorman, Daur, S, 23, b Euston Rd London
Amelia A Boorman, Daur, S, 21, Board School Teacher, employed, b. Walham Green London
Albert S Boorman, Son, S, 14, Scholar, b Brompton Rd London
Harry E Boorman, Son, S, 9, Scholar, b Battersea London
- 1901 Canada census - living with parents and 3 siblings in Victoria BC
-1907: 3 rather than 4 sisters listed in brother Walter’s obituary, including a “Miss Boorman of Victoria”. No first names listed.
- WORK: Worked as a sewing teacher at Victoria, BC schools (from Jack Boorman).
- 1909 British Colonist 14 Mar 1909, scanned as page 2, but actually the 1st page of the supplement:
"The Colonist Sunday Supplement pages 1-12. Useful Arts in Victoria Schools"
Includes a number of photos taken the second week of March 1909, including a photo of "A Sewing Bee at the Public School" . From the bottom of the second column of text and top of the third column:
"A few of the teachers had long recognized that no girl's education was complete who did not know how to make and mend their own and her children's garments. Needlework was taught by some of the women teachers to their girls when the boys went to manual training, and a short course in plain sewing was given in the three classes in the intermediate grade of the Girls' School. This did not meet the needs of all, and through the efforts and influence of Mrs. Jenkins, Miss Boorman was appointed to teach all the girls in the common schools the art of plain needlework. This work has been hitherto done with very little assistance from the regular teachers, and but few can form any idea of the arduous labor required of the teacher who takes full control during five days in the week of more than a thousand girls ranging from the tiny tot, who does not know the finger upon which the thimble should be placed, to the girl in the senior class, who can cut, fit and finish a garment."
- 1910-11 Henderson’s Victoria City Directory
Boorman Albert S emp M P S Lumber Co lvs 1328 Fisguard
Boorman Alice A tchr needlework lvs 1328 Fisguard
- 1911 Canada Census, British Columbia / Victoria / 9 Victoria / page 38:
8 394 Boorman Francis I M Head W Aug 1844 67 1901 [born England, immigration 1895, Englis, Canadian, Congregational]
9 395 Boorman Amelia A F Daughter S Jul 1869 42 [born England, immigration 1895, Englis, Canadian, Congregational]
[Living next door to Albert Boorman and his young family.]
- 1913: Victoria City Directory 1913, lists her as a teacher, Domestic science, residing at 1324 Fisgard Street.
(At time of death, obituary lists residence as 1328 Balmoral)
- 1915 Henderson’s Greater Victoria City Directory:
Boorman Miss - h Forrester nr Foul Bay Rd (Saan)
Boorman Alice A, dom science tchr Victoria School Board h 1324 Fisguard
Boorman Mrs Wm S r 1324 Fisguard
- MARRIAGE: never married
- 1918 DEATH: Obituary states the she worked up to a week of her death, of complications following an operation for "an old problem". Died in Victoria Jubilee Hospital, a spinster. Vital Stats Reg No. 1918-09-037513, BC Archives Microfilm No. B13084, GSU Microfilm No. 1927301 (age given as 47, name as Alice Amelia).
- Buried in Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria BC, Block O, Plot 77 - 78 (family plot for 8), West of Road O.
Internet data gives date of death as June 13, 1918. Cemetery records show June 14,
- Vital Event Death Registration
Name: Alice Amelia Boorman
Event Date: 1918 6 13 (Yr/Mo/Day) [5.50 am]
Age: 47 [abt; informant didn’t know her birthdate]
Gender: female
Event Place: Victoria [Jubilee Hospital]
Reg. Number: 1918-09-037513
B.C. Archives Microfilm Number: B13084
GSU Microfilm Number: 1927112
[School teacher for several years; usual residence: 1328 Balmoral Street; in Jubilee Hospital for a few hours; buried Ross Bay Cemetery June 17 1918 pm; COD: ruptured gastric ulcer, previously existed, operation performed within 1 month before death]
Walter William* BOORMAN (William Scoons8, Thomas7, Thomas6, William5, William4, William3, Thomas2, William1) 
Born on 4 Jun 1871 in Fulham, Kensington, Middlesex, England. Walter William* died in St Joseph’s Hospital, Victoria, BC, Canada, on 2 Sep 1907; he was 36. Buried abt 1907 in Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, BC, Canada. Occupation: book keeper.
- NAME: May have gone by the name William
- BIRTH: born on June 4, 1871 (Jack Boorman had year incorrect as 1870 as per 1901 census, and stated Fulham, Chelsea, Surrey). Obtained Entry of Birth from General Register Office BXBY 370624). Born at 2 Cedars Terrace.
1881 census has him 9 years old, born in Fulham (Ref. 0651-128-7).
- 1871 Birth Registration: Sep 1871
Boorman Walter William Kensington 1a 209
- 1881 England censusl, living at 31 Ashbury Road, Battersea, Wandsworth RD, London
Name Age
William S. Boorman 38, head, mar, clerk coal merchant, Surrey Wandsworth
Francis J. Boorman 36, wife, mar, -, Kent N.K.
Henrietta E.A. Boorman 13, daur, -, scholar, MIddlesex , Euston Sqts?
Amelia A. Boorman 11, daur, -, scholar, Middlesex Fulham
Walter W. Boorman 9, son, -, scholar, Middlesex Fulham
Albert S. Boorman 4, son, -, -, Middlesex Fulham
Source Citation: Class: RG11; Piece: 651; Folio: 128; Page: 7; GSU roll: 1341151.
- 1894 Victoria City Directory 1894 list his employer as B.Williams & Co. and his position as bookkeeper [can’t find this in 1894, perhaps a later year?]
Williams Official BC Directory, Victoria, pg 376
Williams, B & Co, outfitters and clothiers, 97 Johnson [no employees listed either by name or street]
[no listing for Walter William in the names section, although his father Wm Boorman is listed as clerk, Driad hotel, res 274 Johnson. However, there are 3 listings for “Bowman”, each at different addresses. Was this one him?...
Bowman, W H, clk E J Salmon & Co res Johnson - middle initial is also wrong but employer same as in1895]
- 1895 Victoria City directory, pg 363:
Boarman, Wm, night clk, Driard htl
Boorman, Albert, cabinet maker, res 26 Beechy
Boorman, Miss H, res 26 Beechy
Boorman, Wm, asst furniture store, Salmon’s, res 26 Beechy
Boorman, Wm, clk, Driard, res 26 Beechy
- 1895: "Victoria Daily Colonist Saturday November 23 1895", pg 7,,&terms=boorman,
In a long article titled "Battalion Rifle Match. First Annual Prize Meeting Proves a Gratifying Success in Every Respect."
"The first annual prize meeting of the Garrison Artillery Rifle Association took place on the Clover Point range on Thanksgiving day, with upwards of sixty competitors in attendance, and the weather being beautifully fine the event proved satisfactory in every respect. The matches were open to the Royal Marine Artillery as well as to the BCGA, and the Marines sent several representatives who figured prominently in the prize lists. Senator McInnes also took part in the competition, as a specially invited honorary member of the association."…"The competitors had been divided into classes according to their known or reputed skill as marksment, and those using Martinis or long Sniders were handicapped to place them on an equality with the great number who in default of other weapons had to content themselves with the arm of the BCGA - the short Snider. The results, including the points added for the handicaps, were…"
Listed under "Second Class, 200 yards" was "Gr. Boorman, 19"
- 1897 Victoria - Henderson’s BC Gazetteer and Directory, pg 725
Boorman, Albert, clk O’Kell & Morris, 129 Michigan
Boorman Harry, clk C D Mason, 129 MIchigan
Boorman, Wm J, clk E J Salmon, 129 MIchigan
Boorman, Wm, clk Driard House, 129 Michigan
Boorman, W W, clk, 44 Johnson, res 129 Michigan
[street listings list intersections but not inhabitants]
[E J Salmon, second-hand furniture, Johnson, h 14 Second.]
[If the furniture store was at 44 Johnson, then the Wm J and WW Boorman listings are for the same person in spite of the differing middle initial]
- 1898 MARRIAGE: in Victoria on June 11,1898 to Marian Emilda
Guthro. Reg. No. 1898-09-008986, BC Archives Microfilm No. B11368, GSU Microfilm No. 1983525
- BC Vital Event Marriage Registration
Groom Name: Walter William Boorman
Bride Name: Marian Enelda [Emelda] Guthro
Event Date: 1898 6 11 (Yr/Mo/Day)
Event Place: Victoria
Reg. Number: 1898-09-008986
B.C. Archives Microfilm Number: B11368
GSU Microfilm Number: 1983525
[From film: Walter William Boorman, age 27, of 129 Michigan Street, Victoria BC, born Walham Green, London England, Bachelor, Bookkeeper, parents William S and Fanny Boorman, married Marian Emelda Guthro, age 22, of Victoria BC, born Nova Scotia, Spinster, parents Joseph and Anes Guthro; witnesses: Ablert Sidney Boorman and Alberta Guthro of Victoria BC; married June 11th 1898, groom Congregational, bride Presbyterian, by Geo. F. Swinnerton, Methodist Minister by license]
- 1900 Henderson’s BC Gazetteer and Directory, Victoria, pg 1039
Boorman, Albert, clk 129 Michigan
Boorman, Albert Sidney, cabinetmaker, h 129 Michigan
Boorman, H E, Board of Trade, h 129 Michigan
Boorman, William Scoones, clerk Driard Hotel, h 129 Michigan
Boorman, W W, bookkeeper, 45 Yates, h 57 King’s road
- 1901 BC census shows him working as a bookkeeper in Victoria (BC2-1039).
- 1901 Canada census:
Subdistrict: Victoria (City/Cité), VICTORIA, BRITISH COLUMBIA
District Number: 4
Subdistrict Number: d-15
Archives Microfilm: T-6430
47 99 Boorman William M Head M Jun 4 1870 30 [born England, Printer & Book Binder, $1500 earnings, immigrated 1889]
48 99 Boorman Mary F Wife M Feb 20 1875 25 [born NS]
49 99 Boorman Kate E. F Daughter S Jul 18 1899 1 [born BC]
50 99 Boorman Kate E. F Sister S May 16 1878 22 [born England], immigrated 1889
[film shows that William and sister Kate came to Canada in 1889]
- 1907 DEATH: Died on September 2, 1907.
- died young, leaving a widow and 1 small daughter Katie, from the "Notes on the Life and the Descendants of Thomas Boorman").
- From the notes of A Gosse, Walter William died of Typhoid.
- Buried in Ross Bay Cemetery, Block O, Plot 77 - 78 (family plot for 8), West of Road O. Internet death records confirm death on Sept 2, 1907 in Victoria at age 36 (b1871).
- Vital Stats Reg. No. 1907-09-020179, BC Archives Microfilm No. B13080, GSU Microfilm No. 1927290.
(Note: internet death records shows him born in 1871, as he died at age 36 in 1907.)
Vital Event Death Registration
Name: Walter William Boorman
Event Date: 1907 9 2 (Yr/Mo/Day)
Age: 36
Gender: male
Event Place: Victoria [St Joseph’s Hospital]
Reg. Number: 1907-09-020179
B.C. Archives Microfilm Number: B13080
GSU Microfilm Number: 1927290
[ Book Keeper, born London England; COD: Typhoid Fever; Dr Geo. Hall, Religion: Congregational ]
- 1907 Obit. says that brother Harry Boorman was living in Vancouver at the time of Walter William's death.
From The British Colonist, 4 Sept 1907, page 6 -,&terms=boorman
Obituary Notices
After an illness of two weeks, Walter William Boorman, bookkeeper for B. Williams & Co., died at St Joseph's hospital on Monday evening, the cause being typhoid fever. Mr. Boorman had been ill only two weeks, so that his death came as a distinct shock to his many friends in the city. He was 36 years of age and had spent the last 17 years as a resident of Victoria. He is survived by his wife, one daughter, his father and mother and three sisters and two brothers. The sisters are Miss Boorman of the Isle of Wight, Mrs. Robson of Mayne Island and Miss Boorman of Victoria and the brothers are A. Boorman of this city and H. Boorman of Vancouver. The remains now lie a the rooms of the British Columbia Funeral Furnishing company, where they will remain until tomorrow morning, when they will be removed to the family residence, from where the funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Rev. H. O. Carson of the Congregational church will conduct the services at the house and at the grave. Court Vancouver, A. O. F. of which deceased was a member, will attend in a body."
and on page 11
"A.O.F. Funeral Notice. Members of Court Vancouver 5755 A.O.F., are requested to meet at the K. of P. hall, at 1,30 p.m. sharp, on Thursday, for the purpose of attending the funeral of our late brother W.W. Boorman. By order, J.W. Webb, Chief Ranger, J. H. Mansell, Rec. Sec."
[The AOF was a fraternal organization that also provided, as a type of insurance, a funeral and a small widows pension for its members.]
ALSO from the British Colonist
- Obituary Notice
The funeral of the late Walter William Boorman took place yesterday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock from the family residence, Alfred street, to Ross Bay cemetery. Rev. Mr. Carson conducted the funeral services. Many friends of the deceased followed the cortege to the graveside and many floral offerings were sent. The members of the Ancient Order of Foresters attended in a body. J. Woolcock, sub-chief ranger of the Order, conducted the A.O.F. service. The bearers were: H. Callow, W. McKay, W.T. Williams, H. Fuller, G.H. Hall and R.R. Smith.
- from the "Notes on the Life and the Descendants of Thomas Boorman".
He came to Victoria around 1890, had one daughter, Katie who married Llewlyn Sparkes Gosse. They had one son, Alan Gosse. Katie remarried Douglas Pearrall (sp?) who was born in Vancouver on July 29, 1895. This was from a chart, hand written by Jack Boorman.
From the "Notes on the Life and the Descendants of Thomas Boorman":
“NOTE: William [son of William Scoons Boorman] immigrated to Canada when quite a youth intending to take up a Government grant of land and go in for farming. He found, on arrival there, that he was too young to be given a grant of land. His father (Uncle William) decided to go out to him, being then a middle aged man who had been a clerk most of his life. He went and was followed by his wife and all his family except for Lillie who then had a boarding house in Ventnor. Cousin William and Uncle William having died, Lillie decided to go out and join the rest of her family and she took with her Dorothy Freeman.”
- MEMBER: Ancient Order Of Foresters, Court of Vancouver
- MILITARY: He was a member of the 5th BC Regiment Artillery Regiment, stationed at Rocky point. This was a weekend army assignment, as he was also employed at a day job on Victoria. (see photos)
Was promoted to the rank of Sargent Major in the 5th BC Regiment on 9 Jan 1904 (from an unpublished book of 5th Regiment history kept at the 5th BC Regiment museum at the Victoria Bay St.Armory)
- not found in 1892 Victoria Directory
On 11 Jun 1898 when Walter William* was 27, he married
Marian Emilda GUTHRO 
, daughter of Joseph GUTHRO & Agnes MUIR, in The Manse, Victoria, BC, Canada.
Born on 20 Feb 1876 in Westville, Nova Scotia, Canada. Marian Emilda died in Royal Jubilee Hospital, Victoria, BC, Canada, on 29 May 1942; she was 66. Buried on 1 Jun 1942 in Ross Bay Cem., Victoria, BC, Canada.
1) 1898: to Walter William Boorman, 11 Jun 1898, Victoria BC. Widowed.
2) 1909: to A E Whittaker:
BC Vital Event Marriage Registration
Groom Name: Albert Edward Whittaker
[ 38 years, living in Victoria BC, born Rhode Island, bachelor, tonsorial artist [barber], parents William Whittaker and Mary Whittaker, Church of England]
Bride Name: Marian Emilda Booman
[33 years, living in Victoria BC, born Nova Scotia, widow, parents James Guthro and Agnes Guthro, Congregational]
Event Date: 1909 4 27 (Yr/Mo/Day)
Event Place: Victoria [“The Manse”]
Reg. Number: 1909-09-018595
B.C. Archives Microfilm Number: B11369
GSU Microfilm Number: 1983526
Number 24984
Witnesses: Florence Maud Whittaker, Annie F Dougan, both of Victoria
Married by: Rev. J Campbell, MA, PhD; Licence
- 1911 Canada Census:
2 393 Whittaker A.E. M Head M Sep 1871 40 1901
3 393 Whittaker Marion F Wife M Feb 1876 35 1901 [born NS, Scotch, Canadian, Presbyterian]
4 393 Whittaker Kate E F Daughter S Jan [July] 1899 12 [born BC, English, Canadian, Presbyterian]
[Living next door to brotherAlbert Boorman and his young family. Next door to them is Marion’s mother Frances and her sister Amelia.]
- 1942 DEATH: Buried in Boorman family plot at Ross Bay Cemetery with first husband. Internet death records show Marian Emilda Whittaker died May 29, 1942 in Victoria at age 62 (b1880?).
1942 BC Vital Event Death Registration
Name: Marian Emilda Whittaker
Event Date: 1942 5 29 (Yr/Mo/Day)
Age: 62
Gender: female
Event Place: Victoria
Reg. Number: 1942-09-607879
B.C. Archives Microfilm Number: B13175
GSU Microfilm Number: 1953635
Added information on film: Died at Jubilee Hospital, residence: 1340 Balmoral, Victoria BC; lived in municipalaity for 60 yrs, in province for 62 years, in Canada for life; Canadian of French origin, married, housewife; Born Feb 20 1880 Westville, NS, father Joseph Buthro born Canada (no mother listed); husband: Albert E. Whittaker; informant: Mrs K C? Gosse, 1340 Balmoral Rd, daughter; burial: Ross Bay Cemetery June 1, 1942; undertaker Sands Mortuary Ltd.; attended by Dr. D Berman, 625 Fort Street May26-May 29, 1942; COD Diabetic Coma, Ceerebral Thrombosis due to Arteriosclerosis due to hypertension, diabetic mellitus [i.e. diabetes]
- NAME: spelling varies: Jack Boorman used Marion Emilda; the internet marriage record used Marian Enelda. Death records show Marian Emilda. Records from descendant Alan Gosse spelled name Marion Emilda.
- BIRTH: as per Alan Gosse: Feb 20, 1876. Doesn't match with age at death.
- 1881 Canada census lists a Mary A Guthro, b. 1876 NS, but they are of French Catholic descent. Living in a large househouse of Guthros in East Bay North, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada:
Household Gender Age
Elizabeth Guthro F 32y
Marshal Guthro M 8y
Alenso Guthro M 7y
Charlotte Guthro F 6y
Mary A. Guthro F 5y
John W. Guthro M 4y
Vincent J. Guthro M 2y
Eunice Guthro F 1y
Henry Sr. Guthro M 73y
Laurence Guthro M 27y
Joseph Guthro M 22y
Fairman Guthro M 28y
Cyril Guthro M 37y
- 1881 census, East Bay North, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada ; Mary Ellen Guthro b. 1876, French Catholic:
Household Gender Age
Andrew Guthro M 52y
Helen Guthro F 44y
Julia Guthro F 22y
Samuel Guthro M 21y
Charles Albert Guthro M 19y
- 1881 Canada Census
Name: Mary Ann Guthro
Gender: Female
Age: 5y
Calculated Birth Year: 1876
Birthplace: Nova Scotia
Ethnic Origin: French
Religion: Catholic
Head of Household: Joseph Guthro
Born During Last Year:
Census Place: Nanaimo & Noonas Bay, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
District Number: 191
Sub District: A
Page Number: 24
House Number: 86349
Family Number: 139
Digital Folder Number: 4467658
Image Number: 00370
Film Number: 1375921
Library and Archives Canada Film Number: C-13285
Household Gender Age
Joseph Guthro M 28y
Agnes Guthro F 28y
Ellen Guthro F 7y
Mary Ann Guthro F 5y
Alberta Guthro F 3y
William Guthro M 11m
Susan Guthro F 17y
Helen Jane Guthro F 14y
Emeline Guthro F 12y
Murray Guthro M 10y
John Alfred Guthro M 8y
Mary Ellen Guthro F 5y
They had one child:
Katie Evelyn BOORMAN (1899-1991)
Albert Sidney BOORMAN (William Scoons8, Thomas7, Thomas6, William5, William4, William3, Thomas2, William1) 
Born on 12 Jun 1876 in 427 Fulham Road, Chelsea, Middlesex, England. Albert Sidney died in 3238 Wetherby Street, Saanich, Victoria, BC, Canada, on 12 Oct 1947; he was 71. Buried on 15 Oct 1947 in Ross Bay Cemetery Victoria, BC, Canada. Occupation: Carpenter; Foreman At The Can. Pudget Sound Lumber Co. Located In The Victoria Inner Harbour.
- 1876 BIRTH: Entry of Birth obtained from General Register Office, BXBY 370632.
- England & Wales, FreeBMD Birth Index, 1837-1915
Name: Albert Sydney Boorman
Date of Registration: Jul-Aug-Sep 1876
Registration district: Chelsea
Inferred County: Greater London, London, Middlesex
Volume: 1a
Page: 301
- 1881 census shows him 4 years old, born in Fulham (Ref. 0651-128-7).
- 1881 England censusl, living at 31 Ashbury Road, Battersea, Wandsworth RD, London
Name Age
William S. Boorman 38, head, mar, clerk coal merchant, Surrey Wandsworth
Francis J. Boorman 36, wife, mar, -, Kent N.K.
Henrietta E.A. Boorman 13, daur, -, scholar, MIddlesex , Euston Sqts?
Amelia A. Boorman 11, daur, -, scholar, Middlesex Fulham
Walter W. Boorman 9, son, -, scholar, Middlesex Fulham
Albert S. Boorman 4, son, -, -, Middlesex Fulham
Source Citation: Class: RG11; Piece: 651; Folio: 128; Page: 7; GSU roll: 1341151.
- 1891 England census, Battersea No. 4, London, living at 83 St Johns Hill:
William S Boorman, Head, M, 4?, Coal Merchants Clerk, employed, b Wandsworth Surrey
Frances J Boorman, Wife, M, 46, b Brompton Kent
Henrietta E A Boorman, Daur, S, 23, b Euston Rd London
Amelia A Boorman, Daur, S, 21, Board School Teacher, employed, b. Walham Green London
Albert S Boorman, Son, S, 14, Scholar, b Brompton Rd London
Harry E Boorman, Son, S, 9, Scholar, b Battersea London
- 1895 Victoria City directory, pg 363:
Boarman, Wm, night clk, Driard htl
Boorman, Albert, cabinet maker, res 26 Beechy
Boorman, Miss H, res 26 Beechy
Boorman, Wm, asst furniture store, Salmon’s, res 26 Beechy
Boorman, Wm, clk, Driard, res 26 Beechy
- 1897 Victoria - Henderson’s BC Gazetteer and Directory, pg 725
Boorman, Albert, clk O’Kell & Morris, 129 Michigan
Boorman Harry, clk C D Mason, 129 MIchigan
Boorman, Wm J, clk E J Salmon, 129 MIchigan
Boorman, Wm, clk Driard House, 129 Michigan
Boorman, W W, clk, 44 Johnson, res 129 Michigan
- 1900 Henderson’s BC Gazetteer and Directory, Victoria, pg 1039
Boorman, Albert, clk 129 Michigan
Boorman, Albert Sidney, cabinetmaker, h 129 Michigan
Boorman, H E, Board of Trade, h 129 Michigan
Boorman, William Scoones, clerk Driard Hotel, h 129 Michigan
Boorman, W W, bookkeeper, 45 Yates, h 57 King’s road
- 1910 MARRIAGE: June 14, 1910 in Victoria, BC. Reg. No. 1910-09-019707,
BC Archives Microfilm Mo. B11369, GSU Microfilm No. 1983526
- 1910 Vital Event Marriage Registration
Groom Name: Albert Sydney Boorman
[age 34, living in Victoria BC, born London England, bachelar, cabinet maker, parents Wm Boorman, Francis Boorman, Congregationalist]
Bride Name: Fanny Oliver
[ age 22, living in Victoria BC, born Stonesfield, Oxford, England, spinster, parents: Richard C B?arrett Oliver and Mary Oliver, Methodist]
Event Date: 1910 6 14 (Yr/Mo/Day)
Event Place: Victoria [Vestry First Congregational Church
Reg. Number: 1910-09-019707
B.C. Archives Microfilm Number: B11369
GSU Microfilm Number: 1983526
Witnesses: Kathleen Maude Hunt, Victoria BC; Albert W Ward, Victoria BC
Married by: Herman A Carson; licence
- 1910-11 Henderson’s Victoria City Directory
Boorman Albert S emp M P S Lumber Co lvs 1328 Fisguard
Boorman Alice A tchr needlework lvs 1328 Fisguard
- 1911 Canada Census, British Columbia / Victoria / 9 Victoria / page 38. Address: 1328 Fisgard:
5 394 Boorman Albert M Head M Jan [June] 1877 34 1901 [born England, English, Canadian, “none” religion, Box Maker, employment in 5-6-50, immigration date note recorded]
6 394 Boorman Fanny F Wife M Jan [Jul] 1887 24 1901 [born England, English, Canadian, “none” religion, immigration date not recorded]
7 394 Boorman Winnifred F Daughter S May 1011[1911] 1/12 [born BC, English, Canadian]
[Living between a Whittaker family on 1 side - A.E., Marion and Kate E - and Francis I Boorman and daughter Amelia A on the other]
WORK: carpenter, cabinet maker (as per daughter Winifred). Census confirms he worked as cabinetmaker in Victoria in 1901 (BC2-1039). Victoria City Directory 1913, lists him as a forman box factory, employer Can P S Lbr Co.
- 1913 Victoria City Directory lists his residence as 1328 Fisgard St., (the same as his sister Amelia Alice Boorman)
Later lived with his family in a house near Whitty's Lagoon. When he was 40 years old he was "burned out", a fire totally destroyed the house and belongings, so he had to start over. Winifred says he was "stoney broke" but too proud to ask for help. A family rift seemed to develop. Albert moved his family in with "Granny" Boorman until he could get on his feet again.
- 1921 Census of Canada
Name: Albert S Boorman
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Married
Age: 43
Birth Year: abt 1878
Birth Place: England
Relation to Head of House: Head
Spouse's Name: Fanny Boorman
Father Birth Place: England
Mother Birth Place: England
Year of Immigration: 1899
Racial or Tribal Origin: English
Province or Territory: British Columbia
District: Victoria (City)
District Number: 24
Sub-District: Ward 3
Sub-District Number: 21
City, Town or Village: Victoria
Parish or Township: 1324 Balmoral
Municipality: Ward Iii
Occupation: Carpenter
Income: 700
Household Members:
Name Age
Albert S Boorman 43 - head, rents (27)50 single wood house 4 rooms, b England, parents b England, immig 1899, Cong, carpenter, worker, Lumber
Fanny Boorman 32 - wife, b England, parents b England, immig 1908, Meth
Winnifred G Boorman 9 - daughter, b BC, Meth, 9mo in school, student
Francis Boorman 3 - daughter, b BC, Meth
- 1930 Wrigley’s BC Directory - Victoria
Albt S, formn Cameron Lbr, home ns Earlston nr Palo Alta
Frances Boorman, r 1422 Fort Street
Harry E Boorman, mgr BC Bond Corpn, h 2021 Runnymede
Wm I Boorman, studen Victoria College, 2021 Runnymead
Winnifred Boorman, stenographer with Great West life, r ns Earlstone nr Palo Alto
- 1932 Wrigley’s BC Directory - Victoria, pg 1727
Boorman A formn Cameron Lbr r Mt Tolmie PO
Boorman A Ebenezer game warden BC Govt r Royal Oak PO
Boorman Frances r 1504 Fernwood
Boorman Harry E stock broker h 2021 Runnymede
Boorman John fountain disp Terry’s r 2021 Runnymede
Boorman Ken L clk P R Brown & Sons r 2021 runnymede
Sara elev opr Campbell Bldg h 209 Menzies
Wm I board marker Logan & Bryan r 2021 Runnymede
Boorman Winnifred G sten Great West Life r Earlston Mt Tolmie PO
- 1934 Sun British Columbia Directory, Victoria page 2092 [file name say page 016]
Boorman A Ebenezer game warden BC Govt r Royal Oak PO
Boorman A S formn Cameron Lbr R Mt Polmie PO
Boorman Frances r 806 Cook
Boorman Harry E of Boorman Invest h 2431 Currie
Boorman Investment Co Ltd H E Boorman mgr 215, 620 View
Boorman John S fountain disp Terry’s r 2431 Currie
Boorman Ken L clk Royal Trust r 2431 Currie
Boorman Percy carp h ws Shelbourne (Saan)
Boorman Sam elev opr Campbell Bldg h 1628 Chambers
Boorman Wm I slsmn Boorman Invest r 2431 Currie
Boorman Winnifred G sten Great West Life r Earlston Mt Tolmie PO
- 1947 BC and Yukon Directories, Victoria
Albt S jntr Arnolds? Ltd h 3238 Wetherby
- 1947 DEATH: Buried in Ross Bay Cemetery, Block O, Plot 77 - 78 (family plot for 8), West of Road O. - Victoria BC. Internet data supplied date of death: Oct 12, 1947 in Saanich at age 71 (born 1876). Vital Stats Reg. No.1947-09-008622, BC Archives Microfilm No. B13195, GSU Microfilm N.2032479.
- British Columbia Death Registrations, 1872-1986
Death Date: 12 Oct 1947
Death Place: Victoria, British Columbia, Canada [3238 Wetherby Street, Saanich]
Name: Albert Sidney Boorman
Gender: Male
Age: 71y 4m
Birth Date: 12 Jun 1876
Birthplace: , England
Marital Status: Married
Spouse: Frances Oliver
Father: William S Boorman [born England]
Mother: Frances Robson [born England]
Film Number: 2032479
Digital Folder Number: 4437672
Image Number: 641
British Columbia Archives Film Number: B13195
Registration Number: 008622
Additional information from film: 53 years in municipality; Canadian English; Carpenter, last worked July 1947, lifetime occupation; informant: William Albert Pearson, son-in-law, Box 2404 Cordova Bay Road; Cremation Oct 15 1947, Burial Saanich BC, Royal Oak Burial Park, undertaker: McCall Brothers Victoria BC; COD Coronary insufficiency (yrs duration), MD signature looks like PA B Bonsland? [Actually buried in Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria BC]
- couldn’t find any military record on
- death registration give his burial place as Royal Oak Burial Park after cremation; Ross Bay Cemetery records say he was buried there.
On 14 Jun 1910 when Albert Sidney was 34, he married
Frances (Fanny) OLIVER 
, daughter of Richard Barrett OLIVER & Mary DAVIS, in First Congregational Church, Victoria, BC, Canada.
Born on 24 Jul 1887 in England. Frances (Fanny) died in Royal Jubilee Hospital, Victoria, BC, Canada, on 30 Jun 1952; she was 64. Buried on 4 Jul 1952 in Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, BC, Canada.
- NAME: BC archives marriage index gives her name as Fanny Oliver. Jack Boorman lists her as Frances, as does her death registration.
- daughter of Richard Oliver and Mary Davis of England
- 1952 Vital Event Death Registration
Name: Frances Boorman
Event Date: 1952 6 30 (Yr/Mo/Day)
Age: 64 [64 years, 11 mo, 6 days] [born Jul 24, 1887 as typed]
Gender: female
Event Place: Victoria [Royal Jubilee Hospital]
Reg. Number: 1952-09-007507
B.C. Archives Microfilm Number: B13212
GSU Microfilm Number: 2032861
[lived 44 years in municipality, province and country; residence 3238 Wetherby Street Victoria BC; female, canadain, English, Widowed, born England; husband was Albert Sidney Boorman; father Richard Oliver, born England; mother Mary Davis, born England; informant W A Pearson, son-in-law, of Box 2404 Cordova Bay Road, Victoria BC; cremation July 4 1952, burial or cremation: Royal Oak Crematorium Saanich BC, undertaker Sands Mortuary Limited Victoria; COD: held an inquest to investigate accidentant death: fracture of skull, under car - accident on June 30 1952, thrown out onto the road in a motor crash struck her head, Dun____ [ Dennison?] St Victoria; signed Stuart _____ Coroner
* however, index for Ross Bay Cemetery shows her buried there:
Boorman, Frances, 64 y, 1952.06.30, died in Victoria BC, buried block T, plot 84 E 41 [with parents, not listed on gravestone]
DEATH: Found another death for a Fanny Boorman on July 7, 1961 in Victoria, age 78 (b1883) - but this one is for a Fanny Baker married to a William John Boorman - likely not related.
They had the following children:
Winnifred Gladys BOORMAN (1911-2003)
Kate Elizabeth BOORMAN (William Scoons8, Thomas7, Thomas6, William5, William4, William3, Thomas2, William1).
Born on 22 Oct 1877 in 31 Ashbury Road, Battersea, Wandsworth Reg Dist, Surrey, England. Kate Elizabeth died bef 1907; she was 29.
- 1877 Births Dec 1877
BOORMAN Kate Elizabeth Wandsworth 1d 674
- GRO Birth Certificate BXBY 464663:
22 Oct 1877, 31 Ashbury Road, Wandsworth Reg Dist, Battersea Sub Dist, Surrey England
Kate Elizabeth, girl, daughter of William Scoons Boorman , merchantile clerk, and Frances Jane Boorman, formerly Robson; informant W S Boorman, father, 31 Ashbury Road Batteresa. Registered 27 Nov 1877; William Griffin Registrar
- 1891 England Census - NOT listed in parent’s household
- 1901 Census shows her as living with her brother Walter William and family
1901 Canada census: Subdistrict: Victoria (City/Cité), VICTORIA, BRITISH COLUMBIA
District Number: 4
Subdistrict Number: d-15
Archives Microfilm: T-6430
47 99 Boorman William M Head M Jun 4 1870 30 [born England, Printer & Book Binder]
48 99 Boorman Mary F Wife M Feb 20 1875 25 [born NS]
49 99 Boorman Kate E. F Daughter S Jul 18 1899 1 [born BC]
50 99 Boorman Kate E. F Sister S May 16 1878 22 [born England]
[film shows that William and sister Kate came to Canada in 1889] [Really? Sister Kate would have been only twelve! in 1889?]
- Name: Kate, middle name is Elizabeth as per death [should say birth?]certificate;
Mame formerly entered as Eliza.
Likely named after her mother’s sister Kate Elizabeth ROBSON, born 1849
- Not sure when or where she died. One source says: Died in England as a young girl [perhaps because she’s not listed with parents in 1881 or 1891?].
There is a death registration that would fit this (including the age of 2 as she was not yet 3):
Deaths Mar 1880
Boorman Kate Elizabeth 2 Wandsworth 1d 497
BUT According to another research, she came out to Victoria with her oldest brother Walter William - see 1901 Canada census.
-1907: 3 rather than 4 sisters are listed in brother Walter’s obituary, including a “Miss Boorman of the Isle of Wight” [ this would be the oldest sister Frances Eliza “Lillie” who later came to Victoria in 1912], “Mrs. Robson of Mayne Island” [Henrietta, second oldest], and “Miss Boorman of Victoria” [Amelia Alice*, third oldest]. This would imply that Katie, the youngest, had already died.
Harry Eustace BOORMAN (William Scoons8, Thomas7, Thomas6, William5, William4, William3, Thomas2, William1) 
Born on 16 Jun 1881 in 31 Ashbury Road, Battersea, Wandsworth Reg Dist, Surrey , England. Harry Eustace died in Royal Jubilee Hospital, Victoria, BC, Canada, on 21 Apr 1951; he was 69. Buried on 23 Apr 1951 in Royal Oak Crematorium, Victoria, BC, Canada. Occupation: Stock And Bond Broker, Businessman, Manager And Director Boorman Investments, Director BC Bond Corp Ltd. Religion: Church of England.
- 1881 England & Wales, FreeBMD Birth Index, 1837-1915 about Harry Eustace Boorman
Name: Harry Eustace Boorman
Date of Registration: Jul-Aug-Sep 1881
Registration district: Wandsworth
Inferred County: Greater London, London, Surrey
Volume: 1d
Page: 615
- 1891 England census, Battersea No. 4, London, living at 83 St Johns Hill:
William S Boorman, Head, M, 4?, Coal Merchants Clerk, employed, b Wandsworth Surrey
Frances J Boorman, Wife, M, 46, b Brompton Kent
Henrietta E A Boorman, Daur, S, 23, b Euston Rd London
Amelia A Boorman, Daur, S, 21, Board School Teacher, employed, b. Walham Green London
Albert S Boorman, Son, S, 14, Scholar, b Brompton Rd London
Harry E Boorman, Son, S, 9, Scholar, b Battersea London
- abt 1895 arrived in BC Canada
- 1897 Victoria - Henderson’s BC Gazetteer and Directory, pg 725
Boorman, Albert, clk O’Kell & Morris, 129 Michigan
Boorman Harry, clk C D Mason, 129 MIchigan
Boorman, Wm J, clk E J Salmon, 129 MIchigan
Boorman, Wm, clk Driard House, 129 Michigan
Boorman, W W, clk, 44 Johnson, res 129 Michigan
- 1900 Henderson’s BC Gazetteer and Directory, Victoria, pg 1039
Boorman, Albert, clk 129 Michigan
Boorman, Albert Sidney, cabinetmaker, h 129 Michigan
Boorman, H E, Board of Trade, h 129 Michigan
Boorman, William Scoones, clerk Driard Hotel, h 129 Michigan
Boorman, W W, bookkeeper, 45 Yates, h 57 King’s road
1901 Census shows him as working for Board of Trade in Victoria (BC2-1039).
[family sources say: working in Board of Trade building on lower View Street - now Bastion Square - had his own business BC Land Company? might not be accurate]
1909 (informant for father’s death), listed as c/o Canadian Bank of Commerce, Vancouver
1910 Bookkeeper (declared at marriage)
1911 census says Broker
1929 Victoria City Directory lists him as director of the BC Bond Corp LTD, 1200 Government St. (see ad page 54)
Victim of stock market crash Nov. 24, 1929 (bought on margin) and sent to prison.
processing plant on Quadra Island after WW1.
- 1901 Census of Canada
Name: Harry E Boorman
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Age: 18
Birth Day & Month: 16 Jun
Birth Year: 1882
Birthplace: England
Relation to Head of House: Son
Father's Name: William S Boorman
Mother's name: Francis Boorman
Immigration Year: 1894
Racial or Tribal Origin: English
Nationality: Canadian
Religion: Methodist
Occupation: Clerck Furne
Province: British Columbia
District: Victoria
District Number: 4
Sub-District: Victoria (City/Cité)
Sub-District Number: D-1
Household Members:
Name Age
William S Boorman 58
Francis Boorman 46
Alice A Boorman 30
Albert S Boorman 23
Harry E Boorman 18
Hereati Robdon 32
Lillian Robdon 2
Edward C Robdon 11
Robert Hughes 31
Source Citation: Year: 1901; Census Place: Victoria (City/Cité), Victoria, British Columbia. Page 8, Family No: 70.
- 1902 military: Was a member of the 5th BC Regiment, 4th company, promoted to corporal on 24 Jan 1902. promoted to Sargent on 07 Feb. 1903, promoted to Provisional Lieut. on 30 April 1917 (from an unpublished book of 5th Regiments history kept at the 5th BC Regiment museum at the Victoria Bay St.Armory)
- 1910 MARRIAGE: May 30, 1910 in Vancouver BC. Confirmed by Vital Stats Registration No. 1910-09-060105, BC Archives Microfilm No. B11374, GSU Microfilm No.1983702
British Columbia Marriage Registrations, 1859-1932
Marriage Date: 30 May 1910
Marriage Place: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada [1419 Harwood Street]
Groom's Name: Harry Enstace [Eustace] Boorman
Groom's Age: 29
Groom's Birth Date: 1881
Groom's Birthplace: London, England
Groom's Marital Status: Bachelor
[Groom’s Residence: Vancouver BC]
[Groom’s Profession: Bookkeeper]
[Groom’s Religion: Congregational]
Groom's Father's Name: William Levones [Scoones] Boorman
Groom's Mother's Name: Frances Jane Robson
Bride's Name: Daisy Louise Johnston
Bride's Age: 22
Bride's Birth Date: 1888
Bride's Birthplace: Emerson, Manitoba
Bride's Marital Status: Spinster
[Bride’s Residence: Vancouver]
[Bride’s Religion: Methodist]
Bride's Father's Name: James Irvine Johnston
Bride's Mother's Name: Deborah Sophronia Kerfoot
[Witnesseses: Russell Kerfoot Johnston, Vancouver BC; Douglas Howard Johnston, Vancouver BC]
[By Whom Married: Robert Milliken; By Licence]
Film Number: 1983702
Digital Folder Number: 4400858
Image Number: 2660
BC Archives Film Number: B11374
Registration Number: 2671
Banns or License: License
- 1910 Henderson Vancouver City Directory - page 555
Boorman Harry E treas National Finance Co Ltd bds 1770 Georgia
[National Finance Co advertised in corner cards - page not specified]
- 1911 Henderson Vancouver City Directory - NOT listed in Vancouver NOR in Victoria (1910-11 edition)
- 1911 Census of Canada
Name: Harry E Boorman
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Married
Age: 29
Birth Date: Jun 1881
Birthplace: England
Relation to Head of House: Head
Spouse's Name: Daisy L Boorman
Immigration Year: 1895
Tribal: English
Province: British Columbia
District: Vancouver
District Number: 12
Sub-District: Vancouver City
Sub-District Number: 6
Place of Habitation: 1209 Jervis
Household Members:
Name Age
Harry E Boorman 29, head, m, June 1881, England 1895 (or 6?), English, Canadian, Congregationist, Broker, 10-0-05, no no yes, insurance: 3000, 29, 155
Daisy L Boorman 23, wife, m, Nov 1887, Man, -, Irish, Canadian, Congregationist, -
William Boorman 4/12, son, s, Jan 1911, USA, 1911, English, Canadian, Congregationist, -
Source Citation: Year: 1911; Census Place: Vancouver City, Vancouver, British Columbia. Page 6, Family No: 53.
- 1912 New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957
Name: Harry E Boorman
Arrival Date: 29 Jan 1912 [departed Liverpol Jan 18, 1912]
Birth Year: abt 1882
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Ethnicity/Race/Nationality: English
Port of departure: Liverpool, England
Port of arrival: New York, New York
Ship Name: Celtic
Source Citation: Year: 1912; Microfilm Serial: T715; Microfilm Roll: T715_1800; Line: 18; Page Number: 36.
[from film: Financier, nationality: Canada, race: Canadian, last permanent residence: Canada, Vancouver; Nearest relative: Home, 1419 Harwood St, Final destination: Vancouver BC. Traveling with Daisy L Boorman, 24, his wife (same information). Listed right below them is Della E Johnstone, 22, F, S, occupation: none (same information)]
- 1914 Henderson’s Vancouver City Directory - pages 659 & 930
Boorman Harry E of Hunter & Boorman h 1040 Denman
Hunter (JJ) & Boorman (HE) fin borkers 308, 470 Granville
Hunter James J of Hunter & Boorman h 2409 Trafalgar
- 1915 Henderson’s Vancouver City Directory - page 505
Boorman Harry E of Hunter & Boorman h 1419 Harwood
also listed on page 724 is:
Hunter (J J) and Boorman (H E) stock brokers, 308l, 470 Granville
Hunter James J of Hunter & Boorman h 2409 Trafalgar Rd
[the business did not advertise in this directory]
- 1916 Canada, Soldiers of the First World War, 1914-1918
Name: Harry Eustace Boorman
Residence: Vancouver, British Columbia
Birth Date: 16 Jun 1881
Birth Location: London, England
Relative: Daisy Louise Boorman
[Officers Declaration Paper; Unit 68th o/s Depot Field Batter, Rank: Captain; Residence: 6787 Davie Street, Vancouver; financial agent; Church of England; belongs to 72nd Seaforth? Highlanders of Canada, formerly 6 yrs 5# Regt C Artillery Victoria BC; medical examination, considered fit for Canadian Over-Seas Expeditionary Force on May 4th 1916 in Vancouver] - stampted 15 May 1916. medical exam May 4 1916 Vancouver BC - fit for CEF
- WW 1 Army Major in Artillery
- 1921 Census of Canada
Name: Harry Boorman
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Married
Age: 40
Birth Year: abt 1881
Birth Place: England
Relation to Head of House: Head
Spouse's Name: Daisy Boorman
Father Birth Place: England
Mother Birth Place: England
Year of Immigration: 1895
Racial or Tribal Origin: English
Province or Territory: British Columbia
District: Nanaimo
District Number: 19
Sub-District: New Castle
Sub-District Number: 48
City, Town or Village: Oak Bay (Saanich)
Parish or Township: 1318 Beach David [Drive]
Municipality: Oak Bay
Occupation: Florist
Household Members: [all Protestant]
Name Age
Harry Boorman 40 - head, rents $50 single wood house, b England. immig 1895, occup indexed as Florist [could be an attempt to spell Finance], OA, nature of work: Bonds
Daisy Boorman 33 - wife, b Manitoba
William Boorman 10 - son, b USA crossed out, BC,
Kenneth Boorman 8 - son, b BC
John Boorman 6 - son, b BC
Sheila Boorman 24 [3 crossed out, 4] - daughter, b BC
Audrey Boorman 6/12 - daughter, b BC,
[enumerated by Dudley Johnson!]
- 1925 Directory
Harry Boorman working as manager for BC Bond Corp, res 1818 Fairfiled Victoria
Frances Boorman 2640 (or 2840?) Cook Street
Albert Boorman, Earlston Ave, forman at Cameron Lumber
- 1929 Wrigley’s BC Directory - Victoria
Boorman Albt S formn Cameron Lbr h ns Earlston nr Palo Alta
Boorman E r RR4
Boorman Harry E pres BC Bond Corpn h 2021 Runnymede
Boorman Winnifred G mangr H B Co r ns Earlston nr Palo Alta
- 1930 Wrigley’s BC Directory - Victoria
Albt S, formn Cameron Lbr, home ns Earlston nr Palo Alta
Frances Boorman, r 1422 Fort Street
Harry E Boorman, mgr BC Bond Corpn, h 2021 Runnymede
Wm I Boorman, student Victoria College, 2021 Runnymead
Winnifred Boorman, stenographer with Great West life, r ns Earlstone nr Palo Alto
- 1931 Wrigley’s BC Directory - Victoria, pg 1742
Boorman A formn Cameron Lbr r Mt Tolmie PO
Boorman A Ebenezer game warden BC Govt r Royal Oak PO
Boorman Frances r 1504 Fernwood
Boorman Geo retired r 1319 1/2 Broad
Boorman Harry E stock bkr h 2021 Runnymede
Boorman Ken L clk P R Brown & Sons r 2021 Runnymede
Boorman Sam elev opr Campbell Bldg h 824 Courtney
Boorman Wm I boardmarker Logan & Bryan r 2021 Runnymede
Boorman Winnifred G sten Great West Life r Earlston
- 1932 Wrigley’s BC Directory - Victoria, pg 1727
Boorman A formn Cameron Lbr r Mt Tolmie PO
Boorman A Ebenezer game warden BC Govt r Royal Oak PO
Boorman Frances r 1504 Fernwood
Boorman Harry E stock broker h 2021 Runnymede
Boorman John fountain disp Terry’s r 2021 Runnymede
Boorman Ken L clk P R Brown & Sons r 2021 runnymede
Sara elev opr Campbell Bldg h 209 Menzies
Wm I board marker Logan & Bryan r 2021 Runnymede
Boorman Winnifred G sten Great West Life r Earlston Mt Tolmie PO
- 1933 from
“Our History. Since 1933, when Boorman's was first established as a family enterprise, we have made a mark in Victoria by consistently providing quality customer service in every facet of our business. Every member of our team is an experienced professional of the highest integrity. We are a full-service company with a proven track record in assisting our clients with Real Estate Sales, Mortgages, Leasing and Property Management.” Listed as “Boorman’s since 1933” Serving Victoria for 4 generations
- 1933 According to the Wrigley’s Greater Vancouver and New Westminster directory (including a listing of other BC Towns): Victoria population = 61,456, capital of BC, lat 48 deg 25 min N, long 123 deg 22 min W. Adjoing municipalities include Oak Bay, Esquimalt and part of Saanich. No name directly for Victoria included.
- 1934 Sun British Columbia Directory, Victoria page 2092 [file name say page 016]
Boorman A Ebenezer game warden BC Govt r Royal Oak PO
Boorman A S formn Cameron Lbr R Mt Polmie PO
Boorman Frances r 806 Cook
Boorman Harry E of Boorman Invest h 2431 Currie
Boorman Investment Co Ltd H E Boorman mgr 215, 620 View
Boorman John S fountain disp Terry’s r 2431 Currie
Boorman Ken L clk Royal Trust r 2431 Currie
Boorman Percy carp h ws Shelbourne (Saan)
Boorman Sam elev opr Campbell Bldg h 1628 Chambers
Boorman Wm I slsmn Boorman Invest r 2431 Currie
Boorman Winnifred G sten Great West Life r Earlston Mt Tolmie PO
[Boorman Investments not listed in the BC Classified Business section]
- 1945 BC and Yukon Directory - Victoria, pg
Boorman Mrs - r 936 Collinson
Boorman Albt S (Frances) joiner Yarrows r 3340 Cedar Hill
Boorman Arth retired h 1186 Palmer
Boorman Audrey E clk CB of C r 865 Newport
Boorman Frances r 1319 Stanley
Boorman Harry E (D Louise) mgr Boorman Invest h 865 Newport
Boorman Investment Co Ltd, H E Boorman, Manager. Investment Dealers. Real Estate and Insurance. 313 Central Bldg, 620 View St. Phone E 2132
Boorman John S (J Mary) act serv h 2184 Pentland
Boorman Ken L (Valerie C) act serv r B, 1438 Beach
Boorman Molly waitress Snack Shop r 642 Johnson
Boorman Percy (Phyllis E) joiner Yarrows h 83 Ruby
Boorman Mrs Phyllis E slswm W Jennings & Son r ?? Ruby
Boorman R r RMD4
Boorman Sam (Bessie) h 781 Fairview
Boorman Mrs. Sarah r 857 McClure
Boorman Sheila F clk Bk of NS r 865 Newport
Boorman Wm I (Lilian J) act serv h 749 Island
- 1947 BC and Yukon Directories, Victoria
Boorman Harry E/D Loans?/mgr Boorman Invest h 866 Newport
- 1951 DEATH: Cremated and ashes buried at Royal Oak Burial Park next to his wife and son Ken.
Internet supplied date: Apr 21, 1951 at age 69 (b1881).
Vital Stats Reg. No. 1951-09-004564, BC Archives Microfilm No. B13202, GSU Microfilm No. 2032700.
- British Columbia Death Registrations, 1872-1986 for Frances Jane Robson
Death Date: 21 Apr 1951
Death Place: Victoria, British Columbia, Canada [Royal Jubilee Hospital]
Name: Harry Eustace Boorman
Gender: Male
Age: 69y 10m 7d
Birth Date: 16 Jun 1881
Birthplace: Sussex, England
Marital Status: Married
Spouse: Daisy Louise Johnston
Father: William Scooner [Scoones] Boorman [born England]
Mother: Frances Jane Robson [born England]
Indian Agency:
Indian Band/Tribe:
Film Number: 2032700
Digital Folder Number: 4437581
Image Number: 582
British Columbia Archives Film Number: B13208
Registration Number: 51 09 004564
[added information from film: 30 yrs in municipality, 55 yers in province/canada; Candian, English, married, born Sussex England; permanent residence: 865 Newport Avenue, Oak Bay, Victoria BC; Retired Manager, Director Boorman Invest. last worked 1948, life occupation; informant J S Boorman son of Westdowne Road, Victoria; cremation Apr 23 1951, buried Royal Oak Crematorium, Saanich; COD Congestive Heart Failure preceeded by coronory sclerosis and old coronary Pron?__is 1938; signed RA Hunter MD Apr 23, 1951]
- 1951 Harry E Boorman’s ashes are buried in the Royal Oak Burial Park, Victoria, BC in the “Garden of Remembrance” section (V) on the right near the chapel. His grave is in the upper section below the chapel, in a row of 4 Boorman graves.
Harry E Boorman, age 69, born England, died 4/21/51 Victoria, Section V Plot D, 243
On 30 May 1910 when Harry Eustace was 28, he married
Daisy Louise* JOHNSTON 
, daughter of James Irvine JOHNSTON & Deborah Sophronia KERFOOT, in 1419 Harwood Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Born on 18 Nov 1887 in Emerson, Manitoba, Canada. Daisy Louise* died in Victoria, BC, Canada, on 6 May 1961; she was 73. Buried in May 1961 in Royal Oak Burial Park, Victoria, BC, Canada.
- 1891 Canada census, living in Vancouver City, New Westminster, BC
Name Age
H [J I] Johnston 42 - M, 42, M, [head], O, parents Ireland, Meth, Clothier - about 1849 [James Irvine]
D S Johnston 36 - F, 36, M, Wife, O, parents O, Meth - about 1855 [Deborah Sophronia]
H Johnston 8 - M, 8, un, son, M, parents O, Meth - about 1883 [Howard]
R H [K] Johnston 7 - M, 7, -, son, M, parents O, Meth - about 1884 [Russell Kerfoot Johnston]
M Johnston 5 - Fm, 5, -, son, M, parents O, Meth - about 1886, indexed as a sister [Morely]
V Johnston 3 - F, 3, D, M, parents O, Meth [this should be Daisy]
D Johnston 1 - F, 1, D, BC, parents O, Meth [probably Della]
W I Kerfoot 28 - M, 26?, Bro in L?, O, parents O, Meth, Clothier - [William John Brownell Kerfoot]
not indexed but also listed in household (see image):
Neely A, F, 14, Ireland x 3, Congregational, Domestic, wage earner
- 1901 - living in Vancouver Burrard BC with mother and siblings, age 13, born on Nov 18 1888 in Manitoba.
- With the exception of a short period when they resided in Los Angeles, California, U.S.A, they have resided in Victoria since their marriage.
- 1953 Victoria City and Vancouver Island Directory, Victoria
Boorman Louise wid H E h 866 Newport
From another researcher: 1953 - As of 1953 Harry Boornman was deceased and Daisy resided at 616 View St. Victoria, British Columbia.
- 1961 DEATH: Suffered a lingering death from bowel cancer. Death index shows date as May 6, 1961 in Victoria at age 73 (b1888). Vital Stats Reg. No. 1961-09-008129, BC Archives Microfilm No. B13252, GSU Microfilm No. 2033372.
- 1961 BC Vital Event Death Registration
Name: Daisy Louise Boorman
Event Date: 1961 5 6 (Yr/Mo/Day)
Age: 73
Gender: female
Event Place: Victoria
Reg. Number: 1961-09-005340
B.C. Archives Microfilm Number: B13251
GSU Microfilm Number: 2033372
- 1961 BURIAL: Cremated and buried at Royal Oak Burial Park between husband and son Ken. Nameplate says D. Louise.
- 1961 D Louise Boorman’s ashes are buried in the Royal Oak Burial Park, Victoria, BC in the “Garden of Remembrance” section (V) on the right near the chapel. Her grave is in the upper section below the chapel, in a row of 4 Boorman graves.
D Louise, age 73, born ON, died 5/6/61 Victoria; section V, D,242
- BIRTH: may have been born in Ontario (like her parents) or in Emerson, Manitoba (some other siblings were). Birth year said to be 1887 by Jack Boorman, death record on internet gave 1888. Needs to have been born later in 1887 if she was 73 at death in May, 1961. Can’t find birth registration in Manitoba or BC. Checked Ontario births (1869 to 1911) on - couldn’t find her there either.
- Emerson MN is due south of Winnipeg very near the US border, right where North Dakota borders Minnesota (google maps).
They had the following children:
William Irvine “Bill” BOORMAN (1911-1966)
Kenneth Lloyd BOORMAN (1913-1959)
John Stuart “Jack” BOORMAN (1914-1998)
Sheila Frances BOORMAN (1917-2002)
Audrey Evelyn BOORMAN (1920-1977)